Tu Zuochao Exhibition
Tel+86 13901338382
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Ups and downs of legendary carpenter in spy world Shanghai TV 11 and 12 July 2012 沉浮谍海的传奇木匠上海电视台2012年7月10号和11号

th Army base area in north Jiangsu Province. So my family got reunited.


In May 1949, Shanghai was liberated. Shanghai Mayor Chen Yi appointed Tu Zuochao as the military representatives to take over Shanghai Radio Company (correction by this translator and curatorr: should have been the Central Radio Appliances Co Ltd)) and Shanghai Wire Communication Company. In autumn of 1952, shortly after the First Machine Building Ministry had been established, Tu Zuochao was transferred to Shanghai Machine and Electric Institute working as a section chief there. (Note by this translator and curator: should have been the Ministry’s Shanghai Comprehensive Material Test sub-institute working as the deputy director) And his story in the secret service battlefield before the liberation had been locked in the files. But when 1957 came, a shooting screw from the August 1 Film Studio, Beijing (August 1, 1927 was the founding day of the People’s Liberation Army or PLAnote by the translator-curator) for the movie The Eternal Wave, based on the advice of Li Kenong (CCP Central Investigation Minister till 1962 upon death), found Tu Zuochao and became aware of this unknown hero behind the scene in this long covered up story about the underground hero.


Zhang Yi: What was your father’s feeling when he saw the movie?


Shenghua: Cannot remember, can’t at all. However I should mention one thing. It was on August 28, 1949, just 3 months after the Shanghai liberation, there was the memorial service for Martyr Li Bai at the auditorium of either Communications University or Tongji University in Shanghai. The memorial service was actually for 3 men, Martyrs Li Bai, Qin Hongjun and Zhang Kunzhai. When the memorial service was held, Tu Zuochaothe chief military representative stationed at the Central Radio Appliances Co Ltd located in Shanghai, was among the mourners. However, he said no words about his relations with Li Bai. He was such a man who had never sought for reputation and benefit. He should have been on the stage with the family members of the martyrs and those leaders because he had been the master as well as the comrade in arms of the martyr. Well, no, he mentioned not even a single word about this.