0019580400001 上海桂林路369号是中国核 工业总公司的上海电子仪器 厂.其前身是1958年4月建 立的时代电子仪器厂,归属于 主管核工业的二机部三局. 1956年开始生产YP-4M的 上海亚美电器厂则归属于主 管电子工业的二机部十局.为 理顺管理关系并业务对口,在 亚美培训有关工人和管理人 员后,YP-4M在1958年6月 转由上海电子仪器厂生产.到 2000年已生产YP-4M的第 4代产品-半导体辐射探矿仪. 369,Guilin Road,Shanghai is now Shanghai Electronic Instrument Plant under China Nuclear Industry Co. Its predecessor was Era Electronic Instrument Plant founded in April 1958 when Yamei was led by China’s electronics authority while YP-4M was business for China’s nuclear authority. Having workers and mana- gement trained at Yamei, Era began producing YP- 4M in June 1958. By 2000 Era or Shanghai Electronic was already making semi- conductor radioactive detector, the 4th generation of YP-4M. 0019580324001 涂作潮任上海电机厂党委委员兼厂长助理时,办理了上海市科学技术图书馆阅览证,有效期自1958-3-24至1959-3-23,其时正处总路线、大跃进、人民公社三面红旗高潮,正值全国上下亩产万斤、大炼钢铁、公共食堂、超英赶美.这份阅览证从侧面表明,涂作潮当时没有跟着头脑发昏 Working as a Party Committee member and assistant to Director at Shanghai Electric Motor Plant, Tu applied for a library card at Shanghai Municipal Science Library valid from 03-24- 1958 to 03-23-1959 when China was crazy for Great Leap Forward to surpass US or UK in 10 years and to grow 30+ te grain per acre,etc. This doc partially shows Tu didn’t lose his head when many others did. 0019580924101 1940年代末美军研制红外导 弹,成功后装备台湾空军.1958 9-24温州东空战中,空军一等 功臣王自重(1927,山西晋城) 击落两架敌机后,牺牲于响尾 蛇红外导弹.此后中国红外导 弹立即上马.1955-1956年间, 涂作潮收到黄渭渔来自海外 渠道的红外导弹资料连同中 译文后,即报二机部副部长刘 鼎.文革专案组为罗织刘鼎特 务案,刑讯中把涂作潮“几次 长时间地打得要死.” 鸣谢:热心观众 朱宏佑 US equipped Taiwan with IR Sidewider that downed Chi- nese Mig flown by Wang Zi- zhong 24-9-1958 when China began developing IR missile. In 1956 Huang Weiyu got IR missile info from overseas & gave to Tu. Tu sent the same to deputy minister Liu Ding in charge in Beijing. Wenge investigators deadly beated Tu long time many times so as to fabricate Liu Ding spy case. Photos sourced from Mr. Zhu Hongyou, a visitor 0019580925001 1958-6-8新华通讯社和《人 民日报》等开始发射高产卫 星,到9-25大跃进高潮中的 官方报道称水稻亩产最高记 录是广西环江县红旗人民公 社130,435斤,还照片为证: 稻穗居然能托住一个小姑娘. Since 06-08-1958 Xinhua News Agency and People’s Daily, etc began launching 30-ton grain output per acre satellite. 09-25-1958 when great leap forward was in heat official photo showed a girl sitting on rice ears at Red Flag People’s Commune in Huanjiang County, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. 0019580928002 官方报道亩产万斤以上的诀窍之一是超级深耕. 1958年河南省襄城人民公社社员大翻卫星田,深达一丈二尺. 鸣谢:网易历史http://history.163.com/ Official news published one of secrets for 30-ton plus per acre was super deep ploughing. In 1958 Xiangcheng People’s Commune men in Henan Province deep ploughed for 13 feet. Ack. http://history.163.com 0019580925003 中国1957年产钢535万吨, 次年大跃进要翻一番,以期斗 倒美国和台湾蒋介石野心狼. 为了年产1070万吨钢,全国 建起无数耗能超高却生产废 钢的小高炉.中共中央所在地 中南海的干部们也建起炼钢 炉,毛泽东亲自观看。 China produced 5,350,000 tonnes of steel in 1957.Great leap forward in 1958 aimed at a double so to beat USA and its ally in Taiwan. To make 10,700,000 tonnes, thousands of mini blast furnaces were built. Extra energy waste resulted in waste steel. Officials at Zhongnanhai, CCP HQ, built their own mini blast furnace. Chairman Mao Zedong came smiling. 10195800001 中华是上海市少年科技活动站(汾阳路-岳阳路口)船模组的积极份子.根据他在本照片背后所写,这是他和同伴们在1958或1959年制作了国产万吨货轮模型.在中华上中专后,活动站仍然收存展出他当年单独制作的船模。 Zhonghua was an active member at Ship Model Group of Shanghai Tee- nagers Science-Tech Activity Center. As Zhonghua wrote on backside, this shows how his fellows & he were making a model of China-made 10,000-ton cargo vessel in 1958 or 1959. The Center also exhibited his other ship model after he was gone. 0019590200101 涂新华1959年上海动力机器制造学校的中专文凭,讲述了不低于硕士文凭的故事.1955年上海中学的三好生即将保送本校高中,父命只准上中专.原由一,国家建设急用人才;中专毕业后边工作边自修大学课程;二,负担不起. 1955年月入40元者可养一家四口.涂作潮月入155元,如不自费为公家做实验、搞开发,如不自费周济当年战友,完全可以供养新华等五个孩子的学业。 