0019521016101/2/3/4 1952-10-16涂作潮填写长达 9页的党员登记表.历史证明, 字与行间的低调和严以律己 只能更委屈自己和家人,在接 踵不断的政治运动中屡次当 替罪羊,最终家破人亡。 亲友情况交代:堂妻弟张 梅村日占初期曾来过几次.后 在张阿六部下,大约搞特务.在 川沙据说有五、六次血债.解 放后来过.51年有人见过,还 在上海.虞瑞中和国民党有一 定关系。宋金朝长子在台湾。 经历和职务及证人:坚持 不提参加六大和大会发言;中 央代表;为红军电信业务而请 辞无线电队政委:军委材料处 主任;军委材料厂厂长.仍然 隐去证人刘少奇,朱德,刘伯 承,邓颖超,毛泽东等大名字。 《何种革命活动?有何贡 献?》栏目有1/3页,而涂仅填 写“参加过五卅;1930-1942红 军及地下电台工作”他只要识 时务地实话实说,也不必增加 附页,就足以让人另眼相看: 1920年参加毛泽东参与指导 的湖南劳工会;响应党中央掀 起反帝运动的号召,公开讲演 声援顾正红案,入狱一月,狱中 鼓动绝食,受刑.第三次反围剿 前,增设秘密波段,避开国民党 军监听.材料厂也生产手榴弹, 用于反围剿.西安事变前单独 制作了三部电台,其中100瓦 电台兼做广播电台,宣传我党 统一战线.1940年把上海到延 安的发射功率从50瓦以上降 到7.5瓦,增加了隐蔽性;利用 普通收音机收报成功,李白因 此躲过一劫.相容另报。 奖励与处分:只字不提表 扬,如新四军时期把15瓦发报 机仅通过线路改造就增至50 瓦,军委三局通报表扬。五卅 开枪击退流氓,冯文彬捆绑,项 英通令逮捕和西安玩笑导致 李伯钊告状后的警告处分,本 属冤案或畸重,填表人居然不 在《备注》中说明原委,任由 审干人员发挥负面想象,呜呼. 党员登记表本是仕途迁升 的必由之路.涂作潮反其道而 行之地写下“作为一个共产主 义的党有我不多,无我也不少” “克服不满情绪.过去之经验是 不去想.但新冤重逢,不免再发. 按少奇同志整党报告精神,如 遇通知退出,我将无怨的接受” 组织鉴定:主观片面性很强. 分析问题欠全面.不能虚心接 别人意见.工作方式比较事务. 对全所业务工作掌握不够.对 革命事业表现得忠诚负责。 0019521016105/6/7/8/9 10-16-1952 Tu filled out this 9-page CCP Registration. His low profile and self-restriction led to his further disgrace and a scapegoat in coming political movements.His family was to Suffer accordingly with death, illness and unemployment, etc. Tu reported his wife’s cousin was a quisling detective with 5 to 6 debts of blood; his radio teacher Yu Ruizhong might have KMT connection; and his match maker Song Jinchao had a son in Taiwan. When filling out Experiences, Positions and Witnesses, he hid his participation and speeches at CCP 6th National Congress; his radio team political commissar and his voluntary resignation so as to ensure his radio engineering unaffected; and his military commission radio parts section chief and later factory director. He hid big name witnesses such as Liu Shaoqi, Zhu De, Liu Bocheng, Deng Yingchao, Mao Zedong, etc. Questions on CCP activities & contributions had 1/3 page for his answers.He only wrote “joined in May 30 Movement. Red Army radio and under- ground radios 1930-1942.”His truthful answers should have totally changed his fate, and his family’s.Suggested version for his would-be entries: A 1920 Hunan Trade Union man also led by Mao Zedong. In response to CCP call for anti- imperialist movement, public speech before May 30 Move- ment. Jailed 1 month. Tried for collective hunger strike. Punished with torture. Added a secret band for all Central Red Army radios by end 1931. So to avoid KMT monitoring. Organized hand grenade production by my radio works thus an extra contribution for anti annihilation wars. Self made 3 radios before Xi’an Incident. Of them the 100 W was a concurrent broadcaster for CCP united front, etc. In 1940, reduced Shanghai to Yan’an output from 50+ W to 7.5 W, thus more secrecy. Succeeded in receiving signals by a normal radio set. This helped release for Li Bai in 1943. Details upon request. Praises section was blank. Tu improved the 15W radio in 1943 and made all the rest as effective as 50W. He got a circulated notice of commen- dation. Discipline Punishment-- He filled out disciplines for his 1925 shooting; binding him on a tree in 1931, the circulated notice of pending military arrestment in 1934;a telegram warning in 1936. The 4 events were either wrong cases or abnormally heavy handed. Unbelievably,Tu didn’t defend. He left Remark section blank. Such registration is a way to promotion. But Tu went other- wise. He even wrote that “Try to overcome my dissatisfaction and not to think of past experiences. But if new wrong case comes,I’ll jump to fight... Based on Deputy Chairman Liu Shaoqi’s CCP rectifying report, if I’m notified to with- draw (my CCP membership), I’ accept without complaint.” East China Military Admi- nistration Industrial Dept,in words,concluded that Tu has strong subjective one-sided- ness. Lacks a comprehensive analysis. Working method is a bit too business style.Needs to improve overall control of his work. Notwithstanding, he is loyal to and responsible for revolutionary cause. 0019530523013 + 0019530523014 + 0019530523015 1953年自我鉴定:一是九十九 非;个性极端顽固;不善于接受 别人不正确的意见,并且光火, 要跳起来.过时的人.如铜器时 代的铜器,在今天不可能与钢 铁计较质地.不会也不愿迁就 应付或伪装改造.我的出身环 境形成对社会显贵的极端仇 视;一面鄙视别人,自作满意; 另一面却自卑无用,赶不上别 人.作风生硬.片面责任感.