Tu Zuochao Exhibition
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Tu Zuochao Exhibition Illustrations in Chronical Order, Part 12 涂作潮陈列室中英文解说,按时间顺序 第十二部分
1019390000003 涂55年自传从67 到72年一直在四 机部军管会和专案 组手中.68-69年间, 无形收报机在“累 计逾千小时的百余 次刑讯”中泄密.82- 84年间涂口述《木 匠的回忆》时解密. TU’s 1955 autobio- graphy was held at 4th Machine-bldg Ministry military authority from ‘67 to‘72.During“100+ tortured interro- gations totalling 1,000+ hours”from ‘68 to ‘69 TU’s shapeless receiver was divulged.So in his Carpenter’s Memoir dictated from ‘82 to ‘84 TU revealed in detail. 0019390000004 ‘95年抗战胜利50 周年,北京青年报发 表了电影《永不消 逝的电波》没有讲 出的故事.中国的土 枪土炮战胜了日寇 的飞机大炮;在秘密 通讯的较量中,中国 人也挫败了学历、 设备和工作环境占 尽优势的日寇专家. In 1995,50th Year of China’s Win in An- ti-Jap War, Beijing Youth Daily told the untold story of mo- vie Ever Lasting Radio Wave with LI Bai as hero. Also in radio war, Chinese beat Jap experts who enjoyed much better training, equipment & work environment. 0019390000005 1997年8月《李白烈士的故事》ISBN7-208-02648-3引述了这个电影中没讲的故事:两个事先计算好线径、孔径和圈数的线圈,临时焊接…拉掉了…揉乱,丢在一边…复原成了收音机. Published in Aug 1997, Story of Mar- tyr LI Bai, ISBN7-208-02648-3, quoted untold story by Ever Lasting Radio Wave: “Two coils…Wire dia- meter, coil diameter & circle num- bers designed in advance…Both coils, temporarily soldered, were taken off, straightened, rubbed and thrown… Back to a common radio set.” 1019390000006 无形收报机原理:线圈1取中放管屏极465KHz;电感偶合到接振荡管栅极的线圈2;形成中频再生,产生465KHz差频振荡;自动增益改人工增益控制3. TU’s invention: Coil 1 gets 465KHz from MF tube’s plate; conductance couples to Coil 2 joining oscilla- tor’s grid; MF regenerated forming a 465KHz beater; automatic gain changed to manual gain control per 3. 1019390000007 无形收报机1940年诞生于上海威海卫路338号.下左: 1995年338号近景.下中:福声时李白家的煤油炉,1987年起展于李白烈士纪念馆.下右:福声时涂家的完全一样的煤油炉,现存本室。 Shapeless receiver was born in ‘40 at 338 Weihaiwu Rd (now Weihai Rd). Bottom left:338 photoed in ‘95. Mid bottom:LI Bai’s kerosene stove in Fusheng time now kept at Martyr LI Bai Memorial since ‘87.Bottom right: twin one for TU Family same time now kept at TU Zuochao Memorial. 1019390000008 涂作潮1955年自传载:时至1941年秋, “学习进度快”的“李白已能任意拆装改换收发报机.”涂作潮建议涂李分家,否则出事时“一网打尽.”李白也赞成.到当年秋,涂作潮也完成了上海地下电台大改小(小到7.5瓦)隐蔽工程.“50到100瓦电台早已收缴,拆成零件。” In his 1955 autobiagraph TU wrote that by autumn 1941 fast learning LI Bai’d willfully assemble or dismentle any transceiver. So TU & LI families lived apart to avoid possible round- up arrestment. Also by autumn 1941, TU’d reduced output of all Shanghai secret radios to 7.5 or 10 W as all ra- dios between 50 & 100 W had been handed in and dismentled into parts. 1019390000010 + 1019390000011 李白(左)上海威海路338号福声无线电公司帐房兼学徒;涂作潮(右,中国刑警学院赵成文教授做照片年轻化处理)福声公司老板兼师傅,时名蒋林根.新中国成立后,裘惠英把烈士的这张照片给了涂作潮.此后很长时间内,她称呼涂作潮夫妇为蒋师傅、蒋师母。 LI Bai (left),accountant & apprentice of (Happy Voice) Fusheng Radio Co at 338 Weihai Rd; TU Zuochao (right, Prof. ZHAO Chengwen juvenized this photo), owner & master of the Happy Voice, alias JIANG Lingen then. Long after 1949, QIU Huiying, widow of the martyr, called Mr & Mrs TU as Master & Mastress Jiang. 1019390000012 郑执中+ 1019390000013 杨健生 郑执中,左,赣兴国(1907-2002) 30年入伍入党,无线电训练班二期.建国后广州电信局长.杨健生,川阆中(1918- 2004) 33年入伍入团,36年入党,福州部队三局局长. 39-41年间在丙台--襄阳南路212号陈秀峰医生处和丁台--常熟路某银行职员家做报务和译电。 Operator Zheng Zhizhong,left (1907- 2002) CPC 1930, radio operator since 1931.Guangzhou Telecommunication Chief in PRC. Code Man Yang Jiansheng (1918-2004) CY 1933, CPC 1936. Monitoring Chief at Taiwan Straits in PRC. In 1939-1941 they operated at Dr Chen Xiufeng’s at 212 Xiangyang Road South and at a bank clerk’s at Changshu Road. 1019390000014 1939年前后涉及中共密台的 上海九江路201号天主堂.