Tu Xinhua’s Shanghai Power+Machine Polytech diploma in 1959. Xinhua was a 1955 guaranteed candidate for university (Yuan 56 monthly for graduate). Father only allowed her for polytech school (monthly Yuan 37 for graduate). His reasons: Polytech students timely enough for China and he couldn’t finance her uni. In 1955, a family of 4 lived on monthly Y. 40 but Tu made Y. 155. If his salary not for lab work for public or to help those forgotten heros, Tu’d have been able to support all the 5 kids for university. 0019590525101 《永不消逝的电波》播出后,裘惠英亲题李白遗照赠何健础。何健础1959或1960年5月25日在照片正面亲笔题写了李白在影片中的名字李侠,在背面写下李白儿子的名字李恒胜。鸣谢:何鼎钦夫妇。涂作潮也有类似之举:在裘惠英题赠的李白遗照背面写:李白子李恒胜;彭干臣子彭伟光。涂作潮收存的李白遗照在1967年8月四机部造反派抄家中灭失。 After The Eternal Waves had been shown, Qiu Huiying gave this Li Bai photo to He Jianchu. On 25 May 1959 or 1960 He wrote Li Bai’s movie name Li Xia on front and name of Li Bai’s son Hengsheng on back. Tu did similar. On backside of Li Bai photo given by Qiu, Tu wrote Hengsheng, son of Li Bai and Weiguang, son of Peng Ganchen. Li Bai photo for Tu was lost in house search by Sijibu rebels in 1967. 0019590800001 涂作潮任上海电机厂厂党委委员兼厂长助理时,上下班或外出时厂里派车。但是为办理私事(包括自费搞研究)方便,他还是自己买了月票.这是他1959年8月的通用月票。他本可以用这6元钱买一瓶半他喜欢但是几年也未必能喝得着的茅台。 The Plant provided TU with a car. But for private use including his re- search on his own fund he took pub- lic transportation. Six Yuan for Aug 1959 monthly ticket would have bought him 1.5 bottles of Maotai, his favorate but a rare luxury in years. 0019590900001 1959年9月二子中华初中毕业后考入南京无线电工业学校。他的姐姐新华初中毕业后考入上海动力机械学校。他的弟弟延华初中毕业后则考入上海无线电工业学校。父亲让他们上中专的理由是:1,供不起大学生;2,大学生动手能力差,而国家建设急需的是有一定专长的实干家;3,中专毕业工作后仍然可以,而且有能力自学大学课程。这里是中华遗物:上为南京无线电工业学校1959年时的全景照片;下为他的成绩册。 In Sept 1959 Zhonghua, 2nd son, went to Nanjing Radio School equaling year 10 to year 12. His elder sister Xinhua had gone to Shanghai Mechanical School and his younger brother Yanhua would go to Shanghai Radio School, both year 10 to year 12. Father’s reasons were 1, Financially he wasn’t able to support university student; 2, University student wasn’t good enough for hand work while construction in China urgently needed practical workers each with some expertise more badly; 3, After year 12 he or she might and would be able to self study university courses in spare time if so needed. 0019590900002 涂作潮1968年65岁丧子,1969年66岁才知恶耗.从开始落实政策的1972年69岁始,至1984年底82岁去的整整13年中,他一直坚持但始终没能要到这本学生成绩册和儿子的部分档案.中华的专业代号是七:电子管制造.这是父亲1956年才实践过的弱项.父亲不仅希望儿子能子承父业,而且也希望儿子能弥补父亲的缺憾。 From 1972 when political climate began improving to end 1984 when he died, TU’d struggled for 13 years but in vain for some of his son Zhonghua’s archives inlcuding this Student Score Book. Son was majored in electronic tube manu- facturing that was a weakside for father as experienced in 1956. Father wanted son not only to succeed in radio career but also compensate for father’s regret. 0019590900003 中华就读期间于1961年到1963年间服役,因肝炎提前退役返校.他在南京无线电工业技术学校的四年学习一共跨了六年.这是他1963年返校后补发的学生成绩册.班次编号59724说明他是1959年入学的专业代号7的学生,上了两学年.返校后,他插班在1960年入学的7专业28班. Zhonghua was on military service from 1961 to 1963. Due to liver trouble he got demobilized earlier and back to school in 1963 when the school issued this replacement Student Score Book. Class 59724 refers to his admission in 1959 and his major electronic tube manu- facturing code named 7. In 1963 when back to school he was with Class 60728. 0019590900004 中华在第一学年除了和在普通高中一样学习了政治、语文、数学、物理、化学等之外,还学习了该中专的制图和金工课程。 Besides politics, Chinese, math, physics and chemistry as offered by normal senior high schools, Zhonghua also learnt mechanical drawing and metal processing in his first school year. He was going to enter his Year 11 in Sept 1960. 0019590900005 中华在中专二年级二学期学了众多父亲喜欢但是有若干是不够内行的专业课:机械加工、机械零件、电子装置、电工、专业材料、无线电、电子管和真空技术等。 In his first semester of Year 11, Zhonghua learnt quite some profe- ssional subjects such as mechanical processing, mechanical parts, elec- tronic devices, electrical engineeing, materials, radio, electronic tubes and vacuum, etc. His father liked these subjects but some of which his father didn’t know much. 0019590900006 中华在中专二年级一学期学习了一般高中不设置的课程如电工、机械学和机械加工。 