不 顾影响.拿自己衡量别人.对人 要求高,对己不严.教育人少, 打击多.独断专行命令主义代 替群众路线.脾气坏透顶.他填 这份表时,仍不亮出常人趋之 若鹜的大名字;也不罗列出席 六大,中共中央谈判代表和中 央红军无线电队政委的大身 份;更不提及40-70米波段开 创电子对抗硬件和发明无形 收报机的大功劳.他的志愿是 1,从事电视,磁性录音和风力 发电.2,把树林改造为果树林. 当年5月23日的组织鉴定 是:忠诚,积极,俭朴.作风生硬. 政治开展不快.有功臣思想。 Tu self assessed in 1953: 1% right and 99% wrong. Most stubborn. Reject incorrect criticism and may jump up. Like an old piece in Bronze Time, too obsolete to fight with steel and iron. Won’t pretend to reform. Family background makes me much hate elite. Look down upon others for self satisfaction when feeling humble to catch up with others. Bossism, not go with a mass line. Biased responsibility.Extremely had temper. When filling out this form,he still didn’t quote big names for witness, mention merits for his initial counter attack hardware & spy signal receiver, or list his big titles such as Liuda delegate, CCP rep and political commissar. He wished he’d work on TV, tape recorder and wind mill, or fruit trees. His work unit assessed him as loyal, active, tough,politically not sensitive and a self-hero. 0019541130001 1954年4月15日到7月15 日北京举办《鞍钢技术革新 展览会》,观众35万余。结 束后迁上海展出。因水灾延 误运输,上海《鞍钢技术革 新展览会》当年11月30日 在文化广场开幕。展览处长 涂作潮和上海新中机器厂派 员吴琼工程师配合默契,工 作协调,开始了此后30年的 友谊。鞍钢展览开幕前,上 海中苏友好大厦(后上海展 览馆)已动工; 上海《苏联经 济与文化建设成就展览会》 也已经开始筹备。 From 15 Apr to 15 Jul 1954 Beijing held Anshan Steel & Iron Company or Angang Tech Innovation Show with over 350K visitors.It moved to Shanghai afterwards.Due to flooding, the Show in Shanghai began on 30 Nov 1954. Tu was the Show exhibition chief and made friendship with engineer Wu Qiong ever since.Before the Angnag Show, Shanghai began construction for Sino- Soviet Friendship Hall to hold Soviet Union Economic and Cultural Achievement Show in March 1955.This is a scanned Beijing Angang show poster.Original bought at Confucius Second Hand Book Net in 2010 0019550200001 这是涂中华小学5年级甲班下学期的学生手册.涂作潮直到生命的最后一刻一直收存在随身的提包中.原件125X175mm,共16页。左:封面,上面的方章是上海新华小学印。右:第12页6月份成绩报告。6月份第16到19周的成绩是44%4分;56%5分。 This is Zhonghua’s score book for second semester of Year 5. TU Zuochao kept it in his accompanying bag till his death. Original sized 125 X 75 mm totally 16 pages. Left: front page with official seal of Xinhua Primary School affixed. Right: scores in June 1955 or for Weeks 16 to 19. Zhonghua got 44% 4 and 56% 5. 0019550200002 封二是学生和家长须知。第一页是毛主席像和题词、学生五爱品德规范:爱祖国,爱人民,爱劳动,爱科学,爱护公共财产。1951年,新华上新华小学6年级;延华上新华小学1年级。中华1952年上新华小学3年级。 Front inside was Notice To Students & Parents. Page 1 carries portrait of Chairman Mao & his inscription of Study Hard, and 5 Loves by Students for Motherland, People,Work, Scien- ce & public properties.In 1951 Xin- hua attended Year 6 & Yanhua Year 1 at Xinhua Primary. In 1952 Zhong- hua began Year 3 at Xinhua Primary. 0019550200003 好后 第二页是小学生守则:共20条.第三页敬告家长分数的定义: 5分-彻底熟悉教材,作业完整准确;4分-了解教材,作业较完整,仅有小错;3分-一般能了解教材,但不彻底,作业有5分之2的错误;2分-不熟悉大部分教材,作业大错,不及格;1分-粗略了解教材,作业全错. Page 2 had a 20-clause Rule for Students. Page 3 detailed grading scores: 5-Excellent:complete mastry of work 4-Good: With little mistake(s) only; 3-Pass:With up to 2/5 wrong answers 2-Fail: 1-Total Fail: 0019550200004 第四页是学生奖励制度:口头表扬,黑板报或壁报表扬;奖状。惩罚制度:警告,批评,停止课外活动,暂时离开教室,定期停学,转校学习。第五页是中华2月份的成绩:29%3分;48%4分;23%5分。3分占29%是中华学习成绩的低谷,也是他从此进步的开始。 Page 4 was Student Award and Punishment Rule: from praise… up to certificate of merit; from warning …up to transfer of school. Page 5 records Zhonghua’s scores in Feb., 1955. That was the valley but a turn- ing point for him. His progress began from 29% 3, 48% 4 and 23% 5. 0019550200005 第七页是中华3月份的成绩:8%3分; 50%4分;42%5分.当月评语是“最近没有打人的行为.做功课比较认真负责.对老师阿姨的批评能接受.在生活纪律、对人礼貌方面都有些进步.”和上一月相比,中华的3分由29%下降到8%,但5分却由23%上升到42%。 Page 7, Zhonghua’s scores in March: 8% 3; 50%4 & 42% 5. Comments on his behavior in March said: “No fighting recently. Responsible for home work. Able to take advice from teachers & house maids. Has made progress in discipline & courtesy. As vs Feb., his 3 dropped from 29% to 8% but his 5 rose from 23% to 42%. 0019550200006 第八页记载了中华的进步:“上星期日被选为寝长。” 第九页是4月份的成绩:3分下降为6%;50% 4分;5分上升为44%.该月涂作潮虽全力以赴忙于苏联展览会,但仍检查了中华的成绩册并盖章。 