当 时的秘密交通何健础(何孟雄 堂兄1895-1973,湘酃县,1925 年入党,建国后中央民族学院 教务主任)1949年后写下了 当时的联系人“尤树勲牧师” (应为神父)2005年资料提供 人:何老三公子何鼎钦;2008 年旧址寻访兼摄影:谢惠民。 Cathedral at 201 Jiujiang Road,Shanghai, involved in CPC radios in 1939.The then messenger He Jianchu (1895-1973, CPC in 1925) recalled in 1949 “Father You Shuxun”there. Doc by He Dingqin,son of He Jian- Chu in 2005. Finding and 0119350221006 苏联北方号邮轮是共产国际的秘密通道,有船上无线电.涂闯登,拟用无线电修理工具证明机务员身份,偷渡苏联,通过共产国际找党.该闯登属无组织行为,邮轮政委拒绝.1936年底,共产国际驻中国总代理宋庆龄在沪送囹圄中的共产国际驻华代表牛兰幼子雅各布登北方号返苏.1935年2月梅兰芳和胡蝶访苏,亦乘北方号离沪,如照片。 鸣谢:朱宏佑;来源:《良友》画报103期 USSR liner North partially photoed in Feb 1935 when Mei Lanfang and Hu Die left Shanghai for USSR. Same liner shipped Commintern China Rep Niulan’s son from Shanghai to USSR in end 1936 organized by Commintern China agent Song Qing- ling. Tu knew North was a Commintern- China secret path with on-board radio. Tu got aboard North with his radio repairing tools so as to go through USSR to find CPC after Long March.North refused to help Tu 1019361212606 西安事变免除了中国共产党的如毛泽东所说的“牢狱之灾.”主纪念地之一是现在的八路军西安办事处纪念馆,位于西安七贤庄. 1936年春夏之交,刘鼎在此建德国牙医温奇-冯海伯(德共党员,犹太人)牙医诊所,实为红军秘密交通站;事变后改名为红军联络处;全面抗战后改名为八路军驻陕办事处;1959年改为现名.至2013年3月,观众逾1,300万. Xi’an Incident saved CPC from what Mao said as disaster for jail. A main old site was German Dentist Herbert Wunsch Clinic at Qixuanzhuang set up by Liu Ding in May- June 1936 as a Red Army liaison office for vital supply. Later changed name to 8th Route Army Office. Since 1959 it’s been known as Xi’an 8th Route Army Liaison Office Museum. 13 million visitors by 2014. 1019361212707 西安八路军办事处纪念馆 2013年时的涂作潮解说词: “亲手装配秘密交通站的电 台,为全国各地收听中共中 央设在保安的红色中华通 讯社的消息起到了很大作 用.”更准确的解说词应是: 西安事变前独自设计制作 5瓦交流、5瓦交直流两用 和100瓦电台各一部.西安 事变当日停电,5瓦两用电 台发出捉蒋消息.事变后 100瓦电台亦充当广播电 台,可达北美和东南亚. Xi’an Incident Memorial 2013 Tu illustration says: Personally built radio for secret liaison station. A big role in letting China hear CPC broadcasting from north Shanxi. More faithful illustration can be: Personally designed and built 3 radios, one 5-Watt, one 5-W for both AC and DC and one 100-W. Power cut on 12 December. Jiang arrestment news from the 5-W AC+DC. The 100-W also served as CPC broad- caster post-incident,reach- ing Southeast Asia and North America. 1019361212808 1:1 model of 100 W radio Tu completed, Xi’an Incident eve, based on Lin Qing photo in Jan, 1937. 涂作潮西安事变当 夜完工的100电台 的1:1模型。根据 林青1937年1月 照片。 1019370000303 中共秘密电台设置地之一,香山路7号孙中山故居、至1937年的宋庆龄公馆。1914年筑该路,长328米,宽12米余,以法国戏剧家命名莫利爱路;1918年起孙中山夫妇入住该址;1943年起改名香山路。 A location of CPC secret radio at 7 Xiangshan Road, 328 M long and 12 M wide. Used to be Rue Moliere, named after the famous French playwright in 1914 when the road was constructed. Home for Dr. Sun Yatsen and wife since 1918. It was renamed after Dr Sun Yatsen’s hometown as Xiangshan Road in 1943. 0019390700006 1937年涂作潮恶补超外差技术。6元买的二手收音机,改装成效果颇好的中短波外差机.王少春牵线, 60元卖德国赫斯医生.恒利无线电公司就此开张。1939年7月《永安月刊》185元促销“增你智”中短波外差收音机.拼装机索价为2年后美国著名品牌机的1/3不足,尚属合理。鸣谢:上海档案馆《档案春秋》2013年10期周晓瑛编辑 Tu upgraded an old Japanese radio of Yuan 6 to a 2-band super-heterodyne. So to improve his skills. Sold at Y. 60 to Dr. Heiss via Wang Shaochun in 1937 and his Evergain Radio Co so opened. Compared with top brand Zenith 2-band radio sales price Yuan 185 in Jul 1939, Tu’s self-made of 1/3 price was not dear. Ack. Shanghai Archival 2013 Issue 10 Zhou Xiaoying 以下是2015年3月25日以后的增补 个人初步成果:雷峰塔藏经?? 藏经之砖莫知始?族兄?西子湖边屈久必伸夫岂偶然披沙得之琬琰若为性一先生得藏经砖于西湖为题记癸酉嘉平?? 黄性一藏经砖 1 雷峰塔藏经?? 黄性一藏经砖 2 藏经之砖,莫知始年;??光?,西子湖边;屈久必伸,夫岂偶然;披沙得之,琬琰若为, 性一先生得藏经砖于西湖 ?为题记 葵酉嘉平(1933年农历12月) 19530700009 黄性一见龚饮冰 诗作 东交民巷中国银行应龚饮冰兄午饭之招 江山已为兴亡改,庶政维新国富张,巨宅尽随旙易主,佳人久去路尤香(是日巷中所见), 别来消息书频寄,病后生涯酒不尝,回首前尘如一?,但看两鬓渐成霜。 