Tu Zuochao Exhibition
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Tu Zuochao Exhibition Illustrations in Chronical Order, Part 15 涂作潮陈列室中英文解说,按时间顺序 第十五部分
0019560214101 Tu 02-14-1956 auto- biography reads: I can disassembly or assembly a clock or a wrist watch, and make it work. 涂作潮’56-2-14自 传:大的钟,小的表, 能拆装,弄得它走。 0019560607010 + 0019560607011 周绍溪证明信 1956-06-07周绍溪亲笔书证.哥哥涂福生劝涂作潮自首.周不赞成,言:你要走革命的路,前程远大.涂去找贺龙部队.涂持周写给沿途灃县朋友的介绍信赶路.大堰垱受阻.只能回长沙.周绍溪儿子周福生是国民党甲长(1951镇压).周-涂只能在小吴门铁路边茶馆议事.周给涂买了去武汉的车票.涂困武汉,周汇30元.此后,周往杭州和上海给涂各汇款一次.涂在延安时,明信片联系周. Zhou Shaoxi 06-07-1956 proved he encouraged Tu to carry on CCP revolution when Tu’s elder brother asked Tu to surrender. Zhou’s son was a KMT (executed in 1951). Zhou wrote letter to help Tu in-route for He Long’s Red Army in West Hunan. Tu failed to join He Long. Zhou paid for Tu’s trip to Wuhan. He sent Yuan 30 to Tu in Wuhan. Later, his money order to Tu in Shanghai and Hangzhou. Zhou and Tu kept in touch by post card when Tu was in Yan’an. 0019560700001 1955年9月中华在上海思南路小学上六年级上学期;1956年2月他在重庆南路第二小学上六年级下学期。这是中华(后排右四)和同学老师们的合影 In Sept 1955, Zhonghua attended Sinan Road Primary, Shanghai for his first term in Year 6. In Feb 1956 he was at Chongqing Road (South) Primary, Shanghai for his second term of Year 6. Photo of his teachers and fellows and himself (4 from right, last row). 1019560000001 涂作潮酷爱技术人才,不论是私营企业还是国民政府背景。这两页通讯录记载姓名、地址或电话的有黄河理工仪器厂的支秉彝(后为中科院院士),默研化工的肖惠臣,防腐剂专业的薛济明,瑞国公司的周宗祥等;对于格外青睐的黄渭渔,还记了其岳母的电话。他也把怀念牺牲了的战友的感情倾注在他们的后人身上,如彭干臣子伟光,李白子恒胜。 TU valued professionals, be they from private business or former government. His phone book recorded their names, numbers and professions. For his most favored HUANG Weiyu, TU even recorded number of HUANG’s mother in law. TU also cared for youngers of his sacrificed comrades in arms such as sons of PENG Ganchen and LI Bai. 1019560000002 原子弹和红外线导弹的幕后英雄黄渭渔(福州, 1925-1958),1947年任美军顾问团无线电技师时自制电子管,1949年和中学同班同学计秋荷结婚, 1955年把美军红外导弹资料无偿献给国家.1958年台海空战,王自重牺牲于美制响尾蛇红外导弹,中国红外导弹就此上马.1956年仿制辐射探矿仪一次仪表盖革计数管的骨干,五级工程师,反右补课时服氯化高汞自杀.文革时遭盗坟尸骨无存.次子黄景嘉政治高压下插队染病,回沪后肝病去世. Unsung China A Bomb + IR missile hero Huang Weiyu (1925-1958) Self made electronic tube when working for US military advisory. In 1949 married Ji Qiuhe. Handed over US IR missile info in 1955. US equipped Taiwan Side wider killed Wang Zizhong in 1958 when China began IR missile. As key man prototyping Geiger tube, he jointly copied Soviet radioactive detector in 1956. Suicide in anti-rightist purge. His son Jingjia was farm hand under pressure in 1968 and died liver trouble when back in Shanghai. 1019560000002-1杜凤瑞烈士+ 响尾蛇导弹四图10195800000002-2 + …02-3 + …02-4 + …02-5 黄渭渔早在1955年通过涂作潮向二机部刘鼎副部长转递红外导弹资料,其意义不言自明.王自重烈士(1927-1958)晋运城,1954年海军航空兵,1958年9月24日驾米格17机击落第二架蒋机后遭遇响尾蛇导弹,牺牲.中国红外导弹随即上马.美国1949年开始研制红外制导导弹,1956年装备部队, 1958年装备蒋机.1968年文革打手焦学武为刑询转递之事,几乎打死涂作潮.鸣谢:百度和谷歌网 Axiomatic significance of Huang’s hand-over of US IR missile info to Chinese government via Tu in 1955. Wang Zizhong (1927-1958) PLA Naval Air Force in 1954. On 09-24-1958 his Mig 17 was shot by Sidewider after he downed the 2nd Taiwan F 86. Wang was killed. China IR missile began right away. US began IR missile in 1949 and provided Taiwan with Sidewider in 1958. In 1968 wenge killer Jiao Xuewu almost beat Tu to death on the hand-over. Ack: Baidu and Google 1019560000003 中国原子能工业另一个幕 后的无名英雄--韩浩,籍贯 江苏扬州,1910年12月10 日生,1974年12月8日逝。 丽安电器厂(长乐路403号) 业主.1956年仿制YP-4M 时,韩老板在不知情中用小 作坊做霓虹灯的简单设备 给关键器件盖革计数管抽 真空、填充惰性气体、封 口.他的后人对此毫无所知. 