1019360901101 王以哲将军照片 东北军王以哲 电台联系陕北 直到1936年中秋节 前后涂作潮做的电台 启用. 张学良离陕赴 宁后67军军长王以 哲代理.1937年2-2 事变遇害.1949年后, 中共最早的译电员邓 颖超题写北京万安公 墓的王将军墓碑。 Wang Yizhe Army Radio in Xi’an worked for CCP till Tu-made radio started.No.67 Army leader Wang was acting leader after Zhang Xue- liang had left Xi’an. Wang was killed in 02-02-1937 incident. CCP first decoder Mrs. Zhou Enlai inscribed his stone at Beijing Wan’an Cemetery post 1949. General Wang Yizhe 东北军主力67军军长王以哲 0019360901001 1936年9月1日,中共中央 放弃“抗日反蒋”,决计《逼 蒋抗日》“停止内战,一致抗 日”.在西安的中共代表刘鼎 再次请上海的蔡叔厚尽快 让涂作潮启程.涂作潮在9月 30日中秋前后从上海到西安, 一人承担了该系统工程中制 作、维护和隐蔽中共秘密电 台的任务。文件来源:中央 档案馆馆藏。 On 1 Sept 1936 CPC stopped “fighting both Japs & Jiang Jieshi”,determined to “Force Jiang Jieshi To Fight Japs,” thus no more civil war and KMT-CPC jointly fight Jap. CPC rep Liu Ding in Xi’an urged Cai Shuhou in Shang- hai for Tu. Tu arrived in Xi- an on or about 30 Sept 1936 from Shanghai.In the system engineering Tu was solo man for building, maintaining & disguising CPC radios in Xi- an.Document from China Central Archival Bureau. 1019360000001 xiao二号字体 刘鼎密信致李克农(涂作潮农历八月中秋抵西安前): “你三十日 来信,关大五台事,顶糟了,看不明白,如果你不懂得大五台,双台,何意,请问王先生,他同我约的名目,八月开. CSR有人说听不见,大概同大的一个样的毛病,也须得要他们麻烦一下,多搬运番吧.少坤不管他人事,大概另行找一找新闻而乙,我想他数日,内可开开.” 根据史实,这两段密语似可解读为: 你三十日 来信关于小(关键处故意颠倒)型五瓦电台的事,说得太不清楚,我看不明白.如果你不懂小五瓦电台和交直流两(双为两,两为两用;双十二那日停电,捉蒋的消息由交直流两用机发出)用电台,请你去问军委三局的王诤.他和我约定过电台方面的密码术语.小型五瓦台和交直流两用台,将在八月份开始制作 延安(红中社,China Soviet Republic)的电报,王以哲说他的电台収不到.大概的问题是延安的发射功率不够,如同西安的小五瓦机向延安发报,发射功率偏小,无法直达.(西安和延安的通报,用五瓦机时,由设在洛川的朱理治电台接力中转)这也要王诤他们(如不增加发射功率,则)多调整天线位置,朝向或发射时间.彭绍坤专司收发报,无法顾及其他.他大概要在不同的频段和时间多留心延安的呼叫。我想他近日应该能成功。 Liu Ding wrote to Li Kenong before Tu arrived in Xi’- an in Sept,coding big as small, dual as AC-DC power supply,Mr Wang as Wang Zheng, CSR as China Soviet Republic or Yan’an, somebody as Wang Yizhe whose radio was at CPC disposal,& news as telegram from Yan’an. Possible translation below: Your letter of 30th terribly confused me on small 5-Watt radio. If you don’t know this or AC-DC radio, please ask Wang Zheng. We’ve set the code. I plan to build both 5-Watt and AD-DC radios in September. Wang Yizhe’s radio cannot catch Yan’an.Maybe same problem: Yan’an’s transmitting power is small & so is mine here.Wang Zheng & his men need tune antenna position & direction or try at different hours. Peng Shaokun is an exclusive radio operator. Perhaps he needs try different frequencies at different hours to catch CSR. I think he’ll be OK in a few days. 1019360900001 1936年9月12日中秋节前后,涂持蔡叔厚开给东北军刘多荃师傅长的介绍信潜入西安,租住东大街西京饭店一层一个房间开业掩护.他一人在此设计、制作了一部5瓦交流电台和一部5瓦交直流两用电台并基本完成了在西安事变后亦充做广播电台的100瓦电台.1936年12月11日涂由此迁往张学良公馆.这是建筑在旧址上的西北大酒楼。 CAI Shuhou wrote TU an introduction letter to LIU Duoquan in Xi’an. Around Moon Festival dated 12 Sept 1936 TU checked in Xijing Hotel running radio repair business in a 1st floor room. There he designed and made one 5-Watt trans- ceiver,one 5-W. ac-dc dual power supply transceiver and basically completed the 100-Watt transceiver that was also for CPC broadcasting during Xi’an Incident. He moved to ZHANG Xue- liang’s home on 11 Dec 1936. The Hotel venue is Xibei Grand Restaurant now. 1019360900002 Lt. General Liu Duoquan (1899-1985) Div 105 & later Army 49 commander,on-spot supervisor in arresting Jiang in Xi’an Incident.To protect Liu Ding, Tu waited for Liu Ding in Xi’an at the hotel. Lt General Liu would help Tu in emergency and advise CCP. In his 1949-1950 verification for Cai Shuhou, his 1956 autobiography and 1981 memoir, Tu mentioned Lt. General Liu whom he had never met. 刘多荃中将(1899-1985)东北 军105师师长兼张学良卫队 长,捉蒋现场总指挥,49军军 长.为保护刘鼎,涂到西安后 不直接找刘鼎,而在约定地点 等候刘鼎.