他只填写受到的不论对错的处分: 1925年未经许可打伤工贼留党查看;1931年因政治委员(冯文彬)骂我,我也骂他,军事逮捕;1934年通令逮捕,请示(军委主席项英)收回被缴枪枝未复可否;却不填写1943年改装米兹南推挽式发射机,改善了与延安的联络,受华中局,新四军领导和军委三局的表扬。
Tu only recorded his punishments, be it correct or wrong, such as CCP membership suspended in 1925 because he had wounded an invading gangster; military arrestment due to argument with Red Army radio leader Feng Wenbin in 1931; the non-sense pending military arrestment in 1934. He hid his award such as in 1943 his push-pull transmitter was praised by both New 4th Army and Yan’an HQ.
0019490528010 + 0019490528011 + 0019490528012 + 0019490528013
TU Zuochao’s cloth badge of Shanghai Military Authority, left. Its backside says Financial & Economic Take-over Committee; Title: Rep. ZHANG Xiaomei’s cloth badge of People’s Liberation Army, China, right. Its backside says East China Bureau Women’s Rear School; Title: Student.
1019490500001 + 1019490500002
Left:1908 silver yuan; Center: 1911 silver yuan; Right: 1921silver yuan. ZHANG Xiaomei tried her utmost to have saved 10 silver yuan & sewed them in her belt for emergency use. After house search in 1967 she asked Shenghua to get rid of designs & words thereon. So heating & hammering signs were left. In her senior 70’s she gave them to her kids.
1019490500003 + 1019490500004
TU’s second-hand brief since 1949. Shenghua saw a pistol in it in 1956. In 1956 TU used this second-hand white enamel basin to contain jelly as printing plate and gentian violet as printing ink to make 4 to 5 copies of his autobiography.