Page 8 records Zhonghua’s progress whereas he was “elected as Dorm Monitor last Sunday.” Page 9 records his scores in April: 3 reduced from 8% to 6% while 5 rose from 42% to 44% as compared with March. Fully occupied with Soviet Exhibition in April though, Father read Son’s score book & affixed his private seal. 0019550200007 第十页是中华5月份的成绩:56% 4分;44% 5分.他从这个月起消灭了3分.且在下个月即6月里,5分上升为56%,余44%为4分。 Page 10 records Zhong- hua’s further progress in May: No more 3; 56% 4 & 44% 5. He’d do better as to be seen by coming June when his 5 was up to 56% with all the rest 44% as 4. 0019550200008 第13页记载了中华更多的进步:“上星期日被选为寝室总(室长)。一周来工作负责,对集体事情热心,对阿姨态度比过去有些进步,不再生硬,请家长协助教育,使他更关心热爱集体。”该月退2到6月伙食节余3元,中华带回,父亲签收。 Page 13 records his more progress: “elected as General Dorm Chief last Sunday. Has been responsible for his work since last week. Warm hearted with Class affairs. Better attitudes towards house maids…” Yuan 3 as food savings from Feb to June was returned. Zhonghua took home. Father signed receipt. 0019550200009 老师发现了中华“喜爱工艺制作”。他相应地做了少先队中队墙报委员.虽然“上课有时不专心听讲,表现随便,”但学期成绩仍是45% 4分,55% 5分.中华该学期全勤,期末时身高162cm,体重51.5斤.1955年7月新华小学解散后,中华进思南路小学上6年级上., Teachers noticed Teenager Zhong hua’s favor in model making. He was also the Class Wall Newspaper Chief. Dispite his “carelessness & ignorance in class sometimes,” Zhonghua got 45% 4 & 55% 5 at term end when he was 162 cm high & 25.75 Kg heavy. In July 1955 Xinhua Primary closed down. Zhonghua entered Sinan Road Primary for 1st semester of Year 6. 0019550209001 1955年2月9日,涂作潮的党员关系由鞍钢展览会支部转回一机部上海办事处.此前1954年5到12月间,涂作潮作为一机部驻沪代表,任展览处长,从众多展品中学到很多新知识,但也发现金属电加工设备的电路通了,磁路却不通;高速切削涡轮机有问题.他和技术交流和布展组组长吴琼配合默契协调,引为此后30年余生中的至交.鸣谢:上海档案馆Acknowledgement Shanghai Archival CPC member transfer certificate for Tu on 9 Feb 1955 from Anshan Steel & Iron Co Show Branch back to 1st Machine Building Ministry Shanghai Office. As the Office rep Tu was in charge of exhibits from May to end 1954. He learnt a lot from exhibits but also found an electric metal cutter with electric circuit OK but no magnetic flux. Since the Show Tu’d made life time friendship with Engineer Wu Qiong. 0019550315001 1954年11月24日《苏联经 济与文化建设成就展览会》 上海工作委员会成立,涂作潮 任展览处长. 次年3月15日 展览开幕,设工业、轻工、 农业/食品、文艺和铁路馆, 广场设汽车/矿山机械和农机 (含气象仪器)展区,5月15 日闭幕,观众350万. 这是孔 夫子旧书网展示的当年的展 览海报,已于2009年拍卖. 未能找到买主商议复制。 鸣谢: 孔夫子旧书网 Shanghai Work Committee for Soviet Union Economic and Cultural Achievement Show set up on 24 Nov 1954 with Tu as exhibition chief. The Show was from 15 Mar to 15 May 1955 on industry, light industry, agriculture/ food, art/culture, railway, automobile/mining machine and agricultural machinery including meteorological instrumentation. 3,500,000 visitors. This is a Show ad published for auction on Confucius 2nd Hand Book Net. Sold in 2009. Owner not found. Ack. Confucius 2nd Hand Book Net. 0019550315002 苏联展览会1955年3月到5月开幕期间,上海第一名校上海中学的三年连续三好生、长女新华初中毕业.父亲要求都能保送大学的高材生女儿低就中专.父亲补偿女儿的也就是这份全苏对外食品贸易局的折页样本.女儿当文件夹整整用了59年,存放她的小学和中学成绩单。2014年3月上海中学同班后晓淮在告别新华时说:“我今天才知道新华的父亲是这样一位老革命.她当时报中专的解释是:弟弟妹妹多,家里供不起我上大学.” During 1955 Soviet Show, Xinhua was finishing her Year 9. Father asked her to attend poly-tech school rather than high school for university. Only compensation for sad Xinhua was this Soviet exporting folder brochure. Xinhua’d kept her school records in it for life time. In Mar 2014, classmate Hou Xiaohuai recalled at Xin- hua’s funeral: “Only today, did I know her father was such a CCP veteran.Xinhua only said then she had many younger brothers & sisters. Her family couldn’t afford her university...” 0019550315003 该样本内页介绍苏联出口的葡萄酒、白兰地和香槟.苏展期间,涂作潮携幼子胜华去过一次.当时4周岁半的涂胜华能回忆起的是,那几位外国人笑容可掬,开了水果罐头招待,很甜.涂胜华63岁接过这份样本时顿悟:这里承载了姐姐一生从不言及的苦痛和她对于涂家的贡献.仅工资一项,大学生的56元月薪比中专生的37元整整高出50%。 The inner pages promoted Soviet drinks. Tu Zuochao took 4-year-old Shenghua to the Show once. Shenghua recalls a few smiling foreigners offering canned fruit, very sweet. After Xinhua’s funeral in 2014, Shenghua realizes his Sister’s own sadness and contribution for Tu family had been hidden in this brochure. She never talked about these in Her life time. In wage terms only, Poly-tech graduate made Yuan 37 a month while uni graduate Yuan 56 a month or 50% more. 0019550315003 0019550315004 0019550315005 0019550418001 1955年4月18日涂作潮党员关系由一机部上海办事处转上海重工业二局的介绍信.1954年12月鞍钢展览后涂作潮任苏联展览会展览处长. 1955年3月15日潘汉年在苏联展致开幕词,3月17日在北京被捕,人们对反革命的警惕性日益提高.5月15日苏联展览闭幕前某日,便衣警察盯上了衣冠欠整的涂作潮,盘问中用手枪把他逼到墙角.