Zhonghua learnt electrical engineering, mechanics and mechanical processing which were not taught at normal senior high schools. 0019590900007 中华返校后,为了追上60728班的进度,就要在1963年9月60728班四年级开学前后补齐这些课程:政治经济学,离子管,工艺,无线电技术,俄语,体育,制图和电子管;并通过工艺,无线电技术,离子管和电子管课程的考试。 From the moment back to school to Spet 1963 when Class 70728 began its Year 4 courses,Zhonghua’d had to catch political economics, ion tube, processing, radio technique, Russian, PE, drawing and electronic tube. He also had had to pass exams on radio technique, ion and electronic tubes. 0019590900008 中华四年级一学期学习了制造工艺,政治,特种管,电气设备,机械设备,企业组织与计划,俄语和体育。成绩非优(5)即良(4)。他参与的实验及实习以及课程设计是制造工艺。 Zhonghua learnt manufacturing process, politics, special tubes, electrical equipment, mechanical equipment, enterprise organization & planning, Russian & PE. His scores were excellent or good. He also undertook lab work & design practice for Manufacturing Process. 0019590900009 中华最后一学期学习的考试课程706、707、708和709均为优良和及格;学习的考察课程政治、体育和俄语是及格和优秀。他相当于毕业论文的课程设计706课程的成绩是良好。 Zhonghua got excellent, good and pass for his examination courses of 706, 707, 708 and 709. He got pass and excellent scores for politics, PE and Russian. He got good score for his course design equalling his graduation thesis on 706. 0019590900010 1963年8月26日到9月7日中华劳动两周,评语是“一般能完成任务.质量一般.但欠细心.得4分.”同年9月中华第二次劳动成绩是5,评语是“能遵守制度。劳动态度端正。作业有所提高。可还欠细心。不足处加以改进。” From 26 Aug to 7 Sept 1963 Zhong- hua worked 2 weeks and got good score with a note saying “Normally finished task.Normal quality. Lack of carefulness.”In Sept 1963 he got ex- cellent score in another work with a note saying “Obayed rule. Good atti- tude. Work improved. Still lacking carefulness.Need improve weakness.” 0019590900011 1963年,3月25日到4月17日中华实习焊接,表现良好,得4分;4月18日到5月11日实习玻璃技术,表现良好,4分;5月20日到25日参观,表现良好,4分;10月在712实验室实习装仪器,得5分,“能听话,能力强,劳动态度好.” In 1963, Zhonghua practised welding or soldering from 25 March to 17 April with good attitude scored 4; practised glass skill from 18 April to 11 May with good attitude scored 4; visited a place 20-- 25 May with good attitude scored 4;practised assemb- ling instrument at Lab 712 with a full score of 5 for his “obedience, strong capability and good attitude.” 0019590900012 1964年5月10日中华的毕业设计是《E1-005/140高压整流管老炼及测试工艺的研究》,完成期限是两月.这个题目让父亲欣喜:当年西安事变前100瓦电台让自己发愁的不就包括了高压整流管吗? On 10 may 1964 Zhonghua was assigned his graduation design for Study On Aging & Testing of High- Voltage Rectifier E1-0.05/140. Two- month deadline.The title made father happy. The subject tube was 1 of his most concerned parts for his 100-W radio for Xi’an Incident in 1936. 0019590900013 1964年7月10日涂中华通过毕业设计答辩。和几千万文革冤魂一样,本可以为社会服务几十年的这样一个专业人员,从他毕业那天起只剩下4年零半个月的生命了。该学生成绩册原件尺寸是125X82,共40页。 TU Zhonghua passed his graduation design hearing on 10 July 1964. Like other dozens of million wronged souls during revolution vs culture, this professional would live 4 years & 16 days coutning his graduation date though he’d have otherwise contri- buted his skills for a few dozen years. This 40-page Book sized 125X82 mm. 0019590900014 0019590900015 南京无线电工业学校的前身是1952年底成立的南京电信工业学校,1953改为华东第一工业学校,1956年改为南京无线电工业学校,2002年升级为南京信息职业技术学院.上、下图分别是涂中华就读时的办公楼和生产楼。 Nanjing Telecommunication Indus- try School was set up in 1952. In end 1953 it became East China First In- dustry School. Then Nanjing Radio Industry School in 1956. Above was Office Bldg & below Production Bldg when Zhonghua was studying there. 1019590900001 涂作潮常年订阅俄文版《无线电》月刊.该刊随赠列宁和斯大林在电台边工作的油画.中华无论求学,还是服役,或在工作中,都带着它.儿子的情结是:父辈在波波夫的故乡学了无线电后,在中国成功延续了十月革命;自己也学俄语和无线电:子承父业。 TU Zuochao subscribed Radio monthly in Russian for decades. One issue presented this paint of Lenin & Stalin working at a radio in war time. Zhonghua kept it all his life. After Father had studied radio in Popov’s home country, Russian October Revolution also won in China. Son also learnt Russian & majored in radio, thus a perfect family tradition. 