意外时刘将军救助 涂作潮,并联系中共.涂作潮 1949-1950年给蔡叔厚的证 明信、1956年自传和1981 年回忆录均提及从未谋面的 刘将军. Lt. General Liu Duoquan, 1899-1985, Div 105 & later Army 49 commander, on-spot supervisor in arresting Jiang in Xi’an Incident.To protect Liu Ding, Tu waited for Liu Ding in Xi’an at the hotel. Lt. General Liu would help Tu in emergency and advise CCP. In his 1949-1950 verification for Cai Shuhou, his 1956 autobiography and 1981 memoir, Tu mentioned Lt. General Liu whom he had never met. 0019360912001 0019361115001 左,1936年11月15日刘鼎写在宽约6厘米纸条上给李克农的密报:关于木匠 此间机器太小,达不到新建15W的,目前尚不能来,只要坤儿一通,即可来.另一长久之计,如木匠不来而对家中无技术质量的损害,可留在我处,我有多方用途:1,五金、电料、X工器材之代办…2,情报机关接头,绝对秘密;3,准备一切后援;4…;5…. 右,1936年9月12日刘鼎密报李克农:1,坤儿不必回家,正预备开工,进大观园…他跟着木匠装机器,也在学习中.请勿念!2,木匠本拟待要款妥,将去上海定购全部电料(前各笔).现在中止,只待此地的小家伙造好,交坤儿,即可来家做事… 解说词: 左,1936年11月15日刘鼎用约6厘米宽的纸条密报李克农:只要报务员彭绍坤在西安和保安的党中央接通,就放涂作潮.不过,涂久留西安,则还有多达五方面的用途.(童小鹏《风雨四十年》第一部66页“(截止双十二时)电台早已设在(张公馆)底层”) 右,1936年9月12日刘鼎密报李克农:彭正随涂学习.涂做好电台后,彭进张学良公馆工作.涂造好5瓦电台、交付彭使用后,可放行。 Left: Liu Ding 11-15-1936 report to Li Kenong on a 6 cm wide paper: Once Radioman Peng Shaokun could liaise with CCP in Bao’an, Tu’d be released. But Tu’d be of 5 more uses if he could stay in Xi’an longer. Right: Liu Ding 09-12-1936 report to Li Kenong: Tu’d be let off provided he completed the radio to be located in Zhang Xueliang’s home and to be operated by Peng. (Tong Xiaopeng Memoirs Vol.I P.66:“Our Radio’d been on (Zhang’s) ground floor for a long time”) 0019360930666 纽约拜瀚斯公司2013年拍卖 公告:1936年中共和张学良约 定的《八月十五号起代名表》 东北军-甲军;张学良-李毅,王 以哲-李仁,何柱国-李智,盛世 才-李新...红军-乙军;张闻天- 赵天,毛泽东-赵东,周恩来-赵 来,博古-赵古,朱德-赵德,叶剑 英-赵英,刘鼎-赵鼎...苏联-赵 联,西安-周安,兰州-周兰...蒋 介石-王浙,李宗仁-王桂...傅作 义-张绥,马步芳-张青,汤恩伯- 张汤,宋哲元-张冀...上述日期 如是阴历,则是9月30日中秋 Bonhams NY 2013 auctioned Code Name List between CCP and Zhang Xueliang Effective 09-30-1936. Northeast Army- Army A; Zhang Xueliang-Li Yi, Wang Yizhe-Li Ren, He Zhuguo -Li Zhi, Sheng Shicai-Li Xin... Red Army-Army B;Zhang Wen- tian-Zhao Tian,Mao Zedong- Zhao Dong, Zhou Enlai-Zhao Lai, Bo Gu-Zhao Gu, Zhu De- Zhao De, Ye Jianying-Zhao Ying, Liu Ding-Zhao Ding... USSR-Zhao Lian, Xi’an-Zhou An...Jiang Jieshi-Wang Zhe, Li Zongren-Wang Gui...Fu Zuoyi-Zhang Sui, Ma Bufang- Zhang Qing, Tang Enbo- Zhang Tang, Song Zheyuan- Zhang Ji...09-30-1936 was Mid Autumn Festival. 0019361014001 从上到下是三份译电员报底 的遮掩复印件:毛泽东1936 年10月14日令刘鼎“木匠 工作如完毕,望告来苏区一 行.”周恩来五天后令刘鼎 “涂木匠望来苏区一行.”同 年11月1日,叶剑英-刘鼎 联名“抗旨”:“木匠此间工作 未完,要留较长时间.”涂在此 期间已制成5瓦交流电台,正 在做5瓦交直流两用电台。 From top to bottom.Portions of 3 telegrams. 1 & 2, MAO Zedong ordered LIU Ding on 14 Oct 1936 & ZHOU Enlai ordered LIU Ding on 19 Oct 1936 that “Carpenter TU to visit Northern Shaanxi Red Base Area.” 3, YE Jianying & LIU Ding resisted on 1 Nov 1936 that “Carpenter’ll have to stay a longer time as his work isn’t completed yet.”In this period,TU’d constructed a 5-Watt A.C. transceiver & was constructing another 5- Watt transceiver using both A.C. and D.C. On 10-14-1936 Mao Zedong ordered Liu Ding: “Carpenter is expected in Shanbei base area.” Handwriting of the decoder. When Central Red Army arrived in North Shanxi in Oct 1935 all their radio parts were carried by 1 carrying pole. More needed there was the Tu-type software. On 11-01-1936 Ye Jianying & Liu Ding jointly disobeyed: “Carpenter hasn’t done his job here. He’ll stay for a long time.” Tu was preparing the 100-Watt radio for a nation-wide use. 1936年10月14日毛泽东电令刘鼎“木匠工作如完毕,望告来苏区一行”.陕北收报后译电员的笔迹。这时长征后的中央红军到达陕北已经一年,到达时电台零件仅剩一挑。硬件缺乏,更缺乏涂作潮这样的软件。 1936年11月1日,叶剑英-刘鼎联名“抗旨”:“木匠此间工作未完,要留较长时间.”西安收报后译电员的笔迹。此时西安方面已经着手准备和全国通报的100瓦大电台。涂作潮是唯一制作人。 