鸣谢:韩公子湘明 HAN Hao,Another unsung hero for China’s atomic industry.Born 12-10-1910; Died 12-08-1974. Owner of Li’an Electricals Works, 403 Changle Rd,Shanghai. When YP-4M was being copied, Mr Han used his simple equipment for neon ad to vacuum,fill in inertia gas and seal Geiger tube, a key device. Han’d no idea he was making the Geiger nor his posterity knew it. Ack. Mr. Xiangming Han 1019560000004 上海亚美电器厂,龙华西路 525号,1924年创建,后上 无26厂,上海亚美微波仪 器厂.1956年夏,重二局代 表黄渭渔向亚美厂技术科 长徐舫提交YP-4M样机 和图纸.亚美厂援建263 厂同时,到1957年底生产 了约一百台YP-4M辐射 仪.当年需方代表-二机部 三局的郑宏2000年说,作 为头等大事的辐射仪历 年来至少生产了几千台. Yamei Radio Co, later Yamei Microwave,etc. 525 Longhua Rd W. In 1956 Yamei rep Xu Fang received YP-4M prototype and drawings via 2nd Heavy Industry Buro rep Huang Weiyu. In 1956-57 Yamei made 100 YP-4M detectors. Zheng Hong, buyer’s rep of 3rd Bureau of 2nd Machine-Building Ministry said in 2000: “As China’s No. 1 job, total output of YP-4M must be in thousands.” 1019560000005 o 2000年8月10日吴琼回忆道:“用变压器给摩托车蓄电池升压.我让变压器咬了几次.外壳是我手工敲出来的.盖革管玻璃壳是黄渭渔找的玻璃工做的.”2007年1月8日吴看了这张当年的图纸后说:“这张图上注明的亚美就是亚美无线电厂;市二就是上海重工业二局。”黄渭渔遗孀计秋荷回忆:玻璃工是1949年前黄渭渔自制电子管时请的苏州师傅许鹏生。鸣谢:上海263厂 08-10-2000 Wu Qiong recalled: “Transformer raised motorcycle battery voltage. I was bitten a few times. I hand made the case. Huang Weiyu’s glass craftsman made the tube.” 01-08-2007 Wu identified Yamei and No.2 Heavy Industry Bureau abbreviations on this archival drawing. Huang’s widow Ji Qiuhe recalled craftsman Xu Pengsheng from Suzhou made glass tube for Huang in his pre-1949 electronic tube making. 1019560000006 2000年8月10日吴琼回忆:“电位器控制r射线入射和吸收的高低.把O宇宙射线定成零点.摸索射线强度范围,确定机内组件.”2007年1月8日吴见本图:“探头有平行的,也有垂直的,那时他们就有要求.这不难.但一次仪表盖革计数管都在 ‘拐杖’的尽头.”本版档案说明,辐射探矿仪仿制成功在1956年7月2日前若干天. 鸣谢:263厂 WU Qiong recalled 08-10-2000: “Potentiometer controls gamma ray input and absorption. Zero was without cosmic ray.” Seeing this drawing on 01-08-2007 Wu said “Detector head can be vertical or horizontal. They asked for this. Easy. But 1st stage meter or Geiger was always at end of this stick.” This drawing shows their success was shortly before 07-02-1956. Ack. Plant 263 or Shanghai Electronic Instrument Plant 1019560000007 这张9431号图纸左上角也 标着“亚美—重二”.2007 年1月8日吴琼在上海从 电子邮件中看了这张图后 说:“把探测杆做成直的或 者带角度的,也是他们(二机 部到重二局技术处求助者) 要求的.”图纸上还标着“2/ 7.”这和亚美厂徐舫所说 “1956年夏天接的任务”和 《上海电子仪表工业志》 347页所说的时间吻合。 This Drawing 9431 also carries “Yamei-No.2 Heavy.”Wu in Shanghai saw this via email & said 01-08-2007:“As requested we made detector stick straight or bended.” “2/7” on this drawing means 2 July. Yamei Xu Fang recalled he undertook YP- 4M job in “summer 1956.” History of Electronic Ins- trument Industry in Shanghai Page 347 also says detector production began in “July 1956.” 1019560000008 这张也是9431号也标着“亚美-重二”图纸说明他们仿制的探测杆分长、短和弯曲型.这张图纸上还标着表示7月2日的“2/7.”亚美厂和263厂原来都把YP-4M当厂史资料保存.文革时苏修产品也属于四旧,因此荡然无存。 Another Drawing 9431 marked with “Yamei-No.2 Heavy” shows TU- HUANG-WU replica had long, short or bended sticks.The drawing carries 2 July, too. Both Yamei & Shanghai Electronic Instrument Plant had kept YP-4M as history. Both relics fell victim in revolution vs culture in 1966 as Soviet Revisionist things. 1019560000010 半个世纪后某些人在述说历史时却换了一种说法.《上海电子仪表工业志》ISBN7-80618-617-4第347页说上无26厂:“1956年7月开始研制、生产辐射仪,供野外勘探放射性矿藏之用,尔后,援建时代电子仪器厂. 1959年建成投产后,遂…转该厂生产” 50 years later somebody tried to change history. P347 of History Of Electronic Instrument Industry In Shanghai (ISBN7-80618-617-4) says Shanghai No.26 (formerly Yamei) Radio Factory began developing & making radio detector for radio activeprospecting.Then,helped estab- lish Era Electronic Instrument Plant 1019560000016 Chinese Radio- active Detector was born in a room at 170 Jiangxi Rd M, Shanghai, old-day Hamilton Building, where Tu Zuochao, Huang Weiyu and Wu Qiong copied YP-4M Russian radioactive detector and made prototype in 1956 with U$ 80 equivalent. 