1019590900002 俄国罗斯无线电之父 波波夫(1895年5月 7日首次实践无线电 通讯)画像系某期俄 文版《无线电》月刊 赠品.中华喜欢倍至, 终生保存.中华非正 常死亡后,在774厂 仔细筛选后归还的 遗物中包括这张画像. Portrait of Popov, father of Russian radio(practised radio telecommunication on 7 May 1895),a gift attached to an issue of Radio in Russian. Zhonghua kept this for life time. After his abnormal death, this portrait survived the Plant 774 scrutiny & was among returned items to TU Family. 0019591010001 中华1959年到1960 年在南京无线电工 业学校第一学年的 成绩册.学年结束时, 正值国内三年自然 灾荒,台湾海峡局势 紧张,他应征入伍. Zhonghua’s Score Book for Year 1 from Sept 1959 to July 1960 at Nanjing Ra- dio Industry School. He joined in army in July 1960 when China was suffering from famine and Taiwan Straits was under bigger tension. 0019591010002 他中专一年级除政 治外所有其他课程 如数学,化学,物理, 金属工艺,制图,体 育的成绩非优即良. 这似乎在冥冥中注 定了中华以后在政 治上是外行。 Except politics, all his Year 10 scores i.e.,math,chemistry, physics, metal pro- cessing, drawing & PE were either ex- cellent or good.This seemed to lead to his layman status in politics in future. 0019591215001 1959年12月 日涂在厂党委 学习庐山会议决议时唱反调. 1959年12月10日上海电机 厂党委《关于开除反党分子 涂作潮党籍的决议》从反面 证明涂坚持真理,刚直不阿, 甚至敢批评毛泽东“违反党 的民主集中制,违反党章,算 总帐,拍桌子,板面孔,不是同 志式的态度对待彭德怀.”涂 辩护道“彭德怀要是反党,为 什么过去不反现在反?说他 没有社会主义革命思想,怎 么(彭)还能进行土地革命?” Marshal PENG Dehuai was disgraced in 1959.Pro-PENG TU at Plant Party meeing Criticized MAO Zedong for “violating CPC democratic cenralism & CPC Charter; personal revenge; treating PENG not as a comrade.”TU defended PENG: “Had he opposed CPC,why not in the past but now? He is said not for socialist revolution. If so, how could he have done land revolution? So, TU was ex- pelled from CPC 15 Dec 1959 0019591215002 涂在这次党委会上回顾自己 亲身经历:中央苏区时“家长 作风很严重,随便打骂,在党内 有盯梢,宗派活动等;”30年代 末期的斯大林党狱甚至还冤 杀了很多中共精英,其中颇有 涂的战友,涂希望中国共产党 内不要重复这样的悲剧.贫农 出身的涂作潮相信富农出身 的毛泽东也应懂得这样的道 理“(亩产)一万斤粮食,铺一亩 地可以铺多少厚?万斤高产的 浮夸宣传是党性问题.”涂发 言中批评本厂严重浪费的事, 《决议》只字未提. At same meeing, TU recalled “patriarchal practice,willful swearing & beating,syping on comrades & factionalism, etc in Jiangxi Base Area in 30’s.” Stalin killed many in wrong, some of which were TU’s good fellows, & TU wished CPC not to repeat the same tragedy. TU challenged Great Leap For- ward whereas 5,000+ Kg grain could be produced from a 660- M2 land, asking “just measure how thick it’d be when this much grain is put on land?” TU criticized terrible waste by the Plant but 15 Dec 1959 decision recorded nothing. 0019591215003 据目击者回忆,认为“我党到了苏 联斯大林后期”的涂发言时痛心 疾首,大拍墙壁.说到中国的长期 内耗时,涂举例说:“我党逼死了黄 渭渔这样的好人,”自己没有能救 黄是“生平最遗憾的事.”听完涂 一个多小时的发言,党委书记郑 重当场宣布定涂作潮反党分子, 开除党籍,并命令厂警把涂作潮 关押在厂长达51天.1960年1月 4日上海电机厂请上海市委“批 办”这份决议.1936年入党的郑重 反右有功,1960年10月调福建后 很快升任福州市委书记. TU believed “CPC’d gone to a Soviet-Stalin later stage” & was much saddened by a time-long internal friction. TU said “CPC forced a good man like HUANG Weiyu to die” & failing to save Huang was his “most regretful thing in life time.” In deep sorrow & anger & even “ban- ning the wall” TU spoke for 1 hour+. Plant Party Secretary ZHENG Zhong made TU anti-Party member & decided TU CPC membership expelled right after TU’s speech. By ZHENG’s order same time,TU was jailed in Plant for 51 days. Plant decision in writing sub- mitted to Shanghai Municipal Party Committee 4 Jan 1960 when aftermath of Great Leap Forward already came. 0019591215004 57年涂到电机厂时月薪Y250, 高过自己的上级,就主动请求 八折处理,一周后获准减至200 元.郑重离厂前又给涂“追加处 分”,月薪降到150元.2000年前 后,常回上海看看的郑重在看望 1959年自己整过的另一个厂领 导时说:“当时市委柯庆施书记 对我说,你想上去吗?机会来了. 你把老的整掉了,你就上去了.” 文革时涂胜华看到专案组向父 亲出示过一页上海市委处理右 倾机会主义份子的表格,涂在其 中也只占一行:“姓名…;单位… 入党时间…反党…开除党籍.” ZHENG-Plant further punished TU by reducing his salary from monthly Y.200 to Y.150. Back in 1957 seeing his salary was higher even than his leader, TU offered 20% off & his salary was from Y.250 to Y.200.ZHENG revealed reasons for such persecution in about 2000 privately:“Municipal Party Secretary KE Qingshi told me at that time, if you want pro- motion, you must kick off old guys.Now opportunity’s come.” In 1970 4th Machine-bldg Minis- try showed TU a Shanghai Party Committee doc in 1960 whereas TU’s case was also 1 line therein: “Name…Work Unit…CPC membership: 1924; Issue: anti- Party; Punishment: CPC membership expelled.” 