On 10-19-1936,Zhou Enlai chased Liu Ding: “Carpenter Tu is expected in base area.” By then Tu’d made 1 5-W ac transceiver & 1 -W ac-dc transceiver. Liu told Tu: the 5-W ac well contacted north Shanxi. Liu said nothing to Tu about the result of the 5-W ac-dc. Power supply stopped on 12-12-1936. The news that Jiang was arrested was sent by the ac-dc. Between Xi’an & North Shanxi there was the relay radio run by CCP chief decoder Zeng Xisheng & Zhu Lizhi. 毛泽东要人的电报发出后五天,1936年10月19日,周恩来电催涂的单线领导和联系人刘鼎:“涂木匠望来苏区一行.”西安收报后译电员的笔迹.这时涂已经完成了5瓦交流电台一部和5瓦交直流两用电台一部.刘告诉涂五瓦交流机和家里通报很清楚.刘没有告诉涂5瓦交直流两用机的通报效果.1936年12月12日西安停电.五瓦两用机发出了捉蒋的消息.陕北和西安之间的洛川设有军委二局局长曾希圣和朱理治的中转台。 1019360000101 曾希圣 曾希圣,中(湘兴宁1904-1968)1922年团,黄埔军校,1927年党;留苏;1930年军委情报科长, 1932年军委二局(情报局)创建人兼局长,多次j截获/破译生死攸关的密电,西安事变前后和朱理治镇守洛川中转台.涂作潮做的5瓦电台直达陕北有时不清楚.西安至陕北直线距离275公里.洛川以南100公里是西安.洛川以北175公里是陕北瓦窑堡.建国后安徽省长,华东局第二书记。 Zeng Xisheng, mid (1904-1968) CY 1922, CCP 1927,studied in USSR, founder and director of Central Military Commission 2nd (Intelligence) Bureau 1932, intercepted and decoded many vital telegrams. With Zhu Lizhi, he remained working at Luochuan transit station. Luochuan is 60 M north Xi’an and 110 M south Wayaobu, north Shenxi. Tu’s 5 Watt radio had experienced difficulty between Xi’an and north Shanxi. 1019360000202 朱理治 Zhu Lizhi(1907-1978)Tsinghua student 1926.CCP 1927.Shanxi -Gansu-Shanxi tri-province secretary 1935. A CCP commi- ssioner to Northeast Army in Aug, 1936. His co-attendance with Zeng at Luochuan transit station proved vitality of Xi’an and north Shanxi telecom. Liu Ding said Tu’s 5 W AC radio worked well in Xi’an suburb at night but sometimes not so good from downtown Xi’an in day time. Liu said nothing to Tu about Tu-made 5 Watt AC -DC radio. Zhu was a CCP North China secretary after 1949. 朱理治,苏南通(1907-1978) 1926年清华大学学生;27年 党;1935年陕甘晋省委书记, 1936年8月中共驻东北军特 派员,西安事变前后和曾希圣 一起镇守洛川中转台.省委书 记和情报局长亲自镇守,可见 西安和陕北间电讯生死攸关. 涂作潮做的5瓦交流电台,刘 鼎说晚间在郊区和陕北家里 通报很清楚,但白天在西安城 里有时不佳.涂作潮做的5瓦 交直流两用电台的效果,刘鼎 未提及。朱理治建国后任华 北局书记。 0019361112001 党中央要涂去保安;叶剑英-刘鼎“抗旨”,正和南京谈判的潘汉年在1936年11月12日向毛-张闻天-周-博古要涂去沪.为此潘在报告中七次诉苦:1,和中央的电讯由张学良在西安转;2,和中央的电讯由张冲在南京转;3,“久久渺无音信,使我狐疑莫决”4,中共西安联络处“拆烂污到如此地步,实出意外”5,“至今未收到你们用我的密码的电报.此种情况叫我想也不敢想!”6,中共西安联络处在人才和钱财上都帮不了潘;7,隐蔽在上海罗秋迪家的电台能收不能发。 When Mao-Zhou wanted Tu in Baoan,Ye Jianying & Liu Ding disobeyed, Pan Hannian, dealing with Nanjing,wanted Tu in Shanghai. He appealed to Mao-Zhou on 11-12-1936:1,His telegram to Baoan’d to go through Zhang Xueliang in Xi’an; 2,His tele- gram to Baoan’d to go through Zhang Chong in Nanjing; 3,Long waiting no reply caused hesitation & suspicion; 4, CCP Xi’an Rep Office dared not to pass Pan’s telegram to Baoan; 5,never received Baoan info by use of Pan’s code; 6, Liu Ding gave no professional or financial help; 7, the Schipper- Rosenburg Shanghai home could receive only. 0019361211001 On 12-11-1936 pm, Tu moved to a 1-storey house (no longer existed) attached to Zhang’s Residence (as photo). Based on Tu’s memoirs, Liu Ding & Zhou Enlai came 12-12-1936 early morning. Zhou used Tu’s razor blade that wasn’t sharp enough. Zhou said: “just put up with it.” Tu was photoed when moving out on 12-12-1936 pm with his 100- Watt. In 1968-1969 Tu’s case torturers showed that photo. 1936年12月11日涂迁入张 公馆(如照片)平房(现已拆除). 1976年12月20日涂提及,并 在去世前收到自己口述的《 木匠的回忆》后改口回忆道, 次日清晨刘鼎陪周恩来到达. 周向涂借剃须刀,涂没有.周只 好用涂的不太快的两面刀片 “马马虎虎刮一下.”涂次日和 100瓦电台搬离时,有人照相. 文革时,专案组曾出示该照片. On 11 Dec 1936 pm, TU moved to a one-floor house (no longer existed) attached to ZHANG’s Residence (as photoed).Based on TU’s memoirs, accompanied by LIU Ding,ZHOU Enlai came for a quick visit and borrowed TU’s razor blade. TU’s wasn’t sharp enough and ZHOU’d to “just put up with it.” TU was photoed when moving out next day with his 100-Watt. In 1968- 1969 TU was shown the photo. 