Tu Zuochao Exhibition
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Tu Zuochao Exhibition Illustrations in Chronical Order, Part 17 涂作潮陈列室中英文解说,按时间顺序 第十七部分
0019630624010 这是中华6JIS课程 设计的最后一页— 云母片尺寸和位置 5:1图纸.为了节约 用纸,较厚的这一页 也是封底.1963年正 值国民经济恢复阶 段,中华用的纸比 1960和1961年的 在质量上好了许多。 Last page of his Course Design--Size & Position Drawing of 5:1 for 6JIS Pen- tode Mica. It was on thicker paper served also as end cover so to save paper. 1963 was during national economy recovery. Paper quality then was fairly better than 1960 and 1961. 0019630715005 + 0019631101005 1962-1963年间,彭伟光把涂作潮的申诉信呈交周恩来夫妇后,甄别事宜一波三折:有关方面1963年7月15日,10月16和30日三次谈话,要求涂作潮本着爱党的精神解决问题;11月1日闵行区委谈话;11月21日上海市委宣布撤销对涂作潮的处分并道歉,并希望涂作潮不公开给周恩来申诉 信的内容,但次日又通知涂作潮撤回昨日谈话;12月3日17时通知涂作潮次日领调令,次日涂作潮报到时又停办,1964年4月12日再次谈话;5月28日市委撤销处分;6月2日通知涂作潮取消处分,所有问题都不再谈了,调四机部.立即赴京。可见涂作潮的甄别在华东局和上海市委那里几次遇阻。 0019631121005 + 0019640412005 + 0019640602005 Zhou Enlai read Tu’s appeal in 1962- 1963 though, Tu’s rehabilitation still suffered obstacles from CPC Each China Buro and Shanghai committee. On 15 July,16 & 30 Oct 1963, Tu was asked to solve his issue in a love-CPC spirit; on 1 Nov Minhang District committee re-educated Tu; on 21 Nov Shanghai CPC apologized to Tu, announced rehabilitation and wished Tu not to publish his letter to Zhou Enlai; next day they withdrew what they’d said on previous day; on 3 Dec they told Tu to pick up transfer doc to work in Beijing but next day they told Tu all was stopped. Another talk on 12 April 1964. On 28 May Shanghai CPC withdrew punishment against Tu. On 2 June they ordered Tu to talk nothing more, to transfer to Beijing, to work at 4th machine building ministry, and immediately. 0019631126001 中共华东局和上海市委抵制 周恩来过问的涂作潮冤案甄 别的证据。1963年11月23 日中组部函调涂作潮到北京 四机部.11月26日上海市委 通知闵行区委照办. 11月28 日到12月2日完成操作.涂 作潮12月3日接通知,次日 到市委报到, 却被通知停办。 涂作潮甄别案拖至1964年 6月结束.鸣谢:上海档案馆 Proof of CPC East China Bureau and Shanghai boy- cotting Tu’s rehabilitation intervened by Zhou Enlai. CPC Organization Ministry ordered Shanghai on 23 Nov 1963 to transfer Tu to 4th Machine Ministry in Beijing. CPC Shanghai so ordered Minhang District to follow on 26 Nov. The transfer procedure from 28 Nov to 2 Dec. Tu was notified 3 Dec.But when he reported on 4 Dec he was told everthing was stopped. His rehabilitation thus delayed to June 1964. Acknowledgement Shanghai Archival. 0019640405001 1964年2月24日,在孙天章 老师指导下,728班学生涂中 华进行四年级下学期的重要 作业,题目为“FU-89排气”的 《电子管工艺课程设计任务 书》,期限六周,完成于4月 5日.全文29页,含工艺卡片 3张,附图3张.那时计算机、 打印机和复印机均无,全部手 写、手绘。 Under guidance of Teacher SUN Tianzhang, Zhonghua began his big home work on 24 Feb 1964 entitled Process- ing Design For Vacuumizing Tube FU-89. Deadline was 6 weeks. He completed on 5 Apr 1964 in 29 pages includ- ing 3 Processing Cards and 3 Drawings.With no computer, no printer & no zerox then, all were by hand. He was in his second semester, Year 13. 0019640405002 目录.一,序言;二,电真空器 件排气的目的和意义;三,大 功率管排气的特点;四,排气 规范拟定的依据及过程;五, 真空系统的简单计算及泵的 选用;六,电气线路说明(1) 老炼线路说明;(2)排气线路 说明;七,后语;八,附录(I)工艺 卡片;(II)电器设备线路;(III) 真空系统简图;(IV)理论排气 曲线。 