事情闹大后市公安局杨光池副局长亲赴现场解围。 Tu’s CPC transfer paper from No.1 Machine Building Ministry Shanghai Office to Shanghai No. 2 Heavy Industry Bureau on 18 April 1955. Since end 1954 Tu was a USSR Shanghai Show section chief. Pan Hannian spoke at the Show opening 15 March 1955 and was arrested in Beijing 17 March. Vigillance vs counter revolu- tionaries thus higher. One day before the Show closed on 15 May 1955, armed plain cloth police forced Tu, less dressed up,to the corner for ques- tioning inside the Show. Shanghai police deputy chief Yang Guangchi rushed to spot for rescure. 0019550424001 55年4月24日上海苏联展览 会四位苏联朋友把签了字的 合影送给展览处长涂作潮.涂 对联络处长吴琼说“中苏关系 现在很好.以后怎样还难说.俄 国人写信来,寄单位.来信让公 家先拆先看.千万别直接往来. 否则说不清.”吴以后任上海日 本展览会首席翻译.“文革中再 整我,这类事没让我遭殃.多亏 涂老当年提醒.”2 On 24 Apr 55, 4 USSR exhi- bitors presented their photo to Exhibition Chief TU. TU cautioned Liaison Chief WU Qiong:“Sino-Soviet relation is good now but who knows the future? If Russions write to you, write to your office. Let your leader read 1st. No direct contact at all. Or you’ll be in trouble.” Later WU was chief interpreter at Japan Exhibition in Shanghai. He remembered the caution and avoided this kind of trouble during revolution vs culture when he was tortured in many ways for other things. 0019550500110 + 0019550500111 燕郊版 1955年《干部审查登记表》中涂经受战争考验的入伍年月空白;说被捕及失掉关系问题均没有经过审查,亦没有证明材料.还要审查稍有党史知识就能明辨的’24年参加国民党.该表没有他受中央信任的踪影,如参加六大,中共谈判代表,红军无线电队政委,通信材料厂厂长等任职.涂遂写出18,000字的1956年《自传》.该表随后向李立三,陈毅,刘鼎,李克农,刘少文,龚饮冰,王诤等取证 1955 Investigation Form left Tu’s glorious war experiences blank. The form demands scrutiny and proof for his KMT membership in 1924 KMT-CCP Coop, his jail and capture and CCP connection losses. The Form has no records of CCP trust in Tu such as attending Liuda, CCP Central rep, Red Army radio team leader, etc. Suspicions led to Tu write and submit his autobiography in 1956. 美国版 1955年5月上海市重工业第二管理局《干部审查登记表》对涂作潮涉嫌草菅人命,经受过战争考验的“入伍年月”为空白;本人1937年1月由西安到上海的时间变成“46年又派来沪”;“该同志被捕及失掉关系问题均没有经过审查,亦没有证明材料.”初步研究意见:还要审查稍有党史知识就能明辨的“1924年参加国民党.”这份登记表中也没有他深受党中央信任的踪影,比如参加全国二劳大和中共六大,中共中央谈判代表,中央红军无线电队政委,中央红军材料处主任和材料厂厂长等任职.如此等等,终于令涂作潮写出1万8千字的1956年《自传》.这份登记表随后也引发了李立三、陈毅、刘鼎、李克农、刘少文、龚饮冰、王诤等的亲笔或亲署外调证词. A Shanghai 1955 investigation form was ruining Tu’s political life. Glorious military service year and month was blank.His return to Shanghai for secret radio in 1937 was changed to 1946.“No investigation of nor proof for his arrestments or lost CCP connections.” His concurrent KMT membership after his CCP membership was a common knowledge of 1st KMT-CCP coop thus no issue at all. But the form suggested this needed investigation. No sign of CCP trust in him in the Form. Such as his attendance at Liuda, the CCP negotiator, Red Army radio team political commissar,Red Army Material Factory director, etc. So much so, Tu’d to write his 1956 auto- biography. This form led to personal proofs by Li Lisan, Chen Yi,Liu Ding,Li Kenong, Liu Shaowen, Gong Yinbing and Wang Zheng, etc. 0019550702005/6 1955-07-02刘鼎亲笔:中共驻东北军代表的他在沪请蔡叔厚通知“急欲找党”的涂去西安找他,但在上海不见涂.涂到西安后,刘鼎“考察了一个时期.”事变后,涂做的100瓦电台专门转播延安广播.随后刘把涂转给李克农,并听说此后涂“随潘汉年去香港”了.(刘不知周恩来和李克农派涂去上海建立密台)1947-1948刘在西柏坡见过“工作难分配,牢骚很多”的涂.他俩于1964-1965年再见 Liu Ding 07-02-1955 written proof: As CCP rep in Xi’an, Liu learned in Shanghai Tu was most eager to re-join CCP. Liu asked Cai Shuhou to let Tu go to Xi’an but didn’t meet Tu in Shang- hai. Liu watched Tu in Xi’an for some time. Tu-made 100w radio relayed Yan’an broad- casting after the incident. Liu gave Tu to Li Ke- nong. Liu was told Tu followed Pan Hannian to Hong Kong. (Liu had no idea Zhou Enlaid and Li Kenong sent Tu to set up radios in Shanghai) 0019550710001 07-10-1955, Li Lisan, CCP Secretarial 3rd Office vice director, personally wrote to CCP Shanghai verifying 1, Tu was a CCP member when KMT-CCP coop was on(though mistook 1924 as 1925);2,Like all his fellows Tu joined in KMT under CCP order; 3,he could not recall Tu was arrested in May 30 Movement; and 4, he had no idea about Tu’s study in Russia, nor home return in 1930. When Tu went to Russia, Li was Shanghai General Trade Union chairman. Tu was back in 1930 when Li was the de facto CCP leader. 