中国辐射探矿仪 诞生地-上海市江西 中路170号汉弥尔登 大楼(现福州大楼)某 房间:1956年涂作潮, 黄渭渔和吴琼的办公 室兼实验室.他们在此 用200元经费仿制了 苏联对中国也封锁的 YP-4M辐射探矿仪, 并完成了样机。 美国展柜说明 辐射探矿仪三人组 黄渭渔18岁时亲手 做的铅笔盒,1944-4- 13送给女友(后夫人) 计秋荷; 吴琼1956年用过的 改锥; 涂作潮’56年用过的 三用表; 源于’56年样品的华 东电子管厂1998年 产品--J306B计数管 YP-4M team member Huang Weiyu’s hand made pencil box, gift for his girl friend and later wife Ji Qiuhe; Wu Qiong’s screw driver used in 1956; Tu Zuochao’s multi- meter used in 1956; J306B Geiger tube made by East-China Tube Works in 1998 per 1956 prototype 1019560000010 新中国成立时只有南京和北京两个国民党留下的探空站,6套美式仪器和属于一次性消耗品的2千个探空仪.1951年后进口芬兰和苏联探空仪每套60美元,年耗百万美元.1955年二机部十局在上海仿制苏联P3-049探空仪,1956年6月完成正式样机仿制,开始在上海国际电讯器材厂生产.该厂于1967年改名为上海无线电23厂.眉州路431弄220号。 People’s Republic of China had only 6 ground equipments & 2,000 one-off sondes left from Republic of China. Since 1951 PRC imported from Finland & USSR at US$ 60 each spending US$ 1 million yearly. In 1955 and 1956 China copied Soviet P3-049 Sonde and began production at Shanghai No. 23 Radio Factory. 1019560000011 这是P3-49的资料照片.探空 仪升空后测量温度、气压和 湿度等气象数据,把物理数据 转换成电信号发送到地面探 空站.1956年在涂作潮,黄渭 渔和吴琼成功仿制辐射探矿 仪前后,空军方面找到上海重 工业二局技术处请求仿制.时 任副处长的涂作潮答应试试 看.仿制中最难的是湿度传感 器.他们四处打听.苏联专家 说,得用法国女人头发。 Photo of P3-049 Sonde. It de- tects temperature,air pressure & moisture, & transmits data to ground equipment. In 1956 Chinese Air Forces asked TU, Deputy Technical Sect. Chief Of Shanghai No.2 Heavy In- dustry Bureau, for a copy of sonde. TU agreed to try. WU Qiong and HUANG Weiyu joined up.Their biggest head- ache was moisture sensor. Soviet experts said the sensor was made by hair of French women. 1019560000012 他们向上海市公安局求助.全上海当时就找不着法国女人.徘徊了一个多月后,他们突然想到了妇幼保育院.那里的婴儿胎毛能不能行呢?他们设法弄了些胎毛来.成功了.效果很好.涂-黄-吴仿制的探空仪,是送交谁另行生产?还是提供给谁做参考借鉴?2000年5月18和20日时三人中唯一健在的吴琼不得而知.这是上无23厂生产的P3-049仿制品。 TU-HUANG-WU asked Shanghai Police for help. There was no French woman at all in Shanghai then. They hesitated for a month before they sudently thought of new born baby hair. They were success- ful. On 18 & 20 May 2000 WU Qiong still had no idea if their copy was for production elsewhere or for develop- ment by someone else. This is a P3-049 copy by Shanghai No.23 Radio Factory. 1019560000013 和千百万成长在五 星红旗下被称之为 祖国的花朵的孩子 们一样,涂中华也是 中国少年先锋队队 员.这张红领巾照片 约拍摄于1956年7 月他小学毕业前后. Like millions of children growing up under 5-star flag who are entitled flowers of mother- land,TU Zhonghua was also a Young Pioneer. Zhonghua with his Red Scarf was photoed around July 1956 when he graduated from Year 6. 1019560000014 重工业部汇了人民币200元做仿制YP-4M的经费.办公室就是仿制实验室.黄渭渔搬来了自己的示波器,吴琼拿来了自己的电烙铁和改锥(左),涂作潮拿来了自己的三用表(右).仿制的盖革计数管(中)在南京的华东电子管厂生产,产品标准是Q/FG94016-86。 YP-4M copying fund was Yuan 200. Office was also copying lab. HUANG Weiyu brought his oscilloscope, WU Qiong brought his soldering copper & screw driver (left), TU Zuochao brought his multimeter (right). Copied Geiger counter (center) was later produced at East China Electronic Tube Plant in Nanjing under Spec Q/FG94016-86. 1019560000015 吴琼,辽宁辽阳,1929年12月29日生, 上海重工业二局技术处工程师,1956年和涂作潮、黄渭渔一起仿制YP-4M成功后授六级工程师,在上海开创化工机械课程,1980年在全国科技大会获两项奖:高压恒流微量泵和上钢五厂软水工程,此后完成20余国家科研项目如胶体墨等。2006年黄埔同学会先进个人。1957年重二局解散,吴琼调上海市化工局工作,见本版工作证。 Wu Qiong, born in 1929. Grade 6 engineer since joint copy of YP-4M. Pioneer of chemical mechiney course in 1958. His high pressure constant flow pump & soft water for Shanghai Steel Plant 5 won national awards. He completed over 20 national projects such as adhesive ink, etc. since 1980. A 2006 model member of Huangpu Military Academy Alumni Society. Wu’s work ID issued 05-27-1957. 