Zhonghua’s Contents. One, Foreword; Two,Why Vacuu- mizing Tube;Three,Features of Large Tube Vacuumiza- tion;Four,Reasons & Process for Vacuumizing Specs; Five, System Calculation & Pump Choice; Six I, Aging Circuit; II, Vacuumizing Circuit; Seven, Conclusion; Eight, Attached (I) Processing Cards, (II) Electrical Draw- ing, (III) Theorectical Vacuumizing Curve. 0019640405003 三,大功率管排气的特点:(一) 只用蒸散消气剂或不用消气 剂;直接烙封;二,铜阳极排气 时朝下;三,纯钨阴极2700K 去气,(以下是第5页内容) 3,000K闪炼;四,交流高压去 除栅阴极漏电/毛刺及阳极毛 刺;五,注意高压安全;六,反复 去气,排气可超过24小时;七, 封离前,必须缩口;接成电离真 空形式,测离子流,确定真空度. Three,Features of Large Tube Vacuumization.1,Evapotrans- piration vacuumizaing agent only or no agent at all and di- rect sealing; 2, Copper anode faces down when vacuumized; 3,Tungsten cathod vacuumized at 2,700K (following is what Page 5 reads) & flash aging at 3,000K;4,High voltage A.C. to wipe grid-cathod leakage and debur anode; 5, High voltage safety;6,Repeated vacuumiza- tions may exceed 24 hours; 7, Reduce tube diameter before sealing. Form ion vacuum and test ion beam to determine vacuum extent. 0019640405004 六,电器线路说明:排气和老炼 合二为一…灯丝供电…直流高 压电子轰击…6个闸流管组成 三相全波整流…可用一整流器 输出负压,使闸流管封闭,高压 间断输出…继电器控制一电机, 间断通电,调压方便并保护人 员安全…热继电器保护机械泵 …(以下是第19页内容)调压 变压器和自动恒温装置组成烘 箱电路…微安表和负压整流器 组成离子流测量线路…老练时 40KV高压,自动保护栅栏门… Six,Electric Circuits:Vacuumi- zation & aging in 1 process… Power supply for filament… D.C. high-voltage electronic bombardment…6 thyratrons form a 3-phase full wave recti- fier…A rectifier outputs nega- tive voltage for a thyratron off & intermittent high-volt output…A relay controls a motor for intermittent power on, voltage regulation and operators’ safety…A Thermo relay protects mechanical pump…(next is what Page 19 reads) A slide transformer & thermostat form baking circuit…An microammeter & negative voltage rectifier form ion beam testing circuit…40 KV for aging with automatic safety protection bars… 0019640405005 孙老师对中华作业的评语是: “设计对FU-89的排气规范作 的说明,并对真空系统作较多 的计算,说明对设计是较认真 的.设计对规范拟订的说明方 式不够搭当.应该是将结论放 在后面,而不是拿出结论后对 结论进行说明.” Teacher SUN comments on Zhonghua’s home work: “Both notes for vacuumizing specs and many calculations for vacuumizing system for FU-89 Tube shows a consci- entious attitude towards the Design.Notes for Specs have something upside down. Conlusion should have been at end rather than conclu- sion being the first while notes for conclusion being the second.” 0019640405006 中华在工艺卡片中详细说明 了使用什么设备、工具和仪 器;也说明了一,准备工作 的程序和时间;二,管子去 气的程序、状态、温度、真 空度和时间等;三,阴极老 炼的加工方式、时间、状态 和电流等; In his Process Cards, Zhong- hua detailed applicable equipment,tools & apparatus and specified 1, Preparation procedure and time; 2,Proce- dure, status, temperature, vacuum extent & time,etc for vacuumization; 3, Method, time, status and current, etc for cathod aging; 0019640405007 四,栅极老炼的电压、电流、 吹风冷却和保持时间等;五, 阳极老炼的电压、电流、 并联、风冷和各自处理时 间;六;电离泡去气的处理项 目和时间;七,管壳和管道去 气的操作项目、温度、用电 和时间;八,阴极第二次老炼 的处理内容和时间;九,栅极 第二次老炼的过程、电压、 电流、冷却和时间; 4, Voltage, current, cooling & keeping time,etc for grid aging; 5, Voltage, current, parallel, cooling and each processing time for anode aging; 6,Processing items & time for vacuumization by ion bulb; 7,Items,tempera- ture, power consumption & time for tube case & tube passage vacuumizations; 8, Process items & durations for second time cathod aging; 9, Process, voltage, current,cooling & duration for second time grid aging; 0019640405008 十,阴极第二次老炼的 串联、电压、电流和 保持时间;十一,测离 子流的连接方式、电 压、电流和时间;十 二,去毛刺的程序、减 压和持续时间;十三 (原文可能误为十四) 封离的步骤和时间。 