1955年7月10日,李立三亲 笔回复上海市委:一,涂作潮 确系第一次国共合作时期的 党员(把1924年误记为1925 年);二,涂当时加入国民党是 执行党的决议; 三,记不起来 涂五卅被捕; 四,涂留苏和此 后的情况,一概不知. 李立三 回复该外调时的是中共中央 书记处第三办公室副主任.涂 留苏时李立三是上海市总工 会委员长;涂回国时李立三是 中共中央秘书长兼中宣部长, 中共实际负责人。 On 07-10-1955, Li Lisan, CCP Secretarial General Third Office deputy director, personally wrote back to CCP Shanghai that 1, Tu was a CCP member during the first KMT-CCP cooperation (though mistook 1924 as 1925); 2, Tu’s KMT membership then was what CCP had asked him t do; 3, he could not recall Tu’s arrestment during the May 30 Movement; and 4, he knew nothing about Tu’s study in Russia and Tu’s home return in 1930. When Tu was going to Russia, Li was Shanghai General Trade Union chairman and when Tu was back to China in 1930, Li was the de facto CCP leader. 0019550721011 1955年7月21日,新华给中华、延华和胜华做了这幅132 X 98 mm的《小苹果,甜又香,弟弟吃了身体好》的“铅 画 彩”(画作背面题记).16岁的新华是上海中学的三好生,保送高中.她为减轻家庭生活负担,屈居中专(毕业后月薪37元),牺牲前程(大学毕业一年后转正月薪56元),却仍然希望三个弟弟每人每次能吃上一个小苹果.当时7口的涂家赶上有水果时,通常分吃,很少人手一个。 Wishing each of her 3 younger brothers to enjoy apple one each, Xinhua painted this 132 X 98 mm Little Sweat Apples for Good Health for Zhonghua, Yanhua and Shenghua on 21 July 1955 when she gave up her university prospect (for a future monthly Yuan 56) and went to tech college (for a future monthly Yuan 37). She’d to share the family burden. The then Tu family of 7 seldom had one fruit for one member. 0019550721060/1 1955年7月21日中共中央调查部内部文件:上海市委质疑刘鼎证明在西安接涂的组织关系。李克农部长说:未发现涂在失联中有什么政治问题;刘鼎向自己交接时未特别提出组织关系问题;作为可靠的老同志接收涂;涂虽脾气古怪,但为人忠实,只有在此情况下,才会派他去上海建立秘密电台.李部长还说:涂到上海以后的情形他不清楚.其党籍问题可查询一向有联系的通信部长王诤。 CCP Investigation Ministry Internal doc 07-21 -1955: Shanghai challenged Liu Ding’s proof on Tu’s CCP identity. Minister Li Kenong said “Tu wasn’t found any political issue during his loss. When Liu Ding gave Tu to Li, there was no CCP identity issue. Tu was accepted as a reliable CCP veteran. His loyalty justified his work in Shang- hai. No idea about his details in Shanghai. His CCP identity may ask Wang Zheng for proof.” 1955-7-21李克农签署了给上海市委的复函:“我原知涂是党员…内战时在王诤处做电台工作…我不大清楚涂到西安前及与刘鼎取得联系的经过,西安事变后作为党员介绍给我…上海需建秘密电台,乃将涂派往上海…脾气乖僻倔强,但为人爽直,对工作忠实.” 李克农证词回避了涂作潮在特科的这一段。中共中央调查部机关党委盖章的公函这样介绍李克农:中共正式党员,现任我部部长。 07-21-1955 Li Kenong’s proof to Shanghai: “I originally knew Tu was CCP…worked on radios with Wang Zheng during civil war…no idea on his whereabouts before he’d arrived in Xian and how connected with Liu Ding…After Xian Incident introduced to me as CCP… Shanghai needed secret radios, so he was sent. Distorted & stolid though,he was frank & loyal to his work.” Li avoided mentioning Tu’s work at Teke. 0019550901001 涂中华在六年级上学期的成绩也是非优即良.虽然只是他在思南路小学的第一个也是唯一的一个学期,但是老师已经注意到他“学习较自觉,理解能力也强;参加美工小组;制作台湾模型很好.孩子创造性是强的.”中华在重庆南路第二小学上六年级下学期。 Zhonghua’s scores at first semester, Year 6 were either excellent or good. Duirng his first & last semester at Sinan Rd Primary though,his teacher noticed he “studies with initiative & strong understanding. As an Art Team member,he made a good model of Taiwan. He’s a strong creativity.” His second semester, Year 6 was at Chongqing Rd (S) No. 2 Primary. 0019560100001 思南路小学杨老师在六年级期末注意到中华挑灯夜读和“爱好科学,知识基础也较丰富,”希望他“今后继续把这个特点运用在小五年计划中去,发挥创造性.” In Jan.,56 Teacher noticed that Zhonghua “works late, likes science & enjoys rich knowledge,” & wished him to “apply his strong point in Kids’ Small 5-Year Plan with full creativity.” 1019551215001 丁瑜(1917-2003,1936年入团,1937年转党,离休前任上海市科协顾问)和夫君周克(1936年天津团特支书记,1937年转党,建国后上海市委组织部长) 1997年合影.周克在《风雨七十年》ISBN7-80741-012-4中追述丁瑜支持涂作潮等仿制空军急需的高空测侯仪和原子能工业急需的辐射探矿仪,并在局长面前作保。 Ding Yu(1917-2003,CY 1936,CP 1937, Shanghai Science Society advisor) and husband Zhou Ke (CY 1936,CP 1937) in 1997. In his My 70 Years Zhou recalled Ding not only backed Tu and fellows to copy radioactive detector for nuclear industry and balloon weather detector for air forces badly needed in China,but also swore for success before her boss. 0019551215001 1955年12月15日上海市重工业二局颁发了涂作潮的服务证并盖钢印.涂任技术处副处长.处长丁玉对涂说:“老大哥,技术的事情你就当家,不用问我.”涂“有才无类,”对确实有技术、有能力的,如前国民政府国防部工程师、前满州国学生、前工厂主等,涂都礼聘。 TU’s service card at No.2 Heavy Industrial Bureau,Shanghai issued on 15 Dec 1955. DING Yu, Technical Section Head, told TU, her deputy: “Big Brother.You’re here actually in charge.”TU respected professionals without political predudice. 