0019591215777 郑重,粤汕尾,1915-2003,1936年入党,制造涂作潮冤案后蹿升福州市、厦门市一把手,福建省船舶工业公司董事长.郑重为文革期间的牛棚难友,似为原福州市委宣传部长(1919-1985)的王一平题写如上悼词:兴者耶,衰者耶,自古是非褒贬盖棺论;生也罢,死也罢,从来人情恩怨看兴衰;喜看今朝无论整人被整都来吊祭;问往日制造冤假错案谁敢厚颜?不知郑重在落笔时,是否想起涂作潮? Zheng Zhong (1915-2003) was promoted to Fu- zhou and later Xiamen mayors. He made above poem mourning his wenge custody mate Wang Yiping (1919-1985) to read Up or down, judge- ment upon funeral; Alive or dead, wordly wis- dom based on status quo; Glad to see both the punishers and the punished are here to mourn; Dare old day wrong case makers to brazen thru? When writing this if he thought of Tu Zuochao? 0019600107001 1960年1月7日涂在电机厂关押期间回龙支雯信:你是我们可亲可爱的革命者后代.这虽为一纸之往来,我如见亲人.我1925年秋至1928年秋确在东大…当时学校规定,中国学生皆用俄文名字,而中文名字一般不用.就是用吧,当时可能有假.关于龙大道同志,我回忆当时东大无此人.但我能回忆出25年去,约26年即回国的几个同志:1,法荣庭;2,胡子厚;3,彭干臣;4,孙绍武;5,连德生;6,陈彭年;7,张作民;8,徐航安.你的来信缺少一些材料.我 在回忆中有难处:1,大道同志原籍哪里,是工人还是文化界出身;2,大道同志有何特点及当时年龄.此外我还能回忆同学中党史上有名的女同志向警予,湖南人,留法生,也是26年回国的.关于1931年代上海情况了解的及可能知道大道烈士的:恩来同志,立三同志,陈赓同志;现二机部刘鼎同志;现电讯方面李强同志;现上海机械局蔡叔厚.东大1925- 1928的同学还活着的很少了,计刘鼎,曾涌泉,袁仲贤,张际春,而蔡树藩已死两年了. 0019600107002 “关于你父亲生前情况,我如果会了熟人,将定打听.如有所得获,定将告你.建议你与李强同志通讯,因为我曾听到他说过在这个时期他偷葬过烈士.是否就是这回事,那我不详.再者你父亲是否是与何孟雄同志一起牺牲的.如果是的,那请你去信北京民族学院何健础同志问一问.” 涂作潮在这份四页长信中猜对了一件事:龙大道和何孟雄是一起牺牲的龙华24烈士。 During his detention at the Plant TU replied to LONG Zhiwen on 7 Jan 1960 detailing all possible clues for Zhiwen’s father. TU made a correct guess in this 4-page letter: LONG Dadao and HE Mengxiong & other 22 were killed same time at Longhua, Shanghai, thus histori- cally Longhua 24 Martyrs. TU advised him to contact HE Jianchu,cousin of HE Mengxiong, at Beijing Minzu College. 0019600217002 自行车气筒灌注糠醛燃料 0019600417002 钱学森和首枚天空火箭参与人员合影。女婿赵祖虎,长女涂新华 0019600600007 龙支雯联系上了何健础— 和父亲一起牺牲的战友何 孟雄的堂兄. 29年的思念 和缅怀倾获籍慰, 他百感 交集中签署了这张烈士遗 照并随信寄给了自己终生 敬重的何伯伯,尽管他和 何老从未谋面。照片珍藏 人, 何老三子何鼎钦2010 年提供。 Zhiwen heard from He Jian- chu, cousin of Martyr He Mengxiong who died with his father on 7 Feb 1931. What a relief and comfort to his 29 terrible years of missing! He wrote to this beloved Uncle He in June 1960 with this photo. He Jianchu kept this photo for his life. Zhiwen died in early 2000’s. They had never met in this world though. Acknowledgement He Dingqin, 3rd son of He Jianchu in 2010 0019600217001 自行车气筒灌注糠醛燃料 0019600218001 涂放出后两周,于2月18日找到知情人当日回信:一月下旬我曾回过一信.想在中途遗失了.作罢.今日去找了一个老同志,他确在上海与武汉与你父亲见面.由于行业不同,故不能当时算深交.他是工人出身,搞工运武装.而你父亲当时是搞文的.如在上总时,据他说是搞秘书工作;大约在武汉也相同;你父生前与立三、少奇同志常在一起.别的他也未谈出什么.倘你有机会来上海时可与江同志面谈…上海愚园路1032弄25号江维新,年纪60左右...你父亲死时,老江也进了监狱,因此不详.所寄来的照片如何处理,将等你回信意见.上次你问及我是否认识你父亲, Two weeks after his release TU found insider JIANG Weixin who met LONG Dadao both in Shanghai & Wuhan.JIANG recalled LONG was a secretary at Shanghai General Trade Union and was with LI Lisan & LIU Shaoqi. When LONG was killed JIANG was jailed. TU gave LONG address of JIANG. In this letter TU said his letter to Zhiwen in late January when TU was about to be released was lost. In this letter TU asked how to deal with LONG Dadao photo attached in Zhiwen’s letter. 0019600218002 涂继续道:“当时我未答复,原因:我要弄清.否则我认识或见过面,我(却)说不知道,那是很不应该的.老江谈的情况证明(我们)在沪不认识.这一点可以肯定了.而在苏联时没有见过.至此我肯定不认识你父亲.再者李强和陈赓在夜间在虹桥刑场爬行盗尸,掩埋一些同志…老江知道你们有两兄弟(或女)也问起你母亲情况.”为方便支雯回信,涂署名后加写了自己的地址 TU continued that he must make very sure if he knew LONG or not. Otherwise he’d have been irresponsible. TU so far confirmed that he didn’t know LONG. TU recalled LI Qiang and CHEN Geng risked their lives in burying killed comrades in Shanghai. TU told Zhiwen that JIANG knew he had one brother or sister and asked about his mother. TU added his address on this page. 0019600315001 龙大道烈士,黔锦屏人,侗族,1901年生, 1923年入党,1924年留苏,1925年回国后任全总秘书长、浙江省委代理书记等职, 1931年2月7日牺牲,龙华24烈士之一.