10,Parallel,voltage, current & keeping time for second aging for cathod;11,Conne- ction, volage, current & keeping time for ion beam testing; 12, Procedure, reduction and keeping time for deburring; 13 (14 as per original. May be a mistake) Procedure and time for sealing. 0019640405009 中华把排气-老炼线路绘制在A3的描图纸上.左到右、上到下的电路分别用于烘箱、栅极电子轰击、交流高压、离子流测量、机械泵、油泵加热和灯丝供电。 He drew vacuumizing-agin diagram on tracing paper with circuits for oven, grid electron bombardment,AC high-volt, ion beam testing, pump, oil pump heating & filament power supply. 0019640405010 真空系统简图标明了被排气管、管路截面、冷却阱、电离泡、热偶真空计、油泵、三通凡尔、机械泵和电机。 Vacuum system diagram marks tube being vacuu- mized, pipe cross section, cold trap,ion bulb,thermo- couple vacuum gage,T jun- ction, oil pump and motor. 0019640405011 中华记录了理论排气曲线:纵轴从上到下是越来越高的真空度,横轴从左到右是排气-老炼时间.对于行文欠缺的相关阐述,老师用红笔提醒道“曲线从何而来?” He recorded a vacuum curve in theory. Longitude was vacuum & abscissa for time. He lacked relevant details.Teacher SUN asked where the curve was from. 1019640000001 涂作潮很少照相.但却主动 于1964年甄别调京前在原 极斯菲尔路76号(现万航 渡路435号)摄影留念.该 址为汪伪政权(1939-1945) 残害抗日志士的特务机构. 当年上海人不用说路名,只 要提起76号,就谈虎色变. 涂作潮当年也得应付76号. 他希望永远保留这段记忆. 1967年造反派抄走本照片. 1973年涂作潮抗争半年, 终于追回。 Even in PRC time Tu Zuo- Chao seldom took photos. But he posed for picture at formerly 76 Jessfield Road (435 Wanhangdu Road now) before he got rehabi- litated & moved to Beijing in 1964. Chinese quisling’s Secret Service located here from 1939 to 1945. This location sounded terrible to Shanghai people. Tu’d also struggled vs this 76 during his underground time. He wished to keep this memory forever. This photo was robbed in 1967. After 6-month struggle in 1973, Tu got it back. 1019640600001 1964年6月涂作潮到四机部报到后和老战友们合影。前排左起:刘寅(四机部常务副部长),伍云甫(中组部副部长),涂作潮(四机部局级休养人员),童小鹏(国务院秘书长),刘少文(总参二部部长);后排左起:王子刚(邮电部长),曾三(中办副主任),申光邮(电部副部长),王诤(四机部部长)。1967年8月抄家后照片原件不复存在。 In June 1964 after his rehabilitation and registration at 4th Machine-building Ministry, old fellows photoed with Tu. From front left: Liu Yin, Wu Yunfu, Tu Zuochao, Tong Xiaopeng, Liu Shaowen. From back left: Wang Zigang, Zeng San, Shen Guang, Wang Zheng. Each except Tu was ranked deputy minister or above. Original photo disappeared after house search and robbery in Aug 1967. 0019640700001 1964年7月到68年11月17 日涂家住翠微路2号楼3单 元203室.朝南约16平米带 阳台(上图).下图:朝北一间12 平米(箭头1)顺序往东是厕所 (箭头2)和带后阳台(以后住 户加了窗)的厨房(箭头3).进 门6平米饭厅.南屋放大小床. 1965年夏裘惠英来京时也住 南屋.北屋住二子中华(22岁) 幼女平华(16岁)和幼子胜华 (14岁).后阳台西侧即厨房窗 下用铁皮搭篷存蜂窝煤.箭头 5是一二楼楼梯转弯处窗户。 Above: TU home was at 203, Unit 3,Bldg 2,Cuiwei Rd from July 1964 to Nov 1968. South room with balcony had 2 beds. QIU Huiying lived here, too, for 2 weeks in summer 1965. Below:10 M2 North room for son Zhonghua (22 years old), daughter Pinghua (16) & son Shenghua (14) (Arrow 1). Toilet next (Arrow 2).Kitchen with balcony (Arrow 3. Later tenants added windows on north balcony).A coal-storing shed was below kitchen win- dow west side.Arrow 5 is stair window between floors 1 & 2. 