0019551215002 江西中路181号汉密尔顿大 楼(后福州大楼)中涂作潮在 重二局的技术处副处长办公 室兼实验室.里面放的电烙铁 和电表等都是他和同事们自 己从家里拿来的.在这里仿制 成了YP-4M辐射仪.面对顶 头上司的奚落,涂说:“别看我 穿草鞋.这里的大楼我照进不 误.涂作潮从来不吹牛”重二 局本部在对面180号,现新 城饭店。 This is TU’s office and con- current lab in Hamilton Bldg (now Fuzhou Bldg), in 181 Jiangxi Rd (M). His collea- gues & he brought their own tools & meters. YP-4M was copied here. Being insulted by his superior, TU said:“I ware straw sandals though, I dare to enter this building. TU Zuochao never boast.” No.2 Heavy Industry Head Office was at 180 Jiangxi Rd (M), Now Xincheng Hotel. 1019550000001 涂作潮的通讯录兼记事本也是他的学习手册。 左,硫化亚铜的制作方法和锌皮加工工艺; 右,技术术语涉及的希腊字母表,他用自己熟悉的俄文注音。 Tu’s phone book was also his technical bible. Left, processing for copper sulfide and zinc terminal. Right, a list of Greek letters for scientific use. He used Russian as a phonetic notation. 1019550000002 何健础 (左) 湘酃县(1896年-1973)1925年入党。1937-1942年上海密台交通.堂弟何孟雄是1931年2月7日龙华24烈士之一.1955-1956年何健础到上海寻找烈士遗孤何重九和何小英兄妹。涂作潮一起奔走,协助。未果。两战友分别前上海美琪照相馆合影.照相馆收费2.31元.何老坚持出2元。涂坚决不肯。最后AA制。何家在文革中多次招待并帮助落难的涂胜华(照片,中)。 He Jianchu,left (1896-1973) CCP 1925.Shanghai secret radio messenger 1937-1942. He visited Shanghai 1955-1956 to search orphans of cousin He Mengxiong who was executed 02-07-1931 in Shanghai. Tu helped.No result. He & Tu photoed with Shenghua (center) at Meiqi Studio, Shang- hai. He offered Yuan 2 for Yuan 2.31 photo bill. Tu opposed. They compromised AA. He helped disgraced Shenghua in cultural revolution. 0019550926004 1955-09-26龚饮冰亲笔证词:涂工作负责,按期完成任务.唯涂的社会关系相当复杂.因此决定涂去解放区。潘汉年那里的张唯一要涂代为修理机器,延期未走。因李白电台被破坏,经过刘晓同志,找到张唯一同志关系,转送涂去内地。涂由李清风搞派司的事没有与我商量过。 0019551129001 1955或1956年11月29日, 上海市民政局给何孟雄烈士 堂兄何健础去信,承诺继续查 找烈士的遗孤,并索要何孟雄 烈士遗照.该局致歉道: 何老 在沪时没有很好接待. 的确, 1925年入党的何健础,由24 年入党的涂作潮陪同,自费乘 公共汽车满上海奔波,找寻 1920年入党的何孟雄-缪伯 英夫妇失散了24到25年的 一对遗孤,却没有公车可用. 鸣谢:何鼎钦 11-29-1955 or 1956,Shanghai Civil Affairs Bureau wrote to He Jianchu,cousin of Martyr He Mengxiong, promising to help search 2 orphans and asking for a photo of Meng- xiong. The letter apologized for not having taken care of He Jianchu, CCP since 1925, when he was in Shanghai.He was accompanied by Tu,CCP since 1924, rushing on public bus in Shanghai at their own cost,searching 2 orphans left 24 years ago by Martyrs He Mengxiong and wife Miao Boying, both CCP in 1920, without a car provided by Shanghai government. Ack. He Dingqin 0019960531007 何健础和涂作潮的后人40年 后仍在努力.上海最畅销的《 新民晚报》总编室和记者孙 卫星深感其诚.1996-5-31近 1/3的头版登了这份无法投递 的寻亲家书,相关报道和孤儿 何重九的照片,妹妹何小英失 散时连照片都未留下.缪伯英 是中共第一批名女党员,1929 年在沪病逝.1945年七大平反 的反对极左路线的英雄何孟 雄牺牲时还背负开除出党的 处分。 He-Tu family members went on search 40 years later. Shanghai best seller Xinmin Evening News front paged this letter of Where Are You, Our Dearest Cousins? 05-31- 1996. Published was orphan son’s photo. His poor sister even had no photo. Their mom Miao Boying was a 1st CCP member, too.Known as a hero of anti extreme left line, He Mengxiong was expelled from CCP when KMT killed him. He got rehabilitated at CCP 7th National Congress in 1945. 1019560000606/2/3/4 总参情报部长刘少文中将1956年4页亲笔书证:1937年813日寇入侵上海前,涂通过王少春受李克农领导,以无线电生意为掩护,先后装置了几个秘密电台,在配合秘密工作的建立上起了作用.从1937年813到1939年底,刘的领导主要通过王少春联系.龚饮冰1939年底接替刘少文,王少春仍是联系人.刘少文此说相悖于涂回忆王少春1939年底离沪去川.刘是故意回避,还是真的不知王少春1939年底去刘文辉部长期卧底,不得而知。 PLA Intelligence head Liu Shaowen 1956 proof: from 1937 to end 1939, Tu received order from Li Kenong via Wang Shaochun and from Liu Shaowen via Wang Shaochun.Liu also wrote:Tu received order from Gong Yinbing via Wang Shaochun after end 1939. But Tu wrote: Wang left Shanghai for Sichuan end 1939. Question here: Liu avoided saying where Wang really went or Liu didn’t know Wang hid in Liu Wenhui’s Sichuan for 10 years. 潘汉年蒙冤后,刘少文不唯上,对涉及潘案的涂作潮不落井下石,而是这样写道:我不相信涂后来在潘领导下工作不久,就会与潘有什么亲密的关系。至于潘的部下李清风给涂的东亚青年联盟派司,也不会是要涂参加汉奸组织。刘认为涂在技术上是有些办法的,但政治上不大开展,生活上有些不严肃(涂改掉了不检点)。刘建议向龚饮冰继续查询涂的详情。 After Pan’s injustices, Liu Shaowen didn’t hit Tu when his boss Pan was down. Liu wrote: I don’t believe Tu had any close relationship with Pan shortly after Pan’s leadership. The pass of Southeast Asian Youth League given to Tu by Li Qingfeng, Pan’s man, wasn’t to make Tu join in that quisling team. Liu Shaowen wrote: Tu had some technical advantage but politically not so conductive and in daily life not so serious. Liu suggested ask Gong Yinbing further about Tu. 1019550000030/31/31/33 1955-1956年间的原特科机务员王逸群亲笔:中央苏区沦陷后,铲共自卫团给自己开了释放证; 1935年4月在上海流落中,偶遇涂作潮相助;两人相约找党;借他人店面摆摊做收音机生意;有难同当近一年。