1019560000016 1019570000001 1957年的上海电机厂(江川路555号)浪费已经是“用焦炭垫路;倒到黄浦江边的垃圾里常常有好好的(电机部件)铜牌…”小贩们挑扁担,蹬三轮,应接不暇…以后愈演愈烈,收购废品的大小商贩干脆在西边约500米的江川路611号一带安营扎寨,达数千平米.2000年前后,这里成了建材市场.沿江川路南千米左右是黄浦江.涂作潮反对浪费的言行也是他1959年被打成反党分子的证据. Shanghai Electric Motor Plant at 555 Jiang- chuan Rd was wasteful in 1957. “Paved road with coke. Rubbish dumped at Huangpu River contained quality copper plates...”with recycling business booming, vendors formed a market at 611 Jiangchuan Rd, 0.3 mile away. It became a building material market in 2000. Huangpu River is 0.6 mile south. Tu’s anti waste words were partially his anti CCP evidence in 1959. 1019570000001 1958年苏联-捷克的援建设备缺少CM-1转子短路探测仪.涂验证了仅有的图纸是假的.他孤军奋战3个月做出了中国版CM-1.展示时,孟庆元总工和王国辉工程师在场.他也记下了电路图。 1958 USSR-Czech aid missed CM-1 rotor short circuit detector.Tu found CM-1 circuit a fake.He solo fought 100 days, made Chinese CM-1. Chief Engineer Meng Qingyuan & Engi.Wang Guohui witnessed.Tu kept his CM-1 circuit for life time. 涂作潮的发明-转子脱槽短路探测仪.上海电机厂是捷克通过苏联援华的154个项目之一. 约1958年,涂作潮照猫画虎,按照据说好用的捷克线路图做了CM-1短路探测仪,却发现是骗人的.他展示发明时,王国辉工程师和孟庆元总工等在场。 Tu’s drawing in same notebook, his invention of rotor short circuit detector when at Shanghai Electric Motor Plant, 1 of 154 Soviet aided projects through Czechoslovakia. Tu made a detector based on Czecho drawing for CM-1 but only found it a lie. Engineer Wang Guohui, Chief Engineer Meng Qingyuan and so on witnessed Tu’s success in about 1958. 1019570000002 从1950年到1967年涂作潮一直自费订阅苏联《无线电》杂志.在1957年反右高潮中,他仍潜心研习国民经济和电子学、工业自动化、地质电子学、国防电子学、自动照相印刷、电视、无线电气象预测、北极电离、超短波远程传播、高品质石英谐振等科目。 Tu subscribed Soviet Radio magzine from 1950 to 1967 when wenge got hotter.In anti-rightist heat in 1957 he remained focusing on electronics for China’s economy, industrial automa- tion, geology and national defense; auto photo printing, TV, VHF long distance transmission, north polar ionization, radio weather forecast & high-quality quartz resonance, etc. 1019570000003半导体仪器 + 1019570000004给业余家之帮助 涂作潮1957年时已经注意到了半导体应用的前景:混频器、收音(収报)机、放大器温度补偿等。虽然他不制作家电奢侈品,但是仍然在理论上关注业余无线电的高音质放大器、稳压器、电子稳压器、汽车收音机和音箱等。 As early as in 1957, Tu noticed bright future for semiconductor application such as mixer, radio set(receiver) and amplifier temperature compensation, etc. He hadn’t made any luxurious home electronics though, he touched theories & studies on high fidelity amplifier,stablizer,electronic stablizer, automobile radio and loudspeaker box, etc. 1019570000005工业仪器和名件 + 1019570000006电视 + 1019570000007半导体仪器及其应用 周恩来总理说,第一个五年计划忽略了仪器仪表.1957-1959年间涂作潮闻风而动,关注并学习了电子管和半导体仪器在热偶、声音探测源、静电、换能、整流、电信设备、噪音、时间开关、农业等方面的应用和普及.他也研习了涉及民用的黑白和彩色电视。 Premier Zhou said instrumentation was ignored in 1st 5-Year Plan. In 1956-1959 Tu studied tube & transistor instrumentation applica- tion & popularization for thermal couple, audio source, statics, AC-DC change, rectification, communication, noise, time switch and agricultural purpose, etc. Tu also studied black- white and color TV for daily life. 1019570000008 + 1019570000011 短波与超短波, 涂作潮最情有独钟的还是无线电通讯,秘密工作和战争战争年代的情结仍在延续中:远程联络,航海电台,内河船舶电台,移动电台,汽车电台;任何波段的接收;超短波发射和转动接收天线、在空间使用、在农村使用;削减自身振荡,自制可变电容… Tu’s favorite above all remained radio & his passion from his secret service and war times continued:long distance communication, marine and river boat radios,moveable radio and automobile radio; reception of any wave band; VHF transmitter and rotary antenna; VHF used in space & also in countryside;reducing self osci- llation; self-made various capacitator… 1019570000010经验交流 + 1019570000012 技术问答 涂作潮在这本手抄手写的技术档案中还记载了多种技术和学科的经验交流和技术问答,记载了识破CM-1假图纸后自己制成的转子短路仪的线路图,但是,涉及国防和国家机密的YP-4M辐射探矿仪,虽然自己挑头仿制,在自己的技术档案中却只字不提。 