0019640700002 张小梅大立柜 1931年上海川沙高宅基 乡村木匠张国良给女儿 张小梅的嫁妆包括这个 216 x 120 X 64 cm的雕 花实木大立柜.2014年6 月长子涂林方看着幼子涂 胜华拍摄时,该大立柜仍在 使用中,83年陈的老镜子依 旧完好.1961年长女涂新华 结婚时,两夫妇月薪合计虽 不足父亲涂作潮的一半,却 也能购置带镜子的全实木 五斗橱.这里是涂作潮一家 1964到1984年间的大立 柜.下半截是涂作潮用包装 箱和劈柴改制,上半截是张 小梅嫁妆中的一个箱子。 Zhang Xiaomei got dowry from her father, a village carpenter in east Shanghai, in 1931, incl. this 216X120 X64 cm solid wood cabinet, still usable in 2014 when Linfang watching Shenghua taking the photo.Xinhua got a smaller solid wood mirror cabinet in 1961 when she & her husband monthly wages were 1/2 of Tu Zuochao’s. Next is the cabinet for Tu Zuochao family from 1964 to 1984. Lower part was made from 2 package boxes and upper part was a case left over from Zhang Xiao- mei’s previous marriage. 0019640700003 涂新华五斗橱 0019640700004 涂作潮“大立柜” 0019640700101 Tu self-made tools: 1, Inductionless screwdriver; 2, Wood drill--Nail head off; nail tip flattened;grinding wheel to sharpen edge; quenched. 3, Reborn drill bit--grinding wheel made sharp point; quenched if necessary. 涂作潮自制工具 1, 无感应改锥-绝缘体手柄; 2, 木工钻头-去掉钉头,钉尖打 扁, 砂轮磨出锐面,淬火; 3, 铁工钻头再生—砂轮给残 体磨出钻头,必要时淬火。 0019640719001 中华在南京无线电 工业学校(现南京信 息职业技术学院)的 四年制中专毕业证. 中华1959年入学, 本应63年毕业.但 他60到62年服役. 复员返校后中华在 60年级跟读。 Nanjing Radio In- dustry School (now Nanjing IT College) issued diploma for Zhonghua 19 July 1964 for his 4-year education there. Zhonghua entered the School in Sept, 1959. He served in army from 1960 to 1961.When back to School, he’d to be in a 1960 Class. 1019640700001 1964年7月中华从南京无线电工业学校毕业前拍了同学们的照片.他的Seica二手相机没有自拍,无法合影。 When at Nanjing Radio Technology School Zhong- hua took a photo of his classmates. His second hand Seica had no self timer. So no group photo. 1019640700002 + 1019640700003 + 1019640700004 约1963到1964年间中华给南京无线电工业学校体操队的同学拍摄的照片。在那个兴无灭资的年代,敢于拍摄展示人体美的照片还颇要一些勇气才行。中华用的日本产Seica牌二手127照相机。 Zhonghua took photos of Exercise Team members at his school in Nanjing between 1963 & 1964. It was during the time of Upholding the Proletariat & Down with Bourgeoisie. Anyone daring to take photos of bodily beauty at that time did need some extra courage. His second- hand Japan-made Seica 127 camera. 1019640700005 中华(四排左五)在1964年7月毕业前,和南京无线电工业学校的同学们合影。 Zhonghua (Left 5, 4th Row) photoed with his schoolmates before his graduation in July 1964 from Nanjing Radio Industry School. 1019650000001 涂作潮1964年甄别后精神 面貌大为改观.第四机械工 业部121革命造反兵团 1967年9月发行的第7期 《红旗漫卷》2版报道:“彭 黄反党分子涂作潮的胡子是 他反党的标记.八月三十一 日我121兵团在部机关召开 的揪斗三反分子王诤和涂作 潮的大会上,被我121战士 当场剪掉,真是大快人心。” TU was high spirited after rehabilitation in 1964. 4th Machine-bldg Ministry 121 Revolutionary Rebel Corps reported in their 7th issue of Flying Red Flag in Sept 1967:“on 31 Aug at a Seize- Struggle Meeting Vs Anti- Party, Anti-Socialism Anti- Chairman Mao Members WANG Zheng (minister) & TU Zuochao,we 121 fighters cut TU Zuochao’s beard, his anti-Party symbol.What a happy thing!” 1019650000002 约1965年春,中华和南京无线电工业学校的同班同学、又一起分配到北京电子管(774)厂的同事陶有彬去了北京香山。他俩互相拍照。中华死后,陶有彬来涂家看望过。 