涂作潮到西安后,帮助王逸群接上组织关系,并成为自己意外时的下一任机务员,即刘鼎给李克农密信中的“木匠此间得子。” Former Teke radio engineer Wang Yiqun wrote in 1955-1956: After Jiangxi Base Area failure, Civilian Guards issued a release notice for him. Bumped into Tu in Shanghai in April 1935. Both determined to re-join CCP.They ran small radio repairing and parts business. Shared hardship for a year. Tu helped with CCP connection in Xian for Wang. Wang became Tu’s successor in Xi’an or what Liu Ding said in his secret letter to Li Kenong that “Carpenter got his son here.” 涂一生坚持说:上海偶遇时王逸群着号衣.号衣是正经监狱,而非乡间铲共自卫团的物件.延安期间,王逸群要宴请涂并希望涂证明自己当时未穿号衣.涂拒绝.1956年提及号衣的涂作潮自传上交后,全国矿产资源勘探委员会副主任王逸群突遭免职.王举报(戈登)新闸路口杂货店和涂往来的留苏同学—托派罗井.涂到延安后对伍云甫言:你们丢下我.我还不想跟你们走呢.我要找一个比你们还要共产党的共产党.可惜没找到,我又回来了。 Tu persisted he bumped into Wang in jail cloth, meaning Wang was released from a state jail, not by a countryside anti-communist guards. In Yan’an, Wang offered Tu a dinner trying for a non-jail-cloth proof. Tu refused. After Tu’s 1956 autobiography mentioned the jail cloth, Wang lost his National Mineral Resource Committee leadership. Wang told on Tu’s Moscow fellow Luo Jing, a Trosky member, proving what Tu told Wu Yunfu in Yan’an: You’d left me. I really didn’t want to go with you. I wanted to find a more Communist CCP. But I failed. So I’m back 1019560000101 + 1019560000102 + 1019560000103 YP-4M于50年代 在广西探到铀矿.这 段记录片见诸2010 年中央电视台纪念 两弹一星和钱学森 百年的40集电视剧 《五星红旗迎风飘 扬》第4集.上,探棒 内一次仪表盖革计 数管横置型的YP- 4M辐射探矿仪.下, 盖革计数管纵置的 YP-4M; 右,纵置探 棒末端. 鸣谢: 张一闲 截屏 YP-4M found U in Guangxi in 1950’s as shown in 2010 in CCTV’s Five-star Red Flag Flying Episode 4. Top, cross direction Geiger in detecting Stick. Bottom + R, forward direction Geiger in the stick. 0019560116008 1956-01-16柳中燨亲笔:为 中共特科“李强同志装置无 线电收发报机,颇同情革命. 还试造X光机,人工太阳灯, 透热电疗仪等,颇有心得.” 1931-1934年间李强从上海 密送中央苏区X光机,柳先 生是否相助,待考.“1952年 应旧友涂作潮同志之招进 综合试验所工作.”次年调航 海测深仪部门工作.1962年 5月技师身份退休于1274 部队44室. 鸣谢:柳和堤 Liu Zhongxi wrote on 16-01 -1956:“made transceiver for CPC and sympathized with revolution. Also tried on X- ray machine, artificial sun light, heat therapy machine, etc with good experience.” Li Qiang smuggled a X-ray from Shanghai to Jiangxi base area 1931-1934. To be determined is if Liu’d ever helped with this.In 1952 Tu introduced Liu to work at his Comprehensive Lab for Materials. In 1953 Liu got transferred to work on fa- thometers. He retired as a technician from Section 44, Naval Force 1274 in 1962. Acknowledgmnt: Liu Hedi 0019560214001 + 0019560214002 + 0019560214003 潘汉年蒙冤后,涂作潮详细交代了和潘的关系:首次,1936年底,介绍人李克农和周恩来;二次,几天把周恩来给张学良的信在上海交给潘(涂落笔时故意不提及周恩来)并谢绝了潘保媒的好意,因为女方不生育;三次,潘指令涂作潮顾问江苏省委秘密电台;末次,1942年涂撤退到江苏省委期间.涂在1956年2月14日签署自传时,表明自己和造成冤案的毛泽东保持一致,但在实质上不对潘汉年落井下石。 PAN Hannian was wronged by Mao Zedong. TU’d to tell his deals with PAN: 1st meeting arranged by LI Kenong & ZHOU Enlai in Xi’an end 1936; 2nd meeting a week later in Shanghai to hand over ZHOU’s letter to ZHANG Xueliang; 3rd meeting around 1940 to inspect PAN’s radio; 4th meeting was in 1942 when TU withdrew to CPC base area. TU signed his obedience for Mao on 14 Feb 1956 though, TU didn’t hit PAN when PAN was wronged & down. 0019560514001/2/3/4 红军通信材料厂政委朱邦英,长征后和涂一起留下。1935年2月作战负伤…后在四川某军阀电台工作;四川和平解放后在重庆市民航局和天津市民航局政学队,改名朱励之。1955年审干运动称呼朱自首分子。1955年12月9日,军委通信部部长王诤就涂作潮问题复函上海市委:涂留下后的情况可找朱邦英同志了解。1956年5月14日,朱励之向上海市委出具了这4页证明信。 Zhu Bangying was Red Army Signal Materials Factory political commissar. He and Tu were left in Jiangxi after Long March.He was wounded… Later he worked at a warlord radio in Sichuan. After 1949, he was Zhu Lizhi.Worked in Chong- qing and Tianjin civil aviation bureaus. On 12- 09-1955 PLA Signal Minister Wang Zheng sug- gested to Shanghai that Zhu verify for Tu. On 05-14-1956 Zhu issued this 4-page proof for Tu. 朱邦英证明:涂厂长修旧利废,制作工装。肖素英去世后,涂作潮情绪低沉。通信材料厂还生产涂作潮回忆中提及的落地就响的手榴弹。