0019361212001 1936年12月12日清晨,涂在张学良公馆平房内完成100-瓦电台,“西安没有866水银管,就用4只80号管代替.”该电台在西安事变期间还播放中共抗日统一战线的八项主张等.据说在西安的军统特务曾收听到这些广播,以为远在300公里外的中共有大功率广播电台.这是现存放在八路军西安办事处纪念馆的该电台复制品. At dawn of 12 Dec 1936,TU completed 100-Watt transceiver at ZHANG Xue- liang’s home. TU used four Tubes 80 in lieu of Mecurry Tube 866 unavailable in Xi’an.” During Xi’an Incident, it also broadcast CPC’s 8 Points for Anti-Jap United Front.It was said, KMT agents in Xi’an heard the broadcasting & thought that CPC, some 300 Km away, had powerful broadcasting station. This is a replica exhibited at Memorial of 8th Route Army Xi’an Rep Office. 0019361212002 1936-12-12,涂和100-瓦电台迁入七贤庄八路军办事处.当年年底,中央满足了潘1936年11月12日“把木匠…交我”的要求.当日周恩来在此把“给一个姓张的朋友的信”藏在钢笔内,命涂次日赴沪,一周后按约定地址在沪转交潘.潘在牢中供述过此信,但不提及收信人姓名.涂在文革刑讯中因说不出信的内容,专案打手焦学武骂道“不知道信里写了什么?他(周)叫你吃屎你也吃吗?!” On 12-12-1936 Tu and his 100-Watt moved to Qixianzhuang. On 12-31-1936 Zhou Enlai and Li Kenong handed Tu over to Pan Hannian. Zhou hid a letter “for a friend named Zhang” in a fountain pen and ordered Tu to pass to Pan 1 week later in Shanghai. Pan in 1955 confessed this letter but kept silent about the recipient. Hearing Tu’d no idea about the content, Tu’s case torturer Jiao Xuewu cursed “Will you eat his shit if he (Zhou) so orders?!” 0019361212003 涂1976年12月20日回忆:“1936年11月底-12月初,我到西大街无线电行买了矽钢片,绕线机,线,刻度表,80号整流管,4个正好(串联-并联临时顶替866管),扼流圈;还买了木匠工具,做了盒子,装机器、发报机变压器;收音(报)还是直流的,高放式;发报是交流供电.” 1937年初报务员林青在七贤庄八办拍摄了这部100瓦电台的正面照.手工制作的木壳结构清晰可见。 鸣谢:林克华 Tu recalled on 12-20-1976:“in late Nov or early Dec 1936, I bought silicon steel sheets, wire winder, dial gauge, # 80 rectifiers, 4 of them good enough (to serial-parallel make a would-be #866 rectifier) and chock at a Xidajie Street radio shop. I made a wood case to put the machine in. His high-frequency amplification receiver used DC while transmitter used AC power supply. Operator Lin Qing photoed this 100-W transceiver in 1937. Ack.: Lin Kehua 0019361212004 也是林青1937年初拍摄,以后珍藏一生的涂作潮做的第一部100瓦电台的照片.涂1976和1982年回忆:“刘鼎坐飞机买来了211真空管,滤波电容器,滤波扼流圈和天线安培表.”如刘没有或没有派人坐飞机去买且陕北也无法逆向提供,则这些关键元件只能来源于东北军和/或西北军. 1937-2-2叛乱军官残杀西北军电讯处长黄念堂少将和东北军电讯处长蒋斌中将的罪名之一是“贪污/盗卖军用电讯器材.” 鸣谢:黄公芬 Lin Qing kept this photo of Tu’s first 100-W. Tu recalled in ’76 & ’82:“Liu Ding flew to Shanghai & bought Tube 211, filtering capacitor, filtering chock & antenna ampere meter, etc. If Liu’d not flown or sent someone to the risky Shanghai, these key parts might come from Northeast and/ or Northwest Armies. 02-02-1937 rebels killed Huang Niantang & Jiang Bin, Northwest Army & Northeast Army Signal chiefs, falsely accused of stealing military radio appliances. 0019361212005 林青(粤文昌,1911-1987)1983年11月17日谈:西安事变前,我们利用张学良公馆建立秘密电台.1936-12-18在保安成立无线电18分队,李克农直接抓,我任队长,专门联络西安的那个电台.37年1到7月我在西安七贤庄用涂作潮装配的100瓦主振放大式电台(如上林青工作照)联络延安、云阳和陕南根据地,还联络南京政府、山东韩复渠和广西李宗仁和白崇禧… 鸣谢:林克华,八路军西安办事处纪念馆 Lin Qing (1911-1987) said 11-17-1983: Before Xi’an Incident we’d built a secret radio at Zhang Xueliang Home. Radio Team 18 was set up in Bao’an 12-18-1936, me in charge. Liaised with Xi’an secret radio. From Jan to July 1937 (Lin at work as photoed) I operated Tu-made 100W radio in Xi’an to liaise with Yan’an… Nanjing, Han Fuqu in Shandong, Li Zongren and Bai Chongxi in Guangxi. Ack. Lin Kehua 1019360000202小妹 李夏明 Not to Say, Not to Question To Tu, Xiaomei was Mrs Liu Ding(2nd frm R) and Zhou Enlai’s radio man surnamed Peng. Many tortures by his investigators didn’t get surname for Xiaomei and 1st name of Peng.Asked why, Tu said “not to say;not to question.” 不该说的不说 不该问的不问 涂只知邓中夏遗孀、 刘鼎夫人叫小妹(右 二李夏明);也只知周 恩来借用刀片时报务 员小彭在场.