In his technical archive Tu recorded Experience Exchange & Questions- Answers covering many subjects & areas including drawing of his inven- tion of rotor shortcircuit detector after he had found CM-1 nothing but a lie. But he mentioned nothing on YP-4M therein though he was leading copier. He knew YP-4M was for national defense thus state secret. 1019570000013 时至1959年,涂作潮已脱离电讯多年,但是他仍然在关注、研究涉及国家安全的市售电子管和收发报机的关系,如《无线电》杂志登载的五极输出管,调幅管,发射管,稳压管,整流管等。中国在60年代前基本套用苏联模式,电子管也一样。 By 1959 Tu’d left telecommunication for years but remained concerning on relations between market availa- ble tubes & transceivers closely related to state security e.g. power pentode, amplitude modulation tube, transmitting tube,stablizing tube & rectifying tube, etc. as published in Radio magzines. China was in Soviet model till 1960’s.The same with tubes 1019570000014 一九五八年目录 + 1019570000015 人造卫星 老骥伏枥,志在千里.涂作潮不在其位,却谋其政,依然关心战地通讯的最后手段:“地球导电能力…苏区…地球导电能力与电波传导.”1958年大跃进放的人造卫星是亩产万斤,他却反其道而行之,关心苏联杂志一年中有半年都在谈论的真实世界中的人造卫星. Tu remained cared for “earth con- duction…Jiangxi Base Area… earth conduction and wave transmission,” last resort for battlefield radio communication. In 1958 great leap forward boasted per mu (660M2) man-made satellite grain output up to 5 tonnes,he did otherwise,studying man-made satellite discussed in 6 out of 12 issues of Soviet Radio magzine. 1019570000016 + 1019570000017 给业余者帮助 1959年内容摘要 1959年涂作潮蒙冤后忍辱负重,继续钻研电子计算机,用电子方法而不再是法国女人头发的气象转换器,电子控制而不是准星缺口的射击,厚度测量,光电控制,脉冲等.他记录的引文精细到1959年第几期第几页,而记录自己受辱的细节却远没有这样仔细. After disgrace in 1959 Tu remained studying computer, electronic instead of French lady hair for meterological transducer, electronic controlled rather than man-aiming shooting, thickness measurement,photoelectric control & pulse…He recorded quota- tions for page & issue numbers in 1959 but his record of being insulted & disgraced was much less in detail. 1019570000018 半导体应用 涂作潮落难后还想着YP-4M和军用电台的升级换代.他看到了半导体做放射仪、做低频放大、双点输出、发报机、无输出T(变压器)放大器、调制器以及半导体电台、陶瓷稳定器、晶体管发报机、半导体外差机等资料后如获至宝,悉数记录在册。 In his disgrace Tu was still trying to upgrade his YP-4M and to improve military radios. His information on record for both included semi- conductors used as radioactive detector, as low frequency amplifier, dual output, transmitter, transfor- merless amplifier, amplitude modula- tor, transistor transceiver, ceramic stablizer, superhetrodyne radios, etc. 1019570000019给业余者帮助+电子管及脚接线图 给涂作潮带来精神籍慰的是业余无线电的大千世界和无线电元器件一日千里的发展。他的这个笔记本共68页,在他有生之年尚有38页空白。笔记本里不记载技术以外的半点事情:他不希望肮脏的政治权术玷污了圣洁的科学技术。 Big world of ham radio and rapid development of electronic devices did comfort Tu a lot. His notebook has 68 pages with 38 pages blank when he died. The notebook recorded nothing but technique. He didn’t want any pollution in sacred science and technology by any dirty politics. 1019570000020 电声,显录,记放头子。。。 1953年底涂作潮在黄河理工仪器厂受冤撤职,赋闲半年.蔡叔厚推荐上海电影公司,公司王经理让他去下属的电影机械厂.厂长对其技术状况满意.录用前听其经历,马上回绝.但涂作潮始终心怀电影情结,保持了对电影机械和相关电器设备的兴趣和爱好。 Tu was dismissed in wrong from the Yellow River end 1953. In his idling for 6 months,Cai Shuhou asked him to try at Shanghai Studio. Manager Wang there sent Tu to his machine works. Tu passed technical interview. Upon hearing Tu’s experiences, he called off job offer. Tu’s love for film machines went on:recorder, film glue formula,automatic stop,rewinder,etc. 1019570000021测量与测量仪器的计算+经验交换 尽管在黄河厂被撤职,尽管无缘电影机械厂,尽管重二局YM-4M仿制组曲终人散,尽管在上海电机厂落难,涂作潮的情怀所致还是测量仪器,转速计数器,照相翻版,磁记录测量,放射(剂量)表,测量铁芯线圈,线圈结构,电桥,绝缘材料等。 