In about spring time of 1965, TAO Youbin and TU Zhonghua took photos each other at Fragrance Hill, Beijing. They were classmates in Nanjing and colleagues at Beijing Electronic Tube (774) Plant. After Zhonghua’s death TAO visited TU Family. 1019650000003 涂中华在北京香山,约拍摄于1965年春。 TU Zhonghua at the Fragrance Hill, Beijing in about spring time of 1965. 1019660000001 时至2000年春节,在翠微路2号楼附近300米处还能看到文革红海洋时代的标语“永远跟着毛主席,四卷(其时毛泽东选集四卷)红书代代传.”南侧毛主席语录“你们要关心国家大事,要把无产阶级文化大革命进行到底”在文革后岁月中被黑板报和计划生育标语覆盖.文革期间破坏毛主席语录往往是现行反革命,轻则批斗或徒刑,重则丧命。 In Feb 2000, cultural revolution Red Ocean slogans remained at Cuiwei Rd. “Forever Follow Chairman Mao; His 4- Volume Red Book Pass on for Each Generation”at each side of this entrance. MAO’s red quotation “You must con- cern with state affairs & carry the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution thru to the end” was partially covered by a black board that was partially covered by a planned parenthood slogan. Damaging Mao Quotation in revolu- tion vs culture’d mean death sentence. 0019660516001 冰山一角的文革死亡地图: 1cm=60m.万寿路-木樨地5km,复兴路南,每Km2逾10人.军训部,京西宾馆,有色院,中联部等未计入.总后工厂管理部长张和1967-7-22冤死;汤平副部长1968-1-28冤死;傅连璋中将1968-3- 29冤死狱中;张树森1967年冤死;后勤学院27楼1门3层杨中校1968年安眠药...四机部:刘星野司长1967年跳河;丁古局长1968年死于牛棚;吉文超司长‘68年12月冤死;涂作潮子涂中华‘68-7-26牛棚…海军陶勇将军‘67-1-21害死;李呈瑞海航政委 ‘67-9-22...... 雷永通海军学院政委‘69-4- 16冤死;张学思海军副参谋长,‘70-5-29冤死;齐勇国家海洋局长,‘68年冤死…空司:杨文安高炮指挥副司令‘67-6自杀;刘善本空军指挥学院副院长,‘68-3-10死于刑询…铁道部:杨在田局长,‘67年迫害致死;张敬之局长,‘68-11-28残害致死;刘影局长1967年残害致死;王佩英‘70-1-27按反革命枪决前勒毙…北京铁路局:徐骏总工‘68年迫害致死;刘玉文卫生防疫总站总支书记’‘66-9-20木樨地河中发现满身是伤的尸体...本图遗漏众多,恳请知情者补充。 A tiny bit of wenge death map: 26+ per sq M partially from Wanshou Rd to Muxidi in Beijing, 3 mile long. PLA Logistic Dept: Maj gen Zhang He 07-22-67;Lt gen Tang Ping 01-28-68;Lt gen Fu Lianzhang 03-29-68;Lt col Zhang Shusen ‘67; Lt col Yang by sleeping pills ‘68; 4th Machine Bldg Ministry:Dept head Liu Xingye ‘67;Dept head Ding Gu ‘68;Dept head Ji Wenchao Dec, ‘68;Tu’s son Zhonghua 07-26-68 …Navy HQ:Lt gen Tao Yong 01-21-67;Lt gen Li Chengrui 09-22-67;Maj gen Lei Yongtong 04-16-69; Maj gen Zhang Xuesi 05-29-70; Maj gen & PRC Marine Buro head Qi Yong ‘68.....Air Forces HQ: Maj gen Yang Wen’an Jun,‘68; Maj gen Liu Shanben 03-10-1968...Railway Ministry:Dept head Yang Zaitian ‘67;Dept head Zhang Jingzhi 28-11-68;Dept head Liu Ying ‘67; Ms Wang Pei- ying was strangled before execution 01-27- ‘70…Beijing Railway Buro: head engineer Xu Jun 05-18-‘68;Immunity center head Liu Yuwen, deadly beaten body found in Muxidi River 09-20 -‘66...This incomplete map needs supplement...... 0019660516002 文化大革命=大革文化命:代表中国部分传统文化的孔夫子遗迹遭焚毁,其恶果半个世纪后仍未完全显露. cultural revolution?revolution against culture! Confucius site was burnt so part of China’s cultural tradition. Aftermath is not yet fully exposed even 50 years later. 0019660516003 大革文化命不仅烧毁传统文化,而且砸毁清华园--科教兴国的缩影 revolution against culture not only burnt traditional culture but also destroyed Qinghua University, a Chinese sci-edu symbol for a better country. 0019660516004 文革政变中猖獗于市的群丑图,囊括国家主席,第一夫人,党中央总书记,中办主任,中宣部长,总参谋长,省市领导,文化精英… Rampant revolution vs Culture posters monsterize state chairman, first lady, CPC general office chief, PLA general chief of staff, municipal and provincial leaders & cultural elites… 0019660516007 无产阶级文化大革命是政变:统治集团内部一部分人采取军事或政治手段造成国家政权突然变更,《辞海》语。