Tu Zuochao Exhibition
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Videos and audio
Not Me, It's the Wind in full English version aired by China Central TV April 12 + 13, 2008. First aired by Shanghai TV June 16, 2007 《不是我,是风》 上海电视台2007-6-16播出 中央电视台2008-4-12/13播出

Subtitle Morse telegram code table


Alas, even this almost primitive radio communication means was not possessed by our CCP. During that time when the CCP and her armed forces fighting in the blood and fire had had to communicate their intelligence through a man to man delivery. This way of communication not only took much longer time but also at the risk of lives. In order to adapt to the development of the situation and improve this passive dilemma, the CCP Central Committee had decided to establish our own radio stations and organize our own professional team.


At this time, Zhou Enlai, who had just finished his job duties at the CCP 6th National Congress, had summoned Li Qiang, who was only 23 years old at that time.


Subtitle Photo of Li Qiang


Interviewee Li Yanming, son of Li Qiang:

My father at that time believed that radio was a hard job. Because his major at Donghua (East China) University was civil engineering. Such as for building houses and bridges, etc. He had not learnt radio. Notwithstanding his scores at the university for math, physics and chemistry were good. His foreign language, his English was good. Comrade Zhou Enlai therefore said that he had this advantage to enjoy.


Subtitile: Photo of Li Qiang, formerly Zeng Peihong, joined in CCP in 1925.


In 1927, CCP held the August 7th meeting in Hankou. After that Li Qiang followed the CCP Central back to Shanghai. He was in charge of the communication section of the CCP Secret Service. After that, Zhou Enlai summoned Zhang Shenchuan, the then CCP partisan secretary in the French Concession in Shanghai at that time.


Interviewee Zhang Shenbao, daughter of Zhang Shenchuan:


One day he was notified by the CCP organization to visit a certain place where Comrade Wu Hao wanted to talk to him. Namely Zhou Enlai wanted to talk to him. When he arrived, he also met Gu Shunzhang. The late premier said that we were determined to develop our own radio communication cause. It was too slow to depend on man to man delivery. Later he asked if my father was able to try to penetrate into the Nationalist inside to learn the radio.