1019360000001 xiao二号字体 刘鼎密信致李克农(涂作潮农历八月中秋抵西安前): “你三十日 来信,关大五台事,顶糟了,看不明白,如果你不懂得大五台,双台,何意,请问王先生,他同我约的名目,八月开. CSR有人说听不见,大概同大的一个样的毛病,也须得要他们麻烦一下,多搬运番吧.少坤不管他人事,大概另行找一找新闻而乙,我想他数日,内可开开.” 根据史实,这两段密语似可解读为: 你三十日 来信关于小(关键处故意颠倒)型五瓦电台的事,说得太不清楚,我看不明白.如果你不懂小五瓦电台和交直流两(双为两,两为两用;双十二那日停电,捉蒋的消息由交直流两用机发出)用电台,请你去问军委三局的王诤.他和我约定过电台方面的密码术语.小型五瓦台和交直流两用台,将在八月份开始制作 延安(红中社,China Soviet Republic)的电报,王以哲说他的电台収不到.大概的问题是延安的发射功率不够,如同西安的小五瓦机向延安发报,发射功率偏小,无法直达.(西安和延安的通报,用五瓦机时,由设在洛川的朱理治电台接力中转)这也要王诤他们(如不增加发射功率,则)多调整天线位置,朝向或发射时间.彭绍坤专司收发报,无法顾及其他.他大概要在不同的频段和时间多留心延安的呼叫。我想他近日应该能成功。 1019370000202 1937-1942涂作潮为 酬谢巡捕,招待打麻 将时,自己该挺张时 不挺张,坐等巡捕和 牌,自己心甘情愿地 输钱,妻妹张美珍发 现姐夫输牌的秘密。 In order to reward the cop who helped with his move- around, Tu purposely gave up his necessary tile to win. When the cop claimed a tile to win,he willingly paid his lost money, 1937-1942. 0019390700007 1937年涂作潮恶补超外差技术。6元买二手收音机,改装成效果颇好的中短波外差机.王少春牵线, 60元卖德国赫斯医生.恒利无线电公司就此开张。1939年7月《永安月刊》185元促销“增你智”中短波外差收音机.拼装机索价为2年后美国著名品牌机的1/3不足,尚属合理。鸣谢:上海档案馆《档案春秋》2013年10期周晓瑛编辑 Tu upgraded an old Jap radio at Yuan 6 to a 2-band super-heterodyne. Sold at Y. 60 to Dr. Heiss via Wang Shaochun in 1937 when his Hengli Radio Co opened.Compared with top brand Zenith 2-band radio sales price Y. 185 in Jul 1939, Tu’s self- made of 1/3 price was not dear. Ack. Shanghai Archival Zhou Xiaoying 0019391210001 1939年12月10日,日寇占领下的北京特别市公署警察局通告:所有收音机使用人必须一式三份备案,涉及该机系成品购买或自配而成,波长范围,天线长度,电子管数目,线路名称,电源方式等.这说明敌伪非常警觉收音机和电台的干系. 资料提供人:候錱女士 On Dec 10, 1939 when Jap occupation continued, Beijing Police demanded all radio users file his or hers in 3 copies regarding self or factory made, frequency range, antenna length, number of tubes, method of circuit and AC or DC power supply, etc. This showed their high vigilance over relations between family radio sets and radio transceivers. Ack.: Jane Hou 1019410000001 China Electronic Chamber of Commerce and Modern Electronic City built in 2000 used to be what Tu counted as Station III, Dr Chen Xiufeng Clinic, 212 Route Tenant de la Tour or Xiangyang Rd (S) now. Dr Chen told Tu how his rela- tive Martyr Chen Shengyu was executed in Wuhan in 1927. Here, Tu showed his superior how a 100-W big radio would readily expose. And here, a 10-W radio made of Tube 6L6 by Tu came as a replacement. The operator at Station III was Zheng Zezhong. 约2000年落成的中国电子 商会和现代电子城是涂依次 计为“丙台”的拉都路(现襄 阳南路)212号陈秀峰医生诊 所旧址.陈医生向涂介绍了 亲戚陈声煜1927年在武汉的 就义情况.涂在此向上级展示 了100瓦电台如何容易暴露 并随后用6L6管做的10瓦 电台替换.丙台报务员是郑则 中.原100瓦台迁往在东京路 赵牧师教堂的“庚台.” China Electronic Chamber of Commerce and Modern Electronic City built in about 2000 used to be what TU counted as Station III at Dr CHEN Clinic, 212 Route Tenant de la Tour or Xiang- yang Road (S) now. Here, Dr CHEN told TU how his rela- tive Martyr CHEN Shengyu was executed in Wuhan in 1927. Here, TU showed his superior how any 100-W big radio would readily expose. And here, a 10-W radio made of Tube 6L6 by TU came as a replacement. Radio operator at Station III was ZHENG Zezhong. 1019410000002 1941年某日涂奉命把设在拉都路(现襄阳路)212号陈秀峰医生(陈声煜烈士亲戚)处的100瓦电台转移到东京路(现昌平路) 127-129-131号赵子安牧师的教堂.(陈医生处改用耗电少得多的不易引起注意的10瓦电台)蓝天美发厅左为127号,右为131号.涂1956年自传依次把东京路赵牧师处电台称为“庚台.” 鸣谢:2001年1月17日苏海一先生实地考证并摄影 In 1941 Tu moved the 100-W transceiver from Dr Chen Xiufeng (relative to Martyr Chen Shengyu) Clinic at 212 Route Tenant de la Tour (now Xiangyang Rd S) to Clergyman Zhao Zi’an’s Church at 127-129-131 Tokyo (now Changping) Road. Tu’s 1956 autobiography counted the church radio as “Station VII.” The then 129 is now BlueSky Beauty Saloon. Ack.: located and photoed by Mr. Su Haiyi 01-17-2001 1019410000003 1941年冬,由虞瑞中的惠明无线电公司作保,涂向新闸路1520号严耀生母亲租房,开闻远无线电公司,继续制作-修理-改装密台.1996年5月31日严的遗孀(照片左)和同院的表兄回忆:蒋师傅夫妇和三个孩子(林方,新华和中华)住阁楼.