1967年夏,遭非法废黜的国家主席刘少奇挨批斗。 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in 1966 was a coup detat. In summer 1967 State Chairman Liu Shaoqi, illegally disgraced, was struggled by the masses of people. 1019660800001 在涂作潮1967年7月底落难前,他用行动抵制文革:为孩子们义务讲授无线电、木工和铁工技术,并力所能及地送些零件或材料.这是他为赵济生和赵济荣兄弟制作的刨子.济荣自备坯木.2001年他们将刨子赠与本陈列室.涂作潮画的开槽定位线仍清晰可见。 Before disaster came in end July 1967 TU boycotted cultural revolu- tion by teaching radio, carpentry & black smith for youngsters. He gave away parts and materials when possible. He made this planer for ZHAO Jisheng & ZHAO Jirong. Jirong provided base wood. They donated this planer in 2001. TU’s positioning lines remain hereon. 1019670000001 文革伊始涂作潮坚嘱刚上完 初二的幼子胜华不得参与打 砸抢或武斗.鼓励儿子学习 无线电和摄影、自学初二以 后的文化课、或者干脆用4 元一张的学生通用月票四处 转转,远离是非之地的翠微 路(住家)和万寿路(四机部机 关).这是他1967年春夏间拿 着自卷烟、中断阅报给儿子 做模特时的照片.背后书桌上 是几个月后就被抄走的自制 收音机.照相机是中华买的用 127胶卷的二手货.他们没有 供室内拍摄用的闪光灯。 TU ordered his youngest son Shenghua, just finished Year 8, not to touch revolution vs culture,& encouraged him to continue self education. One day in spring-summer 1967 he stopped reading news- paper and posed a photo for Shenghua. He was holding a self-rolled cigarette. His own-made radio was on desk behind. The camera was a second-hand Jap Seica using 127 negative film. Zhonghua, second son, was the owner. The young practitioner did not flash for indoor shooting. 1019670000101 Grabbed in 1967 was a radiom, when back in 1973 only its dial palte, dual variable capacitator and transformer. 1967年抄走的收音机到1973年归还时仅剩变压器,双联电容和刻度盘。 1019670000002 中华用不多的复员费买了台 二手日本照相机,Seica牌, 约30元,用127胶卷.焦距 不准,他自己调整,垫衬.127 胶卷当时约1.50元一个,而 处理的120胶卷有时不到1 元.他自设暗室,把120裁成 127.这是他在1967年前后 用Seica翻拍的2寸照片. 中华的期盼是“积点钱,买台 (83元的)58II型135照相 机.”但他一直未能如愿。 With his humble demobili- zing fee Zhonghua bought a second hand Jap camera at about Yuan 30. He mea- sured the defocusing, put padding pieces and refo- cused. The Seica used 127 film at Yuan 1.5 a roll. Dis- counted 120 film’d be less than Yuan 1.00. In his own- made dark room,Zhonghua cut 120 into 127. This is a duplication of his photo by his Seica in about 1967.His ambition was a 58II 135 camera at Yuan 83 but in vain during his life time. 0019670209001 1967年2月9日年初一中午 12:15,刚刚会用哥哥没有闪光 灯的照相机的胜华兴奋地给 父亲照相.开始闻到文革血腥 味的涂作潮毫无笑意.自制收 音机和自制外壳的旧货时钟, 在半年后被抄走并拆毁。 12:15 on 9 Feb 1967, Spring Festival.Exciting Shenghua, with Zhonghua’s flashless Seica, asked Father to pose. With bloody disaster by revolution vs culture smelt, Tu gave no smile. His self- made radio set & clock with his self-made case were to be robbed & destroyed in a house search half year later. 0019670221001 + 0019670221002 文革明信片的主要品种是毛泽东肖像.那时写信的文体是首先敬祝毛主席万寿无疆.1967年2月21日,在陕西宝鸡出差的中华写信给新华说:来这里因无电一直无法工作…大约再过十天回京…在讲述当地武斗时中华写道:孫家坡“大炮、机枪一起出动”… In cultural revolution, major form of postcard was a Mao portrait like this. The style in writing a letter then was Wishing Chairman Mao a Long Long Life also like this.On 21 Feb, 67 Zhonghua wrote from Shanxi that there was no electricity thus doing nothing…and that fight between rebel factions engaged “both canons and machine guns. 0019670529001 + 0019670605001 中央特科培训的报务员王逸 群和涂作潮在1931-1934年 间在江西、1936年末在西安 同事。