涂不直接认识龙烈士.但在烈士遗属追寻先人足迹时仍努力帮助.涂至少给龙支雯写过三封信.涂一直保留着龙支雯来信和烈士遗照.这是1967年四机部造反派抄走过的来信和照片,约于1972年索回。 LONG Dadao, Tong Nationality, born 1901, CPC membership 1923, studied in USSR 1924. Back home 1925. Was All- China Trade Union secretary general & Zhejiang Provincial Acting Secretary, etc. Executed 7 Feb 1931. TU didn’t know LONG personally but gave full support in 1959 & 1960 when LONG’s son Zhiwen was seeking details of his long missed father.TU always kept Zhi- wen’s letter and the photo of his father. 0019600315002 夹带烈士遗照的龙支雯1960年3月15日来信表明:烈士儿子是浙江文教界巡回宣讲的模范人物,常加班加点到凌晨两三点.来信说明涂1960年1月下旬给龙的信遗失了.从1959年12月10日或稍前若干天始,到1960年1月28日年初一或稍后若干日止,正是涂在厂关押的51天期间.那时政治性的信件遗失很正常.从现存的涂给龙的两封信看,涂在信中其实只谈论龙大道,不涉及电机厂的是非曲直. Zhiwen letter to TU dated 15 Mar 1960 shows himself a model teacher in Zhe- jiang, often working as late as 03:00. It shows TU’s letter to LONG late Jan 1960 was lost. From 10 Dec 1959 or few days earlier to 28 Jan 1960 Spring Festival Day or few days later, TU was detained at Plant for 51 days. Political mail loss then was normal. Reading from 2 existing TU letters to LONG, TU only talked about LONG Dadao though. 0019600417001 T7-M发射前,上海机电研究院技术员涂新华(1939-2014,,右)用自行车气筒做压力源,给火箭灌注或补充灌注硝酸-糠醛燃料。1963年母亲发现新华的锦缎上衣肩膀处有多个烧灼微孔,嗔怪:大姑娘家家的,玩什么鞭炮焰火呀?女儿否认.母亲恼了:还嘴硬?肩膀上这一片烧的小洞洞,不是焰火是什么?!女儿沉默了.小弟弟胜华在场.涂新华2002年发现子宫癌晚期。鸣谢:照片来源《钱学森-中国星》 0019600417002 1960-4-17中国首枚探空火箭T7-M发射前,中国火箭之父钱学森(二排左起第九)和上海机电研究院的参试人员合影.一排右起第三人是涂新华以后的夫君赵祖虎,一排左起第四人涂新华。上海动力机械学校的中专生、技术员涂新华,囿于现场条件,无法听从毕业于上海华东师大的化学工程师赵祖虎的警告:这样零距离用自行车打气筒灌注的东西是剧毒。鸣谢:照片来源《钱学森-中国星》 0019601218010 1960-12-18《人民日报》8版曾三署名文章《地下电波--记最早的一个无线电地下训练班》:回顾并纪念福利公司事件30周年,和张沈川、方仲如、陈坦、苏刚达等在北京聚会缅怀瘐死监牢的麦建平、陈宝礼、张庆福和谢小康。戴罪之身的涂作潮在文章中唯一踪影是,只有知情人才能看懂的训练班“有了各种机器和零件...学报务的同时也学机务了。” 鸣谢:胡泊 12-18-1930,Fuli Co. 30th anniversary, Zeng San’s memoir on the People’s Daily. Zeng San, Zhang Shenchuan, Fang Zhongru, Chen Tan and Su Gangda memorized Mai Jianping, Chen Baoli, Zhang Qingfu and Xie Xiaokang who died in jail in 1930’s. Anti-CCP member Tu disappeared herefrom though the memoir gives a distant hint that “operators could study radio engineering at same time...” Only few insiders knew Tu was then a radio engineering coach. Ack. Hu Po 0019600000000 涂作潮的救命恩人、虔诚的基督徒张慈恩女士.她是上海市第六人民医院董承琅医师的助手.胸科泰斗董承琅1932年把心电图机首次引进中国。张慈恩和涂作潮虽素不相识,接陈贤伟电话后立即安排救护车,赢得了生死攸关的两个小时.恩人约于2009年逝于美国。善事不张的张氏家人除本照片外,其余资料如生卒日期等均婉拒。 Ms. Zhang Ci’en, a devout Christian, Tu Zuo- chao’s savior. She was assistant to Dr. Dong Chenglang, China’s top heart expert at No. 6 People’s Hospital. Zhang’d no connection with Tu. Upon Chen Xianwei’s SOS, Zhang helped with ambulance at once thus the vital 2 hours. She passed away in USA in about 2009. Keeping silent about her good deeds, her son refused to give her details except this photo. 1019600000020 涂作潮严重食物中毒,距死亡仅2小时。华东医院救护车登门、拒载,就是因为落难中的他没有能更新老的医疗证或者是类似这样的1960年医疗证。照片是他红军时代老战友杨光池的1960年华东医院医疗证。该证原件2013年4月孔夫子旧书网销售价500元。 Dying Tu with fatal poisoning failed to get on East China or Huadong Hospital ambulance because he did not have 1960 East China card or renewed his existing card reviewed for 1960 during his disgrace. Photo of 1960 East China card for Yang Guangchi, Tu’s Red Army fellow. Original of which was priced Yuan 500 at Confucius Old Book Net in April, 2013. 1019600000001 1960-1961年饥荒,涂作潮独自吃了变质咸鱼,严重食物中毒。华东医院救护车到后,发现医疗证过期,没有理会涂作潮已经失明,痛得满地打滚,拒载而归。邻居陈贤伟又通过教友张慈恩叫来第六人民医院(后上海市儿童医院,上图,谢惠民摄)救护车。涂作潮回家后说:“医生说再晚两小时就没救了。我好了。想多住几天医院,吃饭管饱。他们不让。把我‘赶’出来了。” 1960-1961 Tu ate rotten fish, fatally poisoned, sight lost, painfully rolling on floor.Huadong Hospital ambulance came abandoning Tu as his medical card expired. Neighbor Chen Xianwei asked Zhang Ci’en for SOS.6th People’s Hospital (later Children’s Hospital, photo by Xie Huimin) ambulance came. Back home Tu said “If late by 2 hours I'd have died. I wanted to stay in hospital where I’d eat without limit. Not allowed. They ‘kicked’ me out.” 0019600800001 1960年8月中华(二排右二)参军前在上海和新华小学同学合影留念.