蒋师母很和气;蒋师傅很爽气,但有时急躁.不到一年就突然搬走了(42年秋李白被捕)解放后蒋师傅来看我们,才知道他本姓涂. In winter 1941 with Yu Ruizhong’s Huiming Radio Co guarantee, Tu leased this house from Yan Yaosheng’s mum for HearFar Radio Co going on his secret service. On 05-31-1996 Yan’s widow (left) and her cousin recalled: “Jiang Family of 5 lived upstairs. Mrs Jiang was kind. Mr Jiang was frank though with hot temper. Rentals were never late. They suddenly moved in autumn 1942 (when Li Bai was arrested) 1019410000004 Yu Ruizhong (1923 - 2000) A super heterodyne teacher for Tu. Also guarantor for Tu’s lease at 1520 Xinzha Rd for his HearFar Radio Co in 1941. In 1958 Yu became a rightist as he criticized CCP co-owner. He stayed at Lingyuan Jail in Liaoning till 1979. Yu’s skills made Lingyuan Jail Motor Vehicle Meter Plant a best seller. Ack.: Widow Che Lilian 虞瑞中,浙江镇海人,1923年 7月23日生, 1941年冬,才 18岁的惠明无线电公司老 板就给涂作保,租新闸路 1520号门脸开闻远无线电 公司.此后不满20岁的虞又 开上海永生电表厂. 在此前 后教涂外差技术.1958年虞 批评公方领导获罪,打成右 派后发配辽宁凌源监狱.他 的技术让监狱汽车仪表厂 生意兴隆.1979年平反. 2000年9月8日逝于上海。 鸣谢: 遗孀 车黎莲 YU Ruizhong, from 23 July 1923 to 8 Sept 2000. In Winter of 1941 this 18-year- old owner of Huiming (Benefiting People) Radio Co guaranteed for TU who leased 1520 Xinzha Rd for Wenyuan (Hearing Far) Radio Co.YU was already owner of Yongsheng (Longi- vity) Electric Meter Works when 19 years old. In 1958 YU became a rightist as he he criticised CPC co-owner. He stayed at Lingyuan Jail in Liaoning till 1979. YU’s skills made Lingyuan Jail Motor Vehicle Meter Plant a best seller. 1019410000005 CCP Military Com 3rd Buro chief, Radio Corp chief, deputy chief of General Staff and Radio minister Wang Zheng’s 100th birth day was commemorated in May 2009 followed in internet by this Yan’an-centered CP radio route map in Anti Jap War: A,CP Central;B,CP Military Com.;C,Intelligence; D,Xin- hua News Agency;E,Military Com Reports; F, Security Forces; G, Local Forces; H, Business intelligence.Though with at least 8 radios,Shang- hai was not included. This seemed Shanghai radios were either controled by top CP leaders or at a higher secrecy. 2009年纪念军委三局局长、 通信兵部长、副总长、四机 部长和总参四部部长王诤百 年诞辰后发表在网上的抗战 时期以延安为中心的电讯联 络网图列明A中央, B军委, C情报,D新华社,E军委战报, F保安部队,G留守兵团,H边 区商业情报.至少有8部电台 的上海不在其中,似乎表明和 上海的联络仅由中央核心领 导掌握或密级更高. CCP Military Com 3rd Buro chief, Radio Corp chief, deputy chief of General Staff and Radio minister Wang Zheng’s 100th birth day was commemorated in May 2009 in Baidu internet by this Yan’an-centered CCP radio route map in Anti Jap War: A,CCP Central; B,Military Com.;C,Intelligence;D,Xin- hua News Agency;E,Military Com Reports; F, Security Forces; G, Local Forces; H, Business intelligence.Though with at least 8 radios,Shang- hai was not included. This seems Shanghai radios were controlled by top CCP only and/or at a higher secrecy. 0019421000001 1942年9月15日李白被捕. 地下党转移了和李关系最近 的涂.临别前丈夫泪水涟涟地 向结婚五年的妻子说了实话: “我的真名字是涂作潮.我如 果以后回不来了,如果共产党 坐了天下,你去问毛泽东,涂作 潮在哪?他会给你们饭吃的.” 十月,眼看地下党的接济杯水 车薪,张小梅无奈中只得带着 林方(10岁),新华(3岁),不满 月的中华投奔了妹妹张美珍. Li Bai was arrested 09-15- 1942.CCP withdrew Tu who closest to Li. Upon farewell, weeping husband told truth: “My true name is Tu Zuo- chao.If I don’t return and if Communists are in power, you ask Mao Zedong for Tu Zuochao.He’ll support you.” CCP underground support was too little to live on. Zhang Xiaomei’d no way out but brought Linfang of 10, Xinhua of 3, Zhonghua of 1 month old for refuge at younger sister Meizhen’s home in Oct 1942. 0019421000002 张美珍和半岁的大女儿大囡 住泥城桥开封路洽兴里14号 (今曲阜路222弄14号) 3.15 X2.75米的亭子间,室内最高 处2.5米,最低处1.5米,窗口 朝南(淡绿色).