Dispite his dismissal at Yellow River, his failure at film machine works, separation of his team for YP-4M & his disgrace at electric motor plant, Tu remained greatly interested in measuring instrument, rotor speed tester, photogravure, print, magnetic recording, radiation, iron core tester, coil structure, bridge, and insulating material, etc. 1019570000022读者问答 凭着报效国家的一腔热血,涂作潮研习的课题还包括铁芯,铁芯材料,电磁探伤,曝光控制,话筒变压器,放大器消除振荡,断电自动开关,负反馈,短波天线,陶瓷稳压管,陶瓷热电偶,晶体管功率放大器,无线电设备小型化等。 With his strong determination to serve China, Tu also studied iron core, iron core material, magnetic detector, exposure control, micro- phone transformer, de-oscillation for amplifier, power cut-off auto switch, negative feedback, short wave antenna, ceramic stablizer, ceramic thermal couple, transistor power amplifier and radio miniature, etc. 0019570501001 1957年5月要求到基层工作的涂作潮任上海电机厂(江川路555号)党委委员兼厂长助理.1994年出版的600多页的《电机工业的明珠--上海电机厂发展史》(ISBN7-80072-628-2)中唯一提及涂作潮的地方是394页,1959年“12月27日 厂反‘右倾’基本结束.运动中重点批判6人,其中定为‘反党’的1人,‘严重右倾’的3人,还有帮助‘洗澡’的22人.对作出结论的人,后来均通过甄别取消了结论。” Desired for practical work, TU became partisan committee member & assistant to Shanghai Electric Motor Plant director in May 1957. “Bright Pearl Of Electric Motor Industry--History of Shanghai Electric Motor Plant” ISBN 7-80072-628-2 in 1994 mentions TU once: “27 Dec 1959, Anti-Rightist Movement basically over…Of which, 1 was labeled as anti-Party member…” The book fails to mention the 51-day jail vs TU. 0019570501002 涂作潮默认了在华东医院的 就诊级别是13,相当处级,尽 管他的技术3级远高于处级. 他1961年食物中毒,华东医 院救护车到了家门口后拒载 而去:登记过期.如是技术3 级,可能不至于此.邻居陈贤 伟用陈家375774电话叫来 市六人民医院救护车,救活了 “再晚两小时肯定不行了”的 涂作潮. Tu acquieced his Grade 13 on his East China Hospital Card though his Technical Grade 13 was much higher. He got food poison in 1961. The Hospital ambulance refused to take him as his card was expired. If his Card’d said Tech Grade 3, things’d have been quite otherwise. Neighbor Chen Xianwei dialed his 375774 for Shanghai 6th Hospital ambulance thus saving Tu who “would have surely died if later by 2 hours.” 0019571200001 何健础 (刘建初,刘健础,刘老头1896-1973)湘酃县,1925年入党,抗战时期李白和其他若干秘密电台的交通员,1957年12月和烈士遗孀裘慧英 (浙嵊县1917-1992, 12岁上海绸厂包身工,1937年入党,1938年起掩护李白电台,建国后任上海邮电工会主席,义务宣讲烈士业绩千余场)与烈士的儿子李恒胜在上海黄埔公园合影留念。鸣谢:何鼎钦 He Jianchu (alias Liu Jianchu, Old Liu, 1896- 1973) CCP 1925. Liaison man in Shanghai for secret radios including Li’s in WWII. He visited widow Qiu Huiying (1917-1992, child labor at a Shanghai silk mill, CCP 1937, disguise for Li since 1938) and son Li Hengsheng (Red Pioneer) in Dec 1957. They took a photo at Huangpu Park, Shanghai. Ack.: He Dingqin 1019570000606 1940年发明:收音机加 一根10 cm细线即可收报 故事在1958年电影《永不消逝的电波》中,则变成红圈中的科班的差频振荡器.这根10cm细线,涂作潮到死不说。2009年涂作潮三子延华制成无形收报机可操作模型,方才揭秘。 1940 Invented: Radio Set+ 10cm wire=Signal Receiver The story is used in 1958 movie The Eternal Wave where the 10 cm wire becomes red circled textbook beater. Tu died with the wire.It was exposed when his son made a working model of this spy signal receiver in 2009. 1931年一个人制作:中国人民解放军电子对抗首个硬件 1019570000606 《永不消逝的电波》这样取信于懂得电讯的观众。假道具即差频振荡器和收音机用电源和信号两组电线连接,符合收音机收报的经典条件。收音机后盖打开,即证明收音机的真实,又表明工作时需要散热。唯一可能的破绽是,这两组电线不必要地粗了一些。外接差频振荡器时的耗电和信号传输强度都很有限。因此细电线就足够了。 The Eternal Wave so convinces audience with radio knowledge. Beater or fake prop connected radio set with 2 cable groups,1 for power supply and another for signal.This complies with classic condition for radio set to receive signal. Back cover was off to show a genuine radio set and need for heat sink. The only possible flaw is unnecessarily thicker cables for both. Power consumption and signal transmission for beater are limited. Thinner cables’d be good enough. 