二排左一是王健。 In Aug 1960 Zhonghua(2nd from right,Row 2) photoed in Shanghai with his Xin- hua School fellows before his military service.WANG Jian, 1st from left, Row 2. 0019601012001 + 0019631207001 + 0019631207002 保价函件收据 0948挂号信回执 0949号挂号信回执 1960-10-12涂作潮用保价函件向周总理申诉.该函(左)索费15.65元,相当于小学4个学期的学费,占涂作潮当月工资10%.次年,母亲在当月拿不出4元,让四年级的胜华请求缓交.中和右是涂作潮1963-12-7事关申诉的两封挂号信回执。 Left, 10-12-1960 guaranteed mail receipt for Tu’s appeal to Premier Zhou. It cost Yuan 15.65, equaling Shenghua’s tuitions for 4 terms or 10% of Tu’s monthly salary. In 1961 Mom asked Shenghua to ask for postponed payment of Yuan 4 tuition. Mid and right are 12-7-1963 register mail receipts for Tu’s appeals. 1019600000001 1960到1964年,涂家住太原路45弄5号一层两间.他在阳台上用手工做出“适合穷国共产党游击队的”手摇发电器,点亮15瓦灯泡,言“不能带着反党分子的帽子进棺材.”他在楼前花园中种烟叶,养鸡、兔.饥荒中的他吃了变质咸鱼中毒.二楼陈贤伟及时搭救. Tu family lived on level 1 at 5 Lane 45 Taiyuan Rd from 1960 to 1964 before they moved to Beijing. Tu hand made manual generator able to light 15W bulb, “suitable for Communist guerilla in poor countries”. He didn’t want to “die with anti-Party label.” Tu grew tobacco and raised chicken and rabbits in yard. Hungary Tu ate rotten fish and got fatally poisoned. Mr Chen Xianwei on level 2 rescued Tu in time. 1019600000010 1950-1964年老邻居苏锡 祺-蔡一平夫妇,子海一, 孙女思毅和曾外孙管欣源 2012年摄于上海植物园. 1960年涂家饥荒,苏家省 下自己并不富余的半磅牛 奶,施以援手.苏锡祺是涂 作潮1950-1955年华东工 业部的同事.海一和胜华 1964年从永嘉路二小毕业 后均考取51中,即现在的 位育中学。 Photo of Mr Su’s,son Haiyi, grand-daughter Siyi and grand grandson Guan Xin- yuan in 2012. The Su’s cut their own and gave Tu Family 1/2 pound milk quota in 1960 starvation. Su and Tu were colleagues 1950-1955 and neighbors till 1964 when Haiyi and Shenghua entered 51st or Weiyu High School now 0019610800001服装证正面 和1019610800000一起 左,涂中华(后排左一)复员后和王健(后排右一)等新华小学同学们合影。 右,涂中华服役时的士兵服装证封面。 Left, Zhonghua (rear left 1) photoed with Wang Jian (rear right 1) and other Xinhua Primary schoolmates after his demobilization in 1962. Right, Zhonghua’s Soldier’s Supply Registry front page issued in Aug 1961. 0019610800002 涂中华入伍后在1961年8月20日和9月1日分别领了“使用两年以上的棉被、床单、蚊帐、线腰带、裤腰带、包袱皮、皮鞋和背包绳带各一。原件尺寸: 92 X 129 mm, 共12页。 On 20 Aug and 1 Sept 1961, TU Zhonghua received cotton quilt, bedspread, mosquito net, textile belt, synthetic belt, cloth-wrapper, shoes and strap that were expected “to be used for 2 years or more.” Original doc sized 92X129 mm,12 pages in all. 0019610800003 他在同一时期还领了单军帽、解放鞋两双、单衣两件、衬衣两件、毛巾两条、帽徽两个、领章、线袜三双、棉鞋、棉军衣、棉军帽和挎包。 In same period he also received cap, 2 shoes, 2 shirts, 2 uniforms, 2 towels, 2 badges, collar badge , 3 socks, cotton shoes, cotton overcoat, cotton cap and bag. 0019610800004 1962年4月20日和10月7日中华缴回单军帽和解放鞋后,又领了单军帽两顶、解放鞋三双、布鞋两双、棉鞋、单衣两套、衬衣两件、毛巾三条、线袜三双、鞋底两副和针线包。 On 20 April and 7 Oct 1962, Zhong- hua returned 1 cap and 1 shoes back, and received 2 caps, 3 shoes, 2 cloth shoes, cotton shoes, 2 uniforms, 2 shirts, 3 towels, 3 socks, 2 shoe pads and housewife. 0019620501001 中华(后排左起第三人)肝炎愈后复员前于1962年5月1日在青岛李村和战友们合影留念。 After liver trouble reco- very & before demobiliza- tion, Zhonghua(third from left, rear row)photoed with his fellows at Licun Village, Qingdao on 1 May 1962. 1019620000001 + 1019620000002 口诛涂作潮的要比笔伐的多:1,反总路线,反大跃进,反人民公社,反社会主义,反党;2,污蔑我党我军历史,反毛主席,包庇彭某反党;3,反遵义会议;4,诬告好人为反革命,包庇右派份子;5,反苏,反斯大林;6,长期隐藏伪装进步,比杜勒斯还反动,无耻下贱已极;7,叛徒造反.不记录在案的处分多于记录在案的:1...2,判管制;3,剥夺上诉权;4,只有上海电机厂的党才能处理涂的问题;5,撤消一切职务,开除出厂; Tu was labeled as opposing great leap forward,socialism, CPC, Chairman Mao, USSR,Stalin;slandered vs CPC history; more reactionary than (US State Secre- tary) Dullas; a traitor daring to rebel,etc. Unrecorded punishments were 1, under surveillance; 3, forbidden to appeal; 4, Only CPC at the Plant can deal with Tu’s case; 5, Tu was expelled from the Plant with all his titles cancelled; 1019620000003 + 1019620000004 6,变相肉刑;7,逼供栽罪;8,曲解陷害;9,最刻薄的辱骂(几百年后子孙们打开你的棺材,闻一闻,还是臭的),上告要加重处分;10,一年后追加降级降薪两级的处分;11,扣发工资两月;12,三年来拒绝别人与涂往来.