俩成人和四个 孩子挤在不足8.5平米中.为 给姐姐一家报户口,妹妹给保 长儿子当奶妈,结果大囡严重 营养不良而死于白喉.泥城桥 一带是贫民窟,路有冻死骨是 家常便饭. Zhang Meizhen and Danan, her 6-month-old daughter, lived at 14 Qiaxingli,Kaifeng Rd,Nichengqiao. Her home was 3.15 by 2.75 M. The room’s highest was 2.5 while lowest was 1.5 M. It had a window(now painted green) Two adults and 4 kids were packed in less than 73 sq ft. Meizhen breast fed son of local justice of peace in order to get residence permit for Xiaomei. Danan suffered from severe malnu- trition & died of diphtheria. Nichengqiao was notorious slum. Dead people in street by hunger or cold were too many. 0019421000003 2000年3月15日,外甥涂胜 华请姨母辨认旧址.儿媳徐德 意搀扶张美珍旧地重游.离开 后50多年没有回来过的八 旬老人到了泥城桥一带马上 就给出租司机指路,下车后不 问路,毫不迟疑地就快步走到 旧居.但是她已经无法攀登狭 窄陡峭的楼梯,她在照相留念 时抚今追昔,欷歔不已. 03-15-2000 Shenghua Tu asked Auntie to re-visit old home. Helped by Xu Deyi, her daughter in law,80-year- old Zhang Meizhen visited Nichengqiao where she was Away for 50 years. She was able to lead the way for taxi driver when in Nichengqiao. She found her way without any hesitation though she’d not climb steep stairs. She sighed and sighed in front of camera. 1019421000004 1942年9-10月间由地下交通王尧山带领,涂作潮撤离上海,经南京,六合,居镇到江苏省委机关所在地泥皮湾.1943年,他在3公里外的盱眙县黄花塘的新四军军部任电台机务主任。他在这里用米兹南电路和推挽电路,改装了发报机,让原来15瓦的发射功率提高到相当50瓦的效果,受三局通报表扬。这是2008年时的新四军纪念馆,后面约百米处是当年的军部。 In Set-Oct 1942, CCP secret service man Wang Raoshan took Tu out of Shanghai. He arrived at CCP Jiangsu Provincial headquarters and New 4th Army HQ located in Nipiwan, Jiangsu. He was head of radio engineering at N4A HQ in 1943. Here, he used Mitznan and push-pull circuits and increased transmitting power from 15 to 50 W. CCP central radio bureau circulated a note of commendation. N4A Museum in 2008. The then N4A HQ was 300 ft behind. 1019430500001 Political reason for Li Bai’s release in May 1943 was a full CCP rescue. Operator was Hua Kezhi.Middleman was Ren An. Bail was Zhou Fohai. Hua Kezhi (1902- 1998) was KMT Nanjing Youth Director. His action failed to assassinate Chiang Kai-shek in 1935.The action fatally wounded Wang Jing- wei. He joined CCP in 1937 thus a CCP secret service man under Pan Hannian. 1943年5月李白获释的政治 原因:中共全力营救.主办华 克之;中人任庵;保人周佛海。 华克之,江苏宝应县范水镇人, 1902-12 -20生,1998-1-7逝. 原国民党南京青年部长,1935 年组织刺杀蒋介石未成,重伤 汪精卫.1937年入党后由潘汉 年领导,传奇英雄。 1019430500002 Ren An, alias Zhang Zhenyun or Zhang Shuping(1898-1970) Hua’s buddy since 1928. Once owner of 400,000 books at Yueyun Library, Changsha. Released KMT top secret to CPC in 1933. Another Pan Hannian man since 1937. Outside mainland since 1948. Died in Hong Kong. 任庵,字忍安,张振鋆,张叔 平,祖籍长沙,1898年生于 广东.清末重臣张百熙之二 子,藏书家,曾拥有长沙岳云 楼40万册藏书,华克之起自 1928年的至交.1933年国民 政府处理福建事件的代表, 泄底牌机密给中共.1937年 起归潘汉年领导.1948年潜 伏境外.1970-5-13终老香港 1019430500003 Zhou Fohai (1897-1948) Acting CPC leader in 1921. KMT Propaganda Minister in 1924. Wang Jingwei quisling government police minister and Shanghai mayor since 1940. Life sentence after WWII. 周佛海(1897-1948)湘沅陵, 中共一大代理书记.1924年 国共合作期间任国民党中宣 部长.1940年任汪伪警政部 长兼上海特别市市长.抗战 胜利后判无期徒刑。 Li Bai was freed in May 1943 due to guarantor Zhou Fohai (R, 1897-1948, CPC acting secretary 1921, KMT propoganda ministery after 1924, Jap-hatched quisling Police and Administration Minister and Shanghai Mayor since 1940) approached by KMT veteran General Ren An (CV and photo unavailable) via Hua Kezhi (L, 20-12-1902:7-1-1998, would-be assasin of Jiang Jieshi, but seriously wounded Wang Jingwei in 1935, CPC 1937, CPC secret service hero) 1019430000001 + 1019430000002 + 1019430000003 + 1019430000004 左,朱连,江西安福(1913-1948) 31年入党,参加各次反围剿和长征, 43年和曹维廉协同涂作潮用米兹南(接近丙类放大效果)推挽方法,让国民党提供的15瓦发报机达到50瓦的效果,畅通苏北-延安通信.