1019570000010 + 1019570000011 1957-1958年,涂作潮向《永 不消逝的电波》电影剧组介 绍当年的福声无线电公司.影 片的字号:福生无线电行.1941 年秋,涂作潮制作了供李白出 徒后用的无形收报机和发报 机.事隔16年后他为影片制 作高仿真道具:仍可当收音机 用的无形收报机(电影海报右 下),发报机(海报左下)和电键. 电脑截屏:张一闲 In 1957-1958 Tu told Eternal Radio Wave playwright how Li Bai apprenticed to Tu’s Fusheng Radio Co. The film showed Fusheng (top photo). For the same film Tu exactly copied what he’d made for Li upon serving out in 1941: disguised receiver that was a workable radio set (bottom right), transmitter (bottom left) and telegraph key. Acknowledgement: Basha Yixian Zhang 1019570000012 + 1019570000013 影片重现李白当年准备发报 (上)和拍发动作(下).涂作潮 做好了道具电键后,让在一旁 观看许久的13岁的三子延 华试试.面对儿子好奇的眼光, 父亲沉默良久后悲怆道:“只 有鬼才收得到.”涂作潮坚决 不收剧组给的30元制作费. 剧组在上海国际饭店14层 中餐厅宴请.烈士遗孀裘惠英 携遗孤恒胜出席.被裘惠英多 年来称呼蒋师母的张小梅携 延华、平华和胜华赴宴.涂作 潮婉拒. 张一闲 电脑截屏 The film showed how Li got ready for transmitting (top) and operated his key(below) Upon completion of the key, Tu asked his 3rd son Yanhua to try on. Fixing on son’s curious eyes the sad father sighed “only the ghost can receive.” Tu rejected the 30 Yuan model fee. The play- wright entertained Li and Tu families at International Hotel. Tu excused. Wife Zhang and Yanhua,Pinghua & Shenghua attended. Li’s widow Qiu Huiying & son Hengsheng attended. Qiu’d called Zhang Mrs. Master Jiang, Tu’s alias in Fusheng time. Ackn. Basha Zhang 1019570000014 + 1019570000015 影片重现李白的收报情景: 右手抄收,左手调整收音机 的人工(自动音量或增益控 制则抵消中频再生)音量电 位器(上),让中频再生-即涂 作潮发明的正反馈电感式 临时差频振荡器-恰到好处. 影片也重现了1942年9月 15日倭寇捕获李白的情景: 冲进来前刚刚复原的收音机 余热未尽(下) 鸣谢:张一闲 The film repeated how Li received signals (top) right hand writing and left hand adjusting manual volume potentiometer (auto volume or gain control’d have offset medium frequency regene- ration). So the temporary beater by MF regeneration was best tuned to a critical working status.The film also repeated how Japs arrested Li 15-09-1942 when they found the radio set, just back from the shapeless receiver, still felt warm (below). Acknowledgement: Basha Z. Red circled fake prop —textbook beater. Real Tu beater is this white color 4-inch thin long wire. 红圈表示的假道具- 科班的差频振荡器. 真实的涂氏差频振 荡器是这根10cm 长的白色细铜丝。 Tu’s spy signal receiver circuit display. Brown board has a textbook beater for comparison. Real beater is this 4” long white wire joined with mechanic arm. 无形收报机线路展示: 棕色绝缘板上是对照 物--科班的差频振荡 器。涂氏差频振荡器 是联动于机械臂的这 根10cm白色铜丝。 Copies of prop key and transmitter made by Tu Zuochao for 1958 Chinese movie The Eternal Wave. 涂作潮为1958年电影《永不消逝的电波》所做发报机和电键道具的复制品。 338 Weihai Rd front and back door road tags since 1970’s. These 2 bricks came from its removal in 2006. 1970年代启用的威 海路338号前、后 门门牌。2006年拆 迁时取这两块砖。 Master and apprentice each had a tray to hold on parts. Each family’d its kerosene stove. The Tu’s keep these 2 since 1939. Martyr Li Bai Museum in Shanghai show other 2 identicals. 福声公司师徒各一个托 盘,防止零件滚落.两家各 一个煤油炉.这是涂家的 两个.李家一模一样的两 个现存上海黄渡路107 弄李白烈士纪念馆。 1019570000016+ 1019570000017 + 1019570000018 1939-1941年福声无线电公司时期,师徒倆每人一个托盘:在工作中防止零部件散落.两家各备一个做夜宵的煤油炉.李白用过的两件实物现存上海李白烈士纪念馆.涂家用过的完全一样的托盘和煤油炉现存本陈列室.影片使用了李家的煤油炉:重现李白抱着无形收报机上阁楼收发报时经过该煤油炉.1994年张小梅临终坚嘱家人: 好好留着这个煤油炉。 Li-Tu each used 2 same trays preventing loss of parts during work. Two families used 2 same kerosene stoves. Li’s tray and kerosene stove are shown at Martyr Li Bai Museum,Shanghai. Tu’s tray and kerosene stove are shown at Tu Zuo- chao Exhibition, VA. In the movie Li passed by his kerosene stove when moving his spy signal receiver. Zhang Xiaomei made her will in 1994: the Tu kerosene stove must be kept forever. 0019580000 影片开始29分钟后,主人公李侠操作电键.