1935-1936年间涂作 潮在沪流浪时,偶遇并收留 了还穿着监狱号衣的王逸群。 这两份外调介绍信表明,王 逸群的被捕问题在文革中亦 受极大关注。 Wang Yiqun, a radioman trained by CPC Te Ke. He worked with Tu in Jiangxi from 1931 to 1934 and in Xi’an in late 1936. When wondering in Shanghai in 1935-1936 Tu bumped into Wang still in prison garb and took care of him. In 1967, imprisonment of Wang in 1935 was also investigated as shown by these 2 Official Letters. 0019670712001 + 0019670712002 1967年7月12日,七机部二 院200厂派人向涂作潮调查 厂长、1949年5月上海军管 会驻中央无线电公司军代表 室冯道生代表的政治历史问 题。四机部军管会在外调介 绍信背面签署同意接谈时,仍 称呼不久后被揪出来的涂作 潮为同志。 On 12 July ‘67,the Ministry military authority asked Tu Zuochao to talk on history of Feng Daosheng, a gyro plant director in Beijing. Feng was Tu’s colleague in 1949. Tu was addressed as Comrade that day but was labeled as enemy a few days later. Photoed are frong (up) and back (low) sides of the Introduction Letter for the Feng investigation. This sort of letter was often used in cultural revolution. 0019670731001 在涂作潮被揪出来后的1967 年冬、1968年春,五岁的外 孙赵敏从外公家下楼去玩, 一定要在外婆的视线之内, 否则,造反派邻居的孩子们 就会欺负他. 然而,外婆和 外孙也有难得一笑的时候。 From late 1967 to early 1968 when Tu was disgraced, his 5-year-old grandson Zhao Min would need grandma’s guard whenever he went to play downstairs. Oherwise, kids from rebel neighbors bullied him to their hearts’ extent. However,the granny and her honey still tried to find a moment of joy. 0019670731002 1019670700009 1964到1967年,经常失眠的涂作潮自编鱼网,每周约三整夜在玉渊潭扳网捉鱼,每次收获几两到十几斤.扳网用的5根竹杆,锁在河边树上.北大心理学方文教授分析,一个心中藏匿多年秘密的人,如不和他人交流,往往用其他方式来发泄能量。 From 1964 to 1967, Tu used self- made net to fish about 3 whole nights per week at Yuyuantai.Each time from a few oz to 20 lb. Bamboo supports for the net were locked in a river side wood. Psy- chologist believes since Tu talked to nobody about his secrecy, he’d to release energy 1 way or another. 0019670828001 1967年8月28日上午,四机部军管会指使造反派对涂作潮抄家、刑讯。他们从一上班开始,搜查一遍,刑讯一次,共8次8遍。搜完7后,他们威逼涂写了这份交代。 江西-延安-上海地下时期的战 友田保洪任重庆雷达学院副 院长.1967年夏造反派甚嚣尘 上,不得以让儿子浪琦将家中 存折、现金和粮票等带北京 存涂作潮处.为他人隐私计,涂 不清点,只把它们封在一铁皮 盒内,贴封条后签字.1967年 8月28日四机部造反派抄家 时搜出.重刑拷问下涂仍说不 出具体.他在口、笔供中仍不 透露田所在单位的工作性质. 1967年10月27日造反派冲 击该院时被警卫击毙数人。 Chongqing Radar Institute deputy dean TIAN Baohong deposited his cash, bank passbooks and food coupon, etc at TU’s home.TU didn’t count them for privacy rea- son. Just put them in a box. Rebels found this under the tub on 28 Aug 1967. They tortured TU but TU still could not tell details inside. He called TIAN’s institute as ? so the secret radar ins- titute would not be known. On 27 Oct 1967, Congqing Rebels attacking the insti- tute were shot and several of them died. 0019670828002 铁皮盒内存着田家6,500元存 单、900元现金和一包粮票. 在造反派第7次拷打中,涂作 潮清点并签署了时间和名字. 造反派第8次拷打后,已是中 午12点.他们临走逼涂作潮写 下 “没有打我.”经过田保洪和 所在单位通信兵部的交涉,几 个月后四机部军管会和造反派 把抄走的存单、现金和粮票归 还了田家.1972年在四机部归 还的抄家物品中涂家发现了含 “没有打我”的有关文件原件。 