为避开侦察,发射频率改到26米以上,100米以下.右自《中国人民解放军通信兵史》,右中自涂56年自传,右下自涂作潮《木匠的回忆》 Left,Zhu Lian(1913-1948)& Cao Wei lian assisted Tu in Mitznam push- pull to raise 15W to 50W transmitt- ing,so smooth signal between New 4th Army & Yanan. KMT gave radios to N4A.To avoid spying, Tu, Zhu & Cao lowered frequency from 100M & lifted from 26M. Right up from PLA Communication Corp History. Right mid from Tu 1956 memoir. Right bottom from Tu 1981 memoir 1019431200001 43年12月,地下交通把母亲和三个孩子从上海转移到新四军苏北根据地▲.次年初涂作潮一家徒步,骑马,轮船,火车,汽车,经烟台■,天津♦,北平★,太原♦,过黄河,再经陕西佳县☼,终于44年7月到延安★.行3千公里.如无日寇封锁,苏北到延安直线. . . .距离1千公里 In Dec 1943 CPC underground brought Mother & 3 kids from Shanghai to north Jiangsu base area▲.In Jan 1944 Tu Family of 5 went through Yantai■, Tianjin♦,Peking★,Taiyuan♦& Jiaxian☼,etc to Yan’an★in July covering 3,000 Km by walking, horse riding, truck, boat & train, etc. Without Jap blockade, the trip would have been 1,000 Km only.. 0019440700101 1944年7月到1947年3 月,延安的中央医院关爱 过涂作潮、张小梅夫妇和 林方、新华、中华和延华 一家六口。石门匾上的外 文字,按照字面翻译是中 央疗养院,而不是中央医 院。中国共产党人在夺取 政权前,已经开始憧憬在 社会主义社会中比医院条 件更好的疗养院了。1947 年3月,国军占领延安后 没有拆除这处石门匾。 From July 1944 to March 1947 the Central Hospital had taken good care of Tu family of 6 in Yan’an. It declared to be Central Sanatorium as carved on its stone doorframe. It shows the Communists’d begun looking forward to sanatoriums rather than mere hospitals in China to be taken over. Stone door gate was left intact when KMT army took over Yan’an in 1947. 0019450423001 1947年国军占领延安后,观看中共七大会址的中共中央大礼堂。1945-4-23七大召开前,中华3岁,延华半岁,母亲无法同时带6岁的新华。1928年在六大三次发言的涂作潮无缘17年后的七大,只能带着新华为会场安设电灯。新华好奇,不顾父亲的警告而摸了电线.唯恐父亲责备,新华不敢吭气,但触电的痛苦65年后的2010年仍记忆犹新。 CCP 7th National Congress opened in Yan’an in 1945 when only 11 CCP 6th National Congress delegates in 1928 including Tu were in Yan’an. The 7th didn’t invite Tu. Tu installed lighting for 7th venue, Yan’an Central Auditorium (as seen in 1947). Xinhua of 6 was with Tu on work. She ignored father’s caution and touched wire. Shocked. She dared not to tell father for fear of being blamed. She remembered the shock in 2010, 65 years after the accident. 0019450722001 1944年7月底涂作潮一家五口到延安.44年11月3日三子出生,取名延华.45年7月22日伍云甫日记载“上午涂作潮来访.我与涂未见面已11年了.涂已苍老了.许多头发白了.他已有子女四人.住裴庄.三局颇优待他.现在他每日领到小米一斤,每月油二斤,猪肉四斤,边币二万元(可买20枚鸡蛋),盐和蔬菜不限制.”自涂到延安至探望10年多未谋面却同住一地的老战友,中间隔了一年. End July 1944 Tu Family of 5 arrived in Yan’an. 11-03-1944, 3rd son Yanhua was born. Wu Yunfu wrote in diary 07-22-1945: “Tu came a.m. We’ve not met for 11 years. He’s aged with much gray hair. He’s 4 kids. They live at Peizhuang. No.3 Bureau treats him well. Now he gets 500g millet daily, 1 Kg oil, 2 Kg pork and Base Area Note Yuan 20,000 monthly (worth 20 eggs). Salt and vegetable supply unlimited for him.” 0019451230001 伍云甫日记:“1945年12月30日,星期日,晴.上午忙着准备请客.吉子云(林伯渠厨师)来帮忙.十二时左右先后到曾三(左一)、王诤(左五)、涂作潮(左六)、王子刚(左三)、方仲如(左七)、李强(左八)…大吃大饮之后,照了两张影片.”左二,伍云甫;左四,伍绍祖。 鸣谢:伍绍祖(1939-2012) Wu Yunfu diary:“12-30-1945,fine...Busy for lunch party in morning. Ji Ziyun (Cook for Lin Boqu) came to help. Around 12:00 there came in sequence Zeng San(left 1), Wang Zheng (left 5), Tu Zuochao (left 6), Wang Zigang (left 3), Fang Zhongru (left 7) and Li Qiang (left 8). Having eaten and drunk to our heart extent, we took 2 photos. Left 2 was Wu Yunfu with his son Shaozu, Left 4. Ack. Wu Shaozu (1939-2012) 0019451230002 裴庄,军委三局旧址,陕西省重点文物保护单位.涂任局属无线电材料厂厂长.12-30-1945伍云甫日记载:涂“提出想去学习一下.打算改行.他说王明曾剪断他房里的电线,他也不能实验机器.他把机器连电表、灯一起摔掉了.” 