涂作潮做此道具时,让14岁的三子延华试试.延华高兴中突见父亲神色凄凉,悲怆地说:只有鬼才收得着…涂作潮谢绝剧组给的30元道具费. 剧组国际饭店宴请,裘惠英-李恒胜母子赴宴.涂作潮婉拒.妻张小梅携延华和弟弟妹妹代表赴宴.首映式前,不忍观看的母亲给胜华换装时说:有啥好高兴的,你去看一个死了多年的好人。 A screen 29 min after Film begins: Li operates the key. When making this costume Tu let his son Yanhua of 14 to try on. Tu sadly sighed “only ghost can receive.” He rejected Yuan 30 costume fee & thank-you dinner at Park Hotel. Wife Zhang Xiaomei took 3 kids for dinner. Widow Qiu and son accepted dinner invitation. Before first show, Zhang changed Shenghua’s cloth and said: don’t you be glad for the movie. You are to see a good man who had died for years. She’d not bear to see this movie. 0019580000202 涂作潮按当年为李白做的电台,为八一电影制片厂《永不消逝的电波》制作了外形一致的道具:电键,不能发报的发报机和平时做收音机用的无形收报机.影片开始后28分钟,主人公抱着卧室内的收音机上楼收发报.背景处的煤油炉是当年两家各买一个的原物,现存上海李白烈士故居纪念馆.涂家的煤油炉现展于涂作潮陈列室。 In 1958 Tu copied what he’d done for Li Bai in 1941 as costumes for moview The Eternal Wave: key, transmitter, and spy signal receiver. 28 min. from the film begins the hero took his bedroom radio set upstairs for operation. Li’s kerosene stove in background is at his Memorial Museum in Shanghai since 1987. The same used by Tu family also during 1939-1941 is here. 0019580000203 影片开始29分钟后,主人公李侠操作电键.涂作潮做此道具时,让14岁的三子延华试试.延华高兴中突见父亲神色凄凉,悲怆地说:只有鬼才收得着…涂作潮谢绝剧组给的30元道具费. 剧组国际饭店宴请,裘惠英-李恒胜母子赴宴.涂作潮婉拒.妻张小梅携延华和弟弟妹妹代表赴宴.首映式前,不忍观看的母亲给胜华换装时说:有啥好高兴的,你去看一个死了多年的好人。 A screen 29 min after Film begins: Li operates the key. When making this costume Tu let his son Yanhua of 14 to try on. Tu sadly sighed “only ghost can receive.” He rejected Yuan 30 costume fee & thank-you dinner at Park Hotel. Wife Zhang Xiaomei took 3 kids for dinner. Widow Qiu and son accepted dinner invitation. Before first show, Zhang changed Shenghua’s cloth and said: don’t you be glad for the movie. You are to see a good man who had died for years. She’d not bear to see this movie. 101968-1969海棠63-31 Wuhan Radio Works made 2 cheap 63-31 models of 4-tube Begonia in 1960’s.To improve sensitivity Begonia’d positive feedback between IF and osci- llator.Tu might know Begonia circuit. During the 1000-hour tortured interrogations 1968- 1969, his fake process for his spy signal receiver could be similar to Begonia structure. His interrogators knew radios well. If they knew Begonia circuit,they would believe Tu Confession thus no more lab verification. 武汉收音机厂1960年代生产 的两款经济型海棠63-31型4 灯收音机.为提高灵敏度,中放 和振荡间正反馈.喜欢探看各 种收音机的涂作潮可能知道 其线路图.在1968-1969千小 时刑讯中,他交代的无形收报 机的假工艺雷同于海棠收音 机的中放和振荡间正反馈.刑 讯人懂收音机的大有人在.他 们如果也知道海棠收音机的 电路,在技术上就会相信涂的 供述,进而不再技术验证了。 0019580000205 1019400000801 139电子管接收机 外形图 天津电工二厂,七个直热式电子管,甲电1.5V;乙电90V; 2到12兆赫;抗美援朝启用,师团级电台,生产到70年代末 1019400000802 139线路图 中国第一代自行研制,战备物资,生产持续到1970年末 1969珍宝岛冲突,新兵收到失联多日的巡逻队微弱信号,避免冲突升级,战场立功,连升三级 1019400000803 139差频振荡器 1019400000804 139 1019400000805 222-1电子管接收机 外形 25Kg, 500X 400 X 300mm 师团级,1.5到30兆赫 190到240VAC供电 信噪比3:1时,灵敏度等于/低于1.5微伏 G 9 6J1,R 95; C 224,225和 226,共12G,其中G12 是晶体 1019400000806 222--1线路图 1019400000807 222-1差频振荡器 1019400000808 0019580000707 涂延华仿制无形收报机历 时两年于2009年发现:用 父亲讲的两个线圈永远不 会成功;中频再生的输入端 根本不是振荡管…北京电 视台2013年3月13日科 教频道《记忆中的地下英 雄—谍海神工》,福建电视 台2013年6月12和13日 《红色特工涂作潮》,2014 年5月1日《南方周末》 C13-14版《除了你们,还有 谁知道》等解密无形收报 机或展示无形收报机实体 模型的操作视频。 In 2 years of copying, Yan- hua found in 2009 that father’s 2 coils never work and that input of MF regeneration was not oscillator but MF tube… Saga Spy by Beijing TV 13-03-2013, Red Spy Tu Zuochao by Fujian TV 12-06-2013 & 12-06-2013 and Who Knows This Besides You? Southern Weekend 01-05-2014, etc either tell the disclosing details or show actual operation of Tu’s 1940 shapeless signal receiver.