但涂作潮在实战中体验到碎片不多,故杀伤力不够;涂先奉命销毁车床和发电机,后又奉命销毁汽油和电台,难过得流泪;朱邦英负伤时,涂协助蔡会文司令员占领高地,掩护朱邦英撤退;把他隐蔽在老乡家后大家悲壮地分手… Zhu proved that Tu’d used everything including waste to make tools; that he was in low spirit after his wife died; that the factory also made hand grenades that exploded upon dropping; that Tu was ordered to destroy the lathe and generator first and later the gasoline and radios with tears; that he helped Commander Cai Huiwen occupy a hill so as to save the wounded Zhu; and that Tu arranged him at a peasant’s home with a tragic farewell. 0119550725006/07/08/09/10 上海市副市长潘汉年冤案发生后,涂作潮也受审查。上海市委组织部工业分会审干办公室向原留守江西司令员、后上海市市长、后国务院副总理兼外长陈毅元帅求证:1,涂作潮在江西苏区的表现;2,离开部队的原因、目的、是否要其开辟工作和具体任务;3,谁和他一起走的;他的党的关系转否;转给哪个地区党组织。该求证函附上了涂作潮照片。 Following injustices vs Pan Hannian, Shanghai deputy major, Tu was scrutinized. Shanghai scrutiny office sought proof by Chen Yi, then Jiangxi post-Long-March commander, later Shanghai mayor, later deputy premier & foreign minister, for 1, Tu’s performance in Jiangxi; 2, why Tu left Jiangxi guerrilla Red Army after Long March; 3, who left with him; if his CCP connection was also transferred and where. The investigative request enclosed Tu’s photo. 0019550725 On 07-25-1955,Chen Yi wrote on the proof-seeking letter: 1, Tu was a CCP member when in Jiangxi. He was allowed to leave Red Army. When in a total failure at that time,CCP members were allowed and mobilized to leave Red Army to seek CCP connections in Sichuan or Shanghai.2,Many were detached. Can’t recall with whom. 3,I remember Tu was back to work at New 4th Army headquarters in north Jiangsu in 1942-43 (when Chen Yi was New 4th Army Commander) 1955年7月25日,陈毅在求 证函上的亲笔: 一,涂作潮在 江西是党员,其离开部队是得 到批准的.当时在完全失败的 条件(下),是准许和动员党员 离队到四川或上海找党的关 系的. 二,当时分遣的人很多, 已不清楚同走是何人了. 三, 记得1942-43年涂又回到苏 北新四军军部工作过.(陈毅 其时是新四军军长) On 07-25-1955, Chen Yi wrote on the proof-seeking letter: 1, Tu Zuochao was a CCP member when in Jiangxi. He was approved to leave Red Army. When in a total failure at that time, CCP members were allowed and mobilized to leave Red Army to seek CCP connections in Sichuan or Shanghai. 2, Many were detached. Can’t remember with whom. 3, I remember Tu was back to work at New 4th Army headquarters in north Jiangsu in 1942-43. 0019551209005/6/7/8/9 1955-12-9晚,原军委三局局长,时中央人民政府人民革命军事委员会通信部长王诤中将(后国防部五院院长,四机部长,总参四部部长,副总长,中央委员,中央军委委员)亲笔回复上海市委:对涂作潮同志仅能说明一些情况,不能作全面证明.一,不知其离开中央苏区的情况.1934年10月9日我已随军长征,以后情况不详.详询重庆民航局报务员朱邦英。二,不能证明涂如何恢复党的关系。 12-09-1955, Signal Minister Lt General Wang Zheng wrote to Shanghai: I prove something, not everything for Tu. 1, No idea how he left Jiangxi Red Army. I followed Long March 10-09-1934. No news about Tu. Chongqing Civil Aviation radio operator Zhu Bangying should know something. 2, Can’t prove how he was back to CCP. Wang was also Rocket Institute director, deputy general chief of staff, General Staff HQ 4th Minister, CCP central member… 二机部部长助理刘鼎和副总参谋长李克农兴许知道此事…派往上海建立秘密电台,西安办事处直接办理,并未经过(三局)内部转手。三,涂1944年到军委三局,按其资深与通信历史,以任三局副局长为宜,但其思想作风上的缺点…难与同事合作办事;如任处长则更不 当,且由于涂的身体体格虚弱,故长期休息着。 Second Machine-Building Assistant Minister Liu Ding & Deputy General Staff Chief Li Ke- nong know this...Xi’an sent Tu to build secret radios in Shanghai, not via my Third Bureau. 3, Tu came to my Bureau in 1944. His experience & merit justified a deputy bureau director. But his ideological shortcomings…hard to cooperate with others…To make Tu a section chief below would have been more improper. Also his physical weakness kept him resting for long. “After his arrival in Yanan, Tu was extremely unhappy with Shanghai CCP under- ground leader. Because Shanghai safety channel failed to notify him for necessary counter measure. He complained about this to Comrade Kang Sheng (CCP Intelligence Minister) & CCP Central Organization Ministry. His unhappiness does not seem to disappear. With Bulshevik Solute! Signed by Wang Zheng on 12-09-1955 evening” 涂“到延安后,思想上对上 海秘密党的组织负责人甚为 不满。因党的组织转移隐蔽 等并未通知他作应有防卫措 施,曾到中央组织部和康生 同志谈过,内心不满似仍未 消除。此致, 布礼 王诤 一九五五年十二月九日晚” 王诤使用的公文信笺: 中央 人民政府人民革命军事委员 会通信部 “After his arrival in Yanan, Tu was extremely unhappy with Shanghai CCP underground leader. Because Shanghai CCP safety channel failed to notify him for necessary counter measure. He complained about this to Comrade Kang Sheng (CCP Intelligence Minister) and CCP Central Organization Ministry. His unhappiness does not seem to disappear. With Bolshevik Solute! Signed by Wang Zheng on 12-09-1955”