鸣谢:伍绍祖 Peizhuang, location of CCP Central Military Commission 3rd Bureau. Tu was No. 3 Bureau Radio Material Works Director. Wu Yunfu diary 30 Dec 1945 says:“Tu wanted to study for a while and to change to a different job. He said Wand Ming’d cut electricity supply in his room. So no way for his radio lab work. He threw and smashed his radio, electric meter and lamp.” Ack. Wu Shaozu 1019450000001 + 1019450000002 + 1019450000003 延安抗日子弟小学(抗小)校长程今吾(1908-1970)著《延安一学校》33页载:男小孩涂林方,在他的作文上写着:“我(自1944年9月)到抗小已经一年多了,在我刚到抗小的时候,给我一个很深刻的印象,就是有一个二年级的同学,他看见了我搬不动行李,就很快的跑过来,帮我搬.当时我不知道怎么感谢他才好!” A School in Yan’an reads on Page 33: A boy named Tu Linfang wrote in his composition that “I have come to the School (since Sept 1944) for over 1 year. When I arrived, I was impressed deeply. A Year 2 schoolmate, seeing my luggage was too heavy for me to move, rushed for help. I was too grateful to say thank-you to him.” Book author Cheng Jinwu (1908-1970) Yan’an Anti-Jap Youngsters Elementary School dean. 1019450000004 记载涂林方作文的《延安一 学校》原书,林方1950年购, 涂新华收存.新华2014年去 世后,林方将原书交涂作潮陈 列室收展. 1947年林方抗小 毕业,就读通信学校,新华就 读抗小一年级.新华在抗小和 1948年建于西柏坡的育英学 校二年级时的书包,旧军装改 制.母亲绣的涂新华三字,多 年后仍然清晰;母亲钉的两个 铜扣,多年后仍然闪亮。 鸣谢:赵敏,赵琴 A School in Yan’an by Dean Cheng Jinwu (1908-1970) carries a paragraph from Linfang’s composition. Lin- fang bought the book in 1950. Later Xinhua kept it.Xinhua died in 2014, Linfang offered it for showing here. Linfang graduated from Anti-Jap Elementary in 1947 when Xinhua came for Year 1. Xinhua used this bag also for Year 2 at Yuying School in Xibaipo in 1948. Mom made it out of a worn uniform and embroidered Tu Xinhua. 64 years later when the bag was found, the embroidery still looks fresh. Ack. Zhao Min, Jean Zhao 0019460300001 吴泽光,粤潮阳(1910-1946)陕北延长油矿电台台长,携电台参加红军,陕甘宁边区通讯学校校长,晋冀鲁豫通讯分局局长,延安三局通讯学校校长,延安通讯总部通讯学校校长;著有《无线电的磁》和《无线电的收发》.病逝于延安.追悼会后(左起)刘寅,曾三,涂作潮,王诤,王子刚合影. Wu Zeguang (1910-1946) joined Red Army in 1935 with his radio previously for job duty at Yanchang Oil Field, Shanxi. He was Signal School Dean. His publication included Radio Magnetism,Radio Reception and Transmission. After his funeral (from left) Liu Yin, Zeng San, Tu Zuochao, Wang Zheng and Wang Zigang took this photo. 1019460000002 美国民众和华侨捐助的延安洛杉矶幼儿园不收涉密程度高的军委二局和三局的孩子。三局托儿所1946年延安合影:后左起老师霍桂英,刘炳,王保元,长征老红军刘老头;中左一刘法镛子庆阳,左二涂新华,左三周浣白女周莹,左四陈士吾子晓程,左五 ,左六王子刚女黎彦;前一周浣白女稚玲,二王诤子苏民,四刘寅子刘丹. 鸣谢:总参通信部政治部周浣白副主任和三局托儿所吴文瑜所长并子女们保存并提供本照片 Los Angeles Nursery in Yan’an came from US WWII donations. Kids from secret Bureaus 2 & 3 weren’t admitted. Bureau 3’s own Nursery in 1946. Back from left Teachers Huo Guiying, Liu Bing, Wang Baoyuan, Long Marcher Old Liu; Mid left 1 Liu Fayong’s Qingyang, 2 Tu Xinhua, 3 Zhou Ying, 4 Chen Shiwu’s Xiaocheng, 5 , 6 Wang Zigang’s Liyan; Front left 1 Zhou Zhiling, 2 Wang Zheng’s Sumin, 4 Liu Yin’s Dan. Ack. Dean Wu Wenyu & kids 1019470000001 三局托儿所的孩子们1947年延安-西柏坡途中:前左三涂延华(2012年核对儿子涂一波3岁照片后确认自己),右一(胡时全女)胡力力,右二(周浣白女)周稚玲,右三(申光女)申丹妮,右四(刘寅女)刘晨;中左一(顾德兴子)顾苏力;后左一(周浣白女)周莹,左五(申光子)申光光. 鸣谢:周夫人吴文瑜所长一直保存该珍贵照片.周家姐妹供稿. Bureau 3 kids on their way from Yan’an to Xibaipo in 1947: Front, L3 Tu Yanhua (in 2012, checked photo of son Bob Tu when 3, then confirmed), R1 Hu Shiquan’s Lili, R2 Zhou Huanbai’s Zhiling, R3 Shen Guang’s Danni, R4 Liu Yin’s Liu Chen; Mid L1 Gu Xingde’s Suli; Rear L1 Zhou Ying, L5 Shen Guangguang. Ack. Nursery Dean Wu Wenyu,Mrs Zhou,their kids. 0019480000001 Tu Zuochao and Zhang Xiaomei got married in Jap-occupied Shanghai in 1937. They had no family photo until 11 years later in Xibaipo area in 1948. From left: father, Xinhua, Yanhua, Mother and Zhonghua. Big son Linfang was not in the photo. He joined in CCP army in 1947. Pinghua was born in end 1948.Shenghua end 1950. 涂作潮和张小梅1937年成 家。11年后1948年在西柏 坡的第一张全家福仍然缺少 长子林方.