文革专 案组多次用刑未果, 问及为何不知其姓其 名时,涂说:不该问的 不问,不该说的不说。 0019361212006+ 0019361212007 To keep away from bombard- ment from Nanjing,Red Army General Staff Dept moved to Yunyang after the Incident.Tu was once a volunteer radio operator to connect Xi’an. He seemed to know a certain frequency at a certain time and a certain calling code.But his autobiography misled: Others failed but I succeeded. Maybe my slow sending got more attention from receiver. Tu had to tell every historical detail though, he only wanted his highest up to know why. Ack. Xi’an Incident Museum 事变后,为躲避南京讨伐部队 的轰炸,涂作潮也转移到了云 阳的红军总参谋部.某夜,他自 告奋勇地当了一回报务员,叫 通了西安办事处的电台.这说 明,报务员不知道的某联络频 率、联络时间和联络呼号,他 知道.然而在自传中,既要交代 历史细节,又要只有隐蔽战线 大领导才看得懂,于是他所以 这样说:别人叫不通,而自己却 叫通了.可能的原因是,自己发 报速度慢,反而引起收报方的 注意。鸣谢:西安八办纪念馆 When at Red Army General Staff Dept (left) in Yunyang after Xi’an Incident, Tu was once an operator & connected between Yunyang & Xi’an. This shows he knew some frequen- cies, liaison time and secret codes. Others failed but he succeeded as perhaps his sending speed was low, causing more attention by receiving operator, Tu recalled in his memoir. 0019361212007叶剑英+ 0019361212008 李伯钊 左,叶剑英(粤梅州1897-1986)参谋长;右,李伯钊(重庆1911-1985,1925年入团,中山大学学生,1931年中华苏维埃共和国教育部艺术局长,建国后中央戏剧学院书记)西安事变后在云阳红军司令部和涂作潮等烤火.叶剑英讲笑话说麻子如何如何,大家笑.涂作潮押嘴,说鹭鸶也好.李伯钊马上电告陕北党中央.涂作潮受警告处分,自怪说话不严肃。 Left,General Chief of Staff Ye Jianying (1897- 1986,PRC marshal, congress speaker); Right, Li Bozhao(1911-1985,CPC playwright, wife of PRC President Yang Shangkun) and Tu chatted in Yunyang. Ye joked about pockmarks. Almost all laughed. Tu said heron was also nice. Li was offended and telegram complained higher up. CCP Central disciplined Tu with a warning punishment. He regretted for being too liberal. 0019361212009夏明+0019361212010史沫特莱 涂作潮见到了七贤庄德国牙医海伯特诊所的护士小妹(湘江华,夏明,李慧馨,李英1909-1987,1926年入党,李启汉妹妹,邓中夏遗孀,有掩护秘密电台的经验).刘鼎叫涂作潮去临潼送面包给史沫特莱(美国密苏里州,1892-1950,西安事变前后《曼彻斯特卫报》记者,1936年把刘鼎介绍给张学良)史沫特莱收后没有回信或回赠。 Tu met Xiaomei (Xia Ming, 1909- 1987, CPC in 1926, Li Qihan’s sister, Deng Zhongxia widow,experienced in helping with secret radio), a nurse at German dentist clinic at Qixian- zhuang. Liu Ding sent Tu to Lintong with a gift bread for Agnes Smedley (1892-1950, Manchester Guardian reporter who introduced Liu to Young Marshall in 1936) Smedley gave nothing back to Liu through Tu. Before Incident, Manchester Guardian newswoman Smedley lived in Lintong,22 M away.Liu Ding sent Tu to take a bread for her. She’d like to chat with Tu. Tu said, Miss,I don’t speak English.Nothing from Smedley to Liu. Tu enjoyed his 1st time hot spring bath in Lintong. Torturing wenge investigators wanted secret inside bread. Tu’d nothing to say.Nowadays researchers also doubt any secret inside bread.Or,why Tu ran risk merely for a bread between Xi’an and Lintong with many KMT detectives? 西安事变前,《曼彻斯特卫报》 记者史沫特莱住西安城外34 公里的临潼.刘鼎派涂作潮去 给史沫特莱送一个面包.史沫 特莱要和涂作潮聊聊.涂英文 婉拒:小姐,我不会英文.史沫 特莱没有信物带回给刘鼎.涂 借机在临潼洗了平生第一个 温泉澡.文革中专案组严刑逼 供面包玄机.涂无言以答.近年 来学者也怀疑有玄机,否则不 会让身负重任的涂作潮仅仅 为了送面包而往返国民党特 务众多的西安和临潼。 0019361212010 八办门口汽车和曾三 西安事变后,曾以牙科诊所为掩护的七贤庄中共联络处由地下转入半公开时的照片。门口后排左起第三人从身高、体型和面容看,应是曾三。门口右侧的汽车,车头如涂作潮回忆的像似火车头。西安事变前后,该车送涂作潮迁入、迁出张学良公馆内平房内工作室。涂作潮本人没有见过张学良。