There were Yuan 6,500 deposit certificates, Yuan 900 cash & a bundle of food coupons.During their 7th torture, TU counted & and signed & dated his state- ment. After 8th torture it was 12:00 noon. They forced TU to write “I’ve not been beaten” before they left for lunch. The Fourth Machine-bldg Ministry Military Control Committee & rebels returned to TIAN the negotiables, cash & food cou- pons a few months later after appeals by TIAN & PLA Telecommunication Dept, his work unit. On 27 Oct 1967, Chongqing rebels attacked the Institute. Sentries shot several of them dead after cautions. 0019670828003 下图是1967年8月28日抄 家的另一份清单,列出了以后 害死中华的两盘录音带;胜华 的玩具手拷、已经过期作废 的中华民国钞票和从靶场捡 拾的弹壳、弹头,顷刻间成了 父亲的罪证.田保洪寄存的市 值150元的牡丹牌8管2波 段晶体管收音机也被抄走.以 后再抄时,就根本不开清单了. Below is another receipt of house search on 28 Aug 1967. Listed were 2 recording tapes that killed Zhonghua later. Shenghua’s toy hand- cuff, long expired Republic of China banknotes & used bullets picked from shoot- ing range became evidences against father. A Peony brand 8-transistor 2-band radio entrusted by TIAN Baohong was taken. There would be no more receipt for house searches after this date. 0019670828005 在这份涂作潮签署的1968年8月28日抄家清单中,造反派记载了“1961年12月6日给周恩来一信”(的底稿)。当年对周恩来的正常称呼是:总理、周总理、周恩来总理、周恩来同志或恩来同志。乱党直呼其名,皆源于来自高层的倒周黑风。该清单中的银元一个,从此下落不明。 In this 28 Aug 1967 house search list signed by Tu, rebels wrote “letter to Zhou Enlai on 6 Dec 1961.” Normal way at that time to address Zhou Enlai was Premier,Premier Zhou, Premier Zhou Enlai, Comrade Zhou Enlai or Comrade Enlai. Rebels dared call Zhou Enlai provokingly as top leaders were disgracing Zhou Enlai. The list had 1 silver dollar but it was nowhere ever since. 0019670828006 + 0019670828007 翠微路2号楼3单元203室涂作潮家厕所内的小澡盆。涂作潮在底座上掏洞藏匿田保洪财产。2004年4月拍摄时,密洞尚存。 1967年9月23日通信兵部向四机部军管会证明财产隶属,26日田公子浪琦索回后涂作潮签字移交。 Small bath at Tu home at Apt 203, Unit 3, Building 2, Cuiwei Road, Beijing. Tu dug a hole to hide Tian Baohong’s valueables. When shot in Apr 2004 the secret hole was still there. 23 Sep 1967 PLA Radio Headquarters testified to 4th Machine Building Ministry military authority. Tian’s son Langqi got them back on 26 Sep. Tu signed the list upon returning. 0019670828008 + 0019670828009 这两页涂作潮供词见证当年一个上午八次刑讯中的四次。刑讯一次,亲笔交代并签署一次。涂作潮坚持认为1964年甄别源于周恩来的督促和原则交代。涂作潮在这两页中对周恩来的称呼是恩来同志和总理。 三级部刘鼎副部长红旗轿车里的电钟,希望涂作潮做直流供电,成了特务活动证据。该电钟抄走后没有归还。 These 2 pages witness 4 of the 8 tortured interrogations in one morning. Tu wrote and signed each time. Tu persisted his rehabilitation in 1964 came from Zhou Enlai’s urge and direction in principle. In Tu’s writing he called Zhou Enlai as Comrade Enlai or the Premier. Third machine building deputy minister Liu Ding asked Tu to make DC power supply for his Red Flag car clock. The clock became a Liu-Tu spy evidence and was never returned. 0019670828010 涂作潮1965年修复的破沙发.大方凳系张小梅家传.1967年774厂和四机部造反派抄家时它们成了改型老虎凳:把涂按在沙发内,双脚置方凳,用刑人坐在涂的膝盖上,力越大,痛越甚.原型老虎凳把受刑人膝盖绑在长凳上,在脚跟下垫砖,垫得越高,痛苦越大。 Tu bought and repaired this old safa in 1965. Square bench was a wedding gift for Zhang Xiaomei’s mother. In 1967, both became a torturing tool historically named as Tiger’s Bench. They fixed Tu in sofa with his feet on the bench. The torturer sat on Tu’s knees. The more force the torturer applied the more pain Tu suffered.