涂作潮1962年向周恩来申诉道:我出于忠诚老实和爱党的观点发言.忠言逆耳.顺水推舟的思想,即党要什么交什么,交不出更交,这种观点我想总不对.应该用唯物辩证法的观点来看才对… 6,Bodily torture;7,Confession by compul sion;8,Purposely misinterpretation for conviction; 9, Ugliest swearing eg when Tu’s coffin is opened few hundred years later,it’ll still smell bad;10,Salary deduc- ted by 2 grades 1 year later;11,No salary for 2 months;12, No visitors to Tu. Tu appealed to Zhou Enlai:”My honesty sounded unhappy…It is wrong to say whatever our Party wants me to say…” 0019630624001 中华在三年级下学 期完成的《高频五 极管--6JIS设计文 件》共21页.虽然 他平时写字较潦草, 但是作业封面的字 体极为工整.他穿针 引线,用线装书的方 法装订了自己的作 业。 Zhonghua finished his 21-page High- Frequency Pentode 6JIS Design.He was writing hastely but his writing on front cover was extremely neat and formal.He sewed his home work by needle and thread, in a way as traditional book had been sewn. 0019630624002 1963年6月24日 在史世平老师指导 下,中华做了南京 无线电工业学校的 电子管课程设计, 题目:《高频五极 管6JIS》,成绩:5-. On 24 June 1963, under guidance of Teacher SHI Shi- ping,Zhonghua did his Nanjing Radio Industry School Electronic Tube Course Design en- titled High- Freqency Pentode 6JIS. His score was 5-. 0019630624003 引言;主要电极尺寸的计算与 设计:A,阴极…B,控制栅…C, 屏栅…D,抑制栅…E,板极几 何尺寸及热计算;F,束射屏几 何位置的计算及选放位置的 确定;结构设计及附属零件的 选用:A,阴极;B,控制栅;C,屏 栅;D,抑制栅;E,板极;F,束射屏; G,内部屏蔽片;H,云母片,I,消 气剂;J,芯柱;K,管壳;(L?),金属 屏蔽罩;后语;附图:A,全管图; B,控制栅极;C,阴极;D,云母片。 Contents: Foreword; Size Calculation & Design for Main Electrodes:A,Cathod; B,Control grid;C,Anode;D, Suppressor grid;E,Plate size & Thermo calculation; F, Beam power plate position Calculation-location;Struc- tural Design + Parts Choice: A,Cathod;B,Control grid;C, Anode;D,Suppressor grid;E, Plate;F,Beam power plate;G, Internal shielding;H,Mica;I, Anti-air agent;J,Chip;K, Case;(L?)Metal shield;Con- clusion;Drawings:A,General view; B, Control grid; C, Cathod; D, Mica. 0019630624004 正文第6页.在阐述板极尺寸 及热计算时,中华考虑到铝屏 蔽造成散热不佳的补救措施; 板极和抑制栅之间加束射屏 的原因和具体方法;复杂的管 内电场情况和装架简单性的 一体处理方案;束射屏位置等 问题。 On Page 6, when stating size and thermo calculation for plate,Zhonghua took care of remedy for poor ventilation by aluminium shield;reasons & measures for beam power plate between anode & con- trol grid; compromise for complicated electric field & structural simplicity; and beam power plate location, etc. 0019630624005 中华的结论说,电子管的可靠 性、长寿命和低噪音取决于 零部件、装架、排气、老炼 和以后的正确使用等因素:生 产中防尘降湿、防炸焊、减 少振幅、防止产生应力、防 阴极毒化、保证足够的老炼 时间等;使用中灯丝电压变化 小于5%、工作温度不能过 高并防止灯丝电压过高。 In his conclusion Zhonghua said tube reliability,longivity & low noise depend on parts, structure & air-vent in pro- duction such as dust dust- free, low moisture, spot welding quality, low ampli- tude, stress release, cathod protection & enough aging in production,and in opera- tion, filament volt neither too high nor with over 5% variation & suitable work- ing temperature, etc. 0019630624006 中华在课程设计中模拟工艺材料员开出了每千个管子的18种材料表,含名称,规格,型号,加工,要求,用途,用量,损耗和备注.这些材料涉及镍,钴,钨,锰,钼,铁,铝,云母,玻璃壳,化学制剂等. He listed 18 items for every 1000 tubes such as name, spec, model, process, application, quantity,waste remark for nickel, cobalt, tungsten,manganese,moly- bdenum, iron, aluminium, mica,glass case, chemicals. 0019630624007 这张6JIS全管图是中华原作A3图纸的一半,其制图水平略见一斑.6JIS管脚图中7和8为灯丝,2和6为阴极,4为板极,1、3和5为栅极、控制栅和抑制栅。 Half of his General View of 6JIS. His drawing skills are shown herefrom. Tube pin diagram for 6JIS has 7 & 8 as filament, 2 & 6 as cathod, 4 as plate & 1, 3 & 5 are grid, control grid and suppressor grid. 0019630624008 这是中华在A4纸 上绘制的5:1的 6JIS五极管的控 制栅图纸.指导老 师红笔批示“阅.” Zhonghua’s A4 sized 5:1 control grid drawing for 6JIS Pentode. Teacher SHI wrote “checked” in red ink. 0019630624009 这是中华在A4纸 上绘制的10:1的 6JIS五极管阴极 图纸。指导老师 红笔批“阅。” This is Zhonghua’s A4 size cathod drawing of 10:1 for 6JIS Pentode. Teacher SHI wrote “checked” in red ink.