鸣谢: 八路军西安办事处纪念馆《千秋七贤庄》 Qixianzhuang Red Army liaison point’d been disguised as a dental clinic. After Incident, the point went semi-public. Judging from length, shape and face, back row 3rd from left should be Zeng San. The head of the car was like a locomotive as Tu recalled. Before and after Incident, it rode Tu to and fro his radio lab in a flat house at Zhang Xueliang home. Tu’d never met Zhang. Ack. The Eternal Qixianzhuang by Eighth Route Army Xi’an Office Museum. After Xi’an Incident, the Dental Clinic became overt from covert as photoed. The third from left was Zeng San judging from his figure and face. The car with its head looking like a locomotive transported Tu Zuochao when he moved into the flat house in Zhang Xueliang residence before the incident and moved out afterwards. Tu’d never seen Zhang Xueliang. Ack. Eight Route Army Xi’an Office Museum 0019361212035 Bearded Zhou Enlai after Long March in 1935- 1936. He’d shaved before he met Zhang Xue- liang during Xi’an Incident. For presentation and to avoid recognition by Zhang’s men having seen the bearded man during Zhang-Zhou secret talk in Yan’an in Apr, 1936. 12-12-1936 morning, Liu Ding led Zhou to Tu’s lab in a flat house in Zhang residence when Tu made his 100 W. Zhou borrowed Tu’s razor blade. Tu noticed Zhou’s beard had been cut earlier by scissors. 1935年10月长征到陕北后周恩来长须尚留。西安事变时剃须后的周恩来:会见张学良要注意仪表,也要防止张学良身边的人认出,眼前的周副主席就是1936年4月和少帅肤施(延安)密谈的美须公。1936年12月12日清晨,涂作潮在张学良公馆的平房内完成100瓦电台时,刘鼎陪同周恩来进屋。周恩来借用涂作潮剃须刀片。涂作潮看到周恩来此前剪掉胡须的痕迹。 0019361231001 1936年12月31日起涂作潮兼做周恩来信使一周。1955年涂作潮自传说,那天李克农在西安七贤庄指示涂去上海恢复、建立秘密电台,次日出发,由潘汉年领导.当晚周恩来给涂一枝钢笔,“说明内具致张学良信,”到上海一周后按地址转稍后抵沪的潘汉年。 TU Zuochao 1955 autobiograph says, on 31 Dec 1936 in Xi’an LI Kenong asked him to restore and build secret radios in Shanghai under PAN Han- nian. Same day evening ZHOU Enlai gave TU a pen “saying there was a letter for ZHANG Xueliang” and TU was to hand over to PAN 1 week after TU arrived in Shanghai. 0019361231002 + 0019361231003 In early 1937 Smedley and Peggy Snow asked Zhou En- lai 40 questions on Xi’an Incident, e.g. “you estimate the Affair as a ‘military plot.’ Nobody except Communists take this position...Even Chiang and Mrs Chiang never accused it of being a ‘military plot’... not as a spontaneous reaction and a basic change in social forces?” USSR and Commintern saw the Incident as a military plot. Archive from Russia. Ack. Wang Honghua 1937年2-2事件后史沫特莱 和佩姬-斯诺给周恩来写了这 封信,就西安事变的前因后果 提了约40个问题,包括“您 说您估计西北事件是个‘军 事阴谋.’除了共产党,没人 持这样的立场…甚至蒋及其 夫人也从不谴责这次事件是 一个‘军事阴谋’…难道不 是一种自发的反应、一种社 会力量的基本改变吗?”西安 事变后,苏共暨共产国际认为 是一场军事阴谋。 原件存俄罗斯档案馆 鸣谢:王洪华 0019370100001 1937年元旦后涂第四次抵沪,在赫德路(后常德路,2000年左右拆除)572号一层开恒利无线电公司;自任二房东,将二层转租给宋金朝巡捕;和张小梅在此成家. 1939年冬迁往威海路卫路338号前,先后受潘汉年、刘少文和王少春领导.1996年5月,老邻居回忆说蒋师傅(涂化名蒋林根)的无线电修理店之后是一家糖果店.左为572号门脸,右为后门。 In early 1937 TU began Hengli Radio Co business on ground floor at 572 Hart (later Changde) Road,subleased 1st floor to Police SONG Jinchao, match maker, and married with ZHANG Xiaomei. Before moving to 338 Weihaiwei Road in winter 1939, TU’s led by PAN Han- nian,LIU Shaowen & WANG Shaochun. Left was front side & right back. House 572 and others nearby were leveled in about 2000 for new constructions. 0019370100002 Trudi Rosenburg was born in Germany in 1905. Came to China in 1933 with husband Hans Schipper, an Austrian newsman. She hid CCP radio & operator Tian Baohong at her Shanghai residence 1936- 1937. She was senior German language editor at Foreign Languages Services Beijing after 1949.She died at Beijing Hospital 21 Jan 1997.China’s State Security Ministry paid her hospital bill. Tu was tortured for anything about Trudi in 1967, 1968 & 1969. 秋迪-罗森堡,1905年生于德 国,1933年随丈夫、奥地利 记者汉斯-希伯来华. 1936- 1937年在上海住所藏匿“乙 台”和报务员田保洪.解放后 秋迪在外文局任高级德文编 辑.1997年1月21日在北京 医院住院3年后去世,国家安 全部支付住院费.《今日中 国》提供本遗像.为了解秋迪 的情况,文革中四机部军管会、 造反派和专案组多次刑讯涂. Trudi Rosenburg was born in Germany in 1905. Came to China in 1933 with husband Hans Schipper, an Austrian newsman. She hid CPC radio & operator TIAN Baohong at her Shanghai residence 1936- 1937. She was senior German language editor at Foreign Languages Services Beijing after 1949.She died at Beijing Hospital 21 Jan 1997.China’s State Security Ministry paid the hospital bill. TU was tortured for anything about Trudi in 1967, 1968 & 1969. 