林方1947年参军. 左起,父,新华,延华,母,中华。 平华1948年底出生;胜华生 于1950年底。照片背后父 亲注释“1948吴(武)家坪.” 0019481229001 + 0019941014001 上图1-2-3是无形收报机的秘 密.李白第三次被捕前,因工作 量太大,虚线表示的临时线卷 1和2给做成固定的了…1994 年10月14日北京邮电大学为 李白烈士塑像揭幕.烈士家属 李恒胜和校方请涂胜华帮忙发 请柬.涂胜华请到了罗青长、 江文、龙振彪、汪名震等和曾 三、伍云甫、陈明、李长春、 李建华、刘少文、刘寅、田保 洪、何健础等的遗属共22户. 彭伟光另请到了曾庆红.李恒胜 和扮演李侠的演员孙道临在涂 家的请柬上签名. 1-2-3 above are the secret of shapeless receiver. Temporary coils 1 & 2 were fixed due to heavy work load before LI Bai was arrested for third and last time ...On 14 Oct 1994 Beijing Post and Communication Uni set up LI Bai statue.Shenghua helped invite 22 families con- cerned. Hengsheng, son of the martyr, & SUN Daolin, actor for Hero LI Xia of the Ever Lasting Radio Waves, signed this invitation for TU family. 1019490000001 上海酵母厂的前身是1949年以前以丹麦公司名义向中国政府注册的大华利酵母厂.老照片的工厂烟囱上尚有大华(利)字样.厂门口广告牌的字迹清晰可辨.丹麦Danisco Spirit公司提供本照片. Shanghai Yeast Facotry was formerly Asiatic Yeast Works Ltd. On this pre-1949 photo the factory name in Chinese can still be seen. The ad in front shows product name in both Chinese and English. Danisco Spirit of Denmark kindly provided copy of this old photo. 0019490109001 1948年9-10月间,涂新华 在西柏坡的育英小学住读 二年级.别人洗脸洗脚仅一 个盆,新华却有两个,父亲用 飞机残骸打制.1949年1月 9日第一学期体检表记载, 9岁女孩一学期的体重仅 增306克.营养缺乏也见诸 “颈部淋巴腺肿大且有压 痛.”二下开学不久,父亲随 南下干部团开拔,接走女儿. 1947年9月新华在延安孙 家沟的抗日子弟学校读一 年级.体弱多病,休学一学期 Xinhua’s health report on 01-09-1949 for her 1st term, Year 2 at Yuying School. Most other pupils had 1 basin each for both face and feet. But Xinhua had 2. Father made them from aircraft ruins.The 9-year- older gained only 306 g from Sep-Oct 1948 to Jan 1949. Malnutrition also recorded in this report: “enlarged lymph gland with pain on pressing.”In Feb 1949 hardly had she studied for a few days did Father take Xinhua and family southward to take over Shanghai. 0019490110001 1949年1月10日育英小学涂新华二上成绩单:总分93.3为全班18人中第一.该学期作业:算术每天两题,共40;国语每天写半课,共11;方字每两天写一篇,共15.1949年5月到上海后,新华就读南京西路某小学,襄阳南路海光小学,永嘉路二小和禾阗路新华小学.她小学六年,共就读六个学校.因为健康和迁徙原因,累计上学时间4学年。 Xinhua’s score sheet for Term 1 Year 2 issued on 10 Jan 1949. Her 93.3 ranked first in her class of 18 pupils. She studied at 6 different primary schools. One in Yan’an, Shanxi; one in Xibaipo, Hebei and four in Shanghai. Health reason and family moving reduced her would-be 6 years down to 4 school years only. 00194903015010/.。。11美国版 涂作潮调离三局时的鉴定 1949-3-15,优点…缺点:严肃有余,灵活不足;上纲上线;脾气较大;提意见时不适当估计场合并摆正自己的位置.张小梅听到刘寅副局长临别聚餐赠言:“给你位置高了,怕你拿不住;给低了,又有怕你不高兴 CCP appraisal 03-15-1949 upon Tu out of 3rd Bureau lists his defects: A martinet lacking flexibi- lity; politically overstates; hot tem- per;can’t find a right occasion and place himself in a right place when he criticizes. Deputy head Liu Yin said: “If U’re placed high here, U can’t hold it.If low,U’re unhappy.” 0019490528000 1949年5月28日中国人民 解放军上海市军事管制委员 会主任陈毅、副主任粟裕签 署了接财字第四号命令,任 涂作潮为接管中央无线电公 司的军事代表。该所研究所 工程师王安此前离开中国, 后在美国发展成电脑大王。 On 28 May 1949, Director Chen Yi and his Deputy Su Yu signed this No. 4 Order on behalf of PLA Shanghai Municipal Military Administration to appoint Tu Zuochao as military representative to take over Central Radio Company. Wang An,a former engineer therein, had earlier left for USA to become Computer Wang later. 0019490528001 1949年5月28日,上海解 放的第二天,中国人民解放 军上海市军事管制委员会 向涂作潮颁发了接财字第 二号命令,委任涂作潮做军 代表,接管原中央有线电器 材公司.该命令原件存涂作 潮陈列室。 On 28 May 1949, one day after Shanghai was libera- ted, a Number 2 order was issued by Shanghai Milita- ry Administration(different from the one in cultural revolution 1966-1976) ap- pointing TU Zuochao as Military Rep to take over former Central Wire Appli- ances Co. Original order now kept at this Memorial.