0019370100003 Station II as Tu counted. This radio could receive only as Pan Hannian reported 11-12-1936. It hid at Trudi Rosenburg residence at 1, Lane 1288 Route Lafayette (Fuxing Road (M)) now. Ground floor was for housemaid and kitchen; 1st for sitting and dining rooms and 2nd for bed- rooms. Tu modified this 100-W radio in few days. So it worked as a trans- ceiver as expected. 涂计为“乙台”的、潘汉年 1936年11月12日密报所 言由外国技师制作的只能 守听而无法发报的100瓦 台藏在上海辣斐德路(复 兴中路)1288弄1号秋迪 寓所. 一层原是厨房和佣 人房间, 二层原是客厅和 餐厅, 三层原是卧室,二、 三层的卫生间在过街楼. 1937年1月涂几天内改装 成功.完工后次日传来和延 安通报成功的消息。 Station II as TU counted and the same radio that could receive only as PAN Hannian reported 12 Nov 1936 hid at Trudi Rosen- burg residence at 1, Lane 1288 Route Lafayette (Fuxing Road (M)). Ground floor was for housemaid and kitchen, 1st for sitting and dining rooms and 2nd for bed- rooms. TU repaired this 100-W radio in few days & it communicated with Yan’an the next day. 0019370100004单医生遗像 Dr. Shan Huimin (1904-1975 died in house arrest) covered Station I.Li Bai operated the 50-w in his home clinic, 148 Rue Admiral Bayle(Huangpi Rd(S) now) phone 80588.His big son Mingde stood guard for Li at work.Police stopped Tu on his way back from the Station I repairing. Tu said he was repairing a radio set there. Police found Dr Shan from a Yellow Page. Dr Shan rushed for Tu’s rescue. Station I moved afterwards. 单惠民医生(1904-1975软禁 中去世)掩护甲台.1937年住 家兼诊所在贝勒(黄陂南)路 148号,电话80588,报务员李 白隐居其中,电台功率50瓦. 单医生长子明德多次为李白 站岗放哨.某日涂修理甲台, 返回途中被捕,关老闸捕房. 涂说给单医生修收音机去了. 捕房在电话簿上找到单医生 的电话.单医生接电话后立即 赶去把涂保出.此后甲台迁移. Dr SHAN Huimin,born 5 Nov1904, died 14 Aug 1975 in house arrestment. Station I of50-w operated by LI Bai hidat Dr SHAN Huimin Clinic at148 Rue Admiral Bayle or Huangpi Rd(S), phone 80588.Once police detained TU on his way. TU said that he was repairing radio for Dr Shan. Police found Dr SHAN from1937 Yellow Pages. Dr SHAN rushed for TU’s rescue. Dr. SHAN died on 14 Aug 1975 in house arrestment. Shang-hai Telecommunications Bureau keeps 1937 Yellow Pages among the nation’s complete phone directories collection. 0019370100005—1 and 5—2 Father Zhiyi saved LI Ke- nong, A Ying & WANG Shaochun,etc in 1927.Son Mingde watched out for LI Bai in 1937. Dr SHAN reduced 3-generation his- torical glory to as little as written in his resume on 9 April 1955:“Self disguised CPC Shanghai secret Radio stations in 1937 and 1946. LI Kenong, Beijing, is witness. Friendship re- mains though no mail ex- change now. Father,aged, living with me.Son Mingde works at Agriculture Dept in Dantu, Zhenjiang” 1927年4-12大屠杀期间, 单志伊得知国民党要立即 就地捉拿处决捉拿李克农, 钱杏邨(阿英)和宫樵岩(王 少春)等,当晚通知他们潜 逃并资助数百银元.1937 年孙子明德给李白望风.三 代人援救掩护中共的光荣 史,在单医生1955年4月 9日写的简历中却只写 “1937-1946,上海,地下掩护 电台工作,介绍人,北京,李 克农,现不通信,友谊仍在.” 关于父亲,只写“共同生活, 年老.”关于儿子明德只写 “丹徒县农业科(职员)” 0019370100006 单医生坟墓 1984年2月4日单夫人张媖娣去世后,单家儿女将父母和爷爷奶奶合葬镇江. 2000年4月4日清明,涂胜华得知单家下落后,赶赴镇江扫墓,明德、明道和明辉三兄弟引领。单医生祖籍安徽滁洲.父单志伊(1885年3月11日生,1966年9月逝)早年留学日本,兴中会会员,与孙中山等颇有往来.回国后在皖兴办实业和教育,1927年前后任芜湖警察局顾问,其管家是李克农的父亲。 Dr and Mme Shan Huimin’s tomb, left and his parents’ tomb, right, in Zhenjiang. Father Shan Zhiyi (03-11-1885 : Sept 1966) returned student from Japan. Xingzhonghui Member. Lots of connections with Dr Sun Yat-sen. Educator, entrepreneur and adviser to Police Chief in Wuhu, Anhui. His butler was father of Li Kenong. Photo:Shan Mingde,Shan Mingdao,Shan Minghui and Shenghua Tu. 1019370000001 二道沟子,1935年党中央到陕北后、1947年国民党进攻延安前中央社会(情报)部所在地。这是部分旧址照片。 Erdaogouzi is the location of the CPC Central Social (Intelligence) Ministry after arrival in North Shaanxi Province and before KMT occupied Yan’an in 1947. This is part of the ruins. 1019370800001 日寇占领上海期间,户口米 每证配售仅15斤,市民在 户口米配售处抢购的老照 片(档案与史学2000年5 期61页ISSN1005-1620). 靠宋金潮巡捕的关系,涂作 潮每次能买“半担(50斤)、 一担(100斤)”已经很例外、 很幸运了.为出城买米不少 上海人穿封锁线,爬铁丝网, 时常遭日寇射杀。 During Jap occupation, one Shanghai family’d buy 7.5Kg rice one time with Residence Permit. Buyers rushed & lined up as shown on this photo published on Page 61, Issue 5, Year 2000, Archives & History, ISSN 1005-1620.Helped by Police SONG Jinchao, TU was lucky enough to buy “25 to 50 Kg each time”. Many Shanghainese crossed wire bars to buy rice in country- side and quite some got shot by Japs. 担—巡捕房用语 PICUL 101737000088 1937-1942涂作潮为 酬谢巡捕,招待打麻 将时,自己该挺张时 不挺张,坐等别人和 了,自己心甘情愿地 输钱,妻妹张美珍发 现姐夫输牌的秘密。 In order to reward the cop who helped with his move- around, Tu purposely gave up his necessary tile to win. When the other claimed a tile to win,he willingly paid his lost money, 1937-1942. 1937-1942涂作潮在上海为了出入方便,需要巡捕朋友,故麻将桌上“该挺张的不挺张,等到人家胡了,他心甘情愿地输钱。” 1019370800001唐振材前门+1019370800002唐振材后门 张沈川1982年前后证实, 1937年8月在海格路志庆坊19号,今华山路1857弄19号,唐振材家收藏备用电台.左为前门,右为后门,三层石库门民宅,东西走向约5米.涂作潮从未提及此地址.苏海一先生2008年查获志庆坊。 Zhang Shenchuan proved in about 1982, a CPC standby radio hid at 19 Zhiqingfang, Avenue Haig, presently 19, Lane 1857, Huashan Road. Left is frong door. Right is back door. Three-storey residence. About 5 meters from east to west. Tu never mentioned this locaion. Mr Su Haiyi found Zhiqingfang in 2007. 0019380428001 程淑珍(1938-4-28:2003-7-24) 北京公共汽车二场21路售票 员.1969-1973年间,落难中的 涂作潮在会城门站上下车时 程师傅搀扶,上车后即安排座 位,虚寒问暖.自涂作潮处境改 善有公车坐后到去世前,他一 直记着这位不知名的好人.去 世后,家属找到程师傅面谢时, 她淡然道“我应该做的.”1985 年,程师傅乘公交车赶赴八宝 山参加涂作潮遗体告别仪式. 鸣谢:田建伟、刘玉梅夫妇 Cheng Shuzhen (28-4-1938: 24-7-2003) Beijing Bus No.21 conductress took best care of disgraced Tu from 1969 to 1973. From 1973 to end 1984 when Tu rode in government car he still remembered this unknown good woman.After Tu died,his family found her in Jan 1985. Her responded calmly to the Tu gratitudes: “that was what I should do.” She attended Tu’s funeral bus thus different from most other car carrying mourners. Acknowledgement to her son Tian Jianwei+wife Liu Yumei 1019390000001 Tu autobiography in 1956. Forensic help in 1996. Gong Yinbing ordered Tu to sell his Evergain Radio Co and “live with radio operator Li Bai to teach him making transceivers thus an all-out radio talent …Happy Voice Radio Co set up at 338 Wei- hai Road…Leased 2 shop rooms in 1940 (actually 1939)…” Ack.: China Forensic Center 涂作潮1956年自传. 1996年 法医手段复原部分字迹.龚饮 冰指令涂作潮顶出恒利并搬 离赫德路572号,“然后与李 白结合,教会他做收发报机, 成为一个全能工作人员…福 声无线电公司…威海路… 1940年租到两间点店面…” 鸣谢:公安部法医鉴定中心 TU was instructed to sell Hengli Radio and “live with Radio Operator LI Bai to train him on radio building… Fusheng Radio Company at 338 Weihai Road…Leased 2 shop rooms in 1940…” TU’s autobiography written in 1955 became very indistinct in 1995 as per Photo above. Photo below was a forensic restoration therefor. 1019390000002 Tu’s 1940 successes as per his autobiography Contents:2,transmitting to Yan’an reduced from 50 to 7.5w; 3, succeeded in signal receiving by a common radio set with IF regeneration; 4, enabled operator Li Bai to make transceiver so an all-out talent…Tu wrote nothing on 3, in his autobiography context. Before he died, Tu had repeated the regeneration working principle and even made a fake costume for a 1958 movie merely to cover up working principle. He took away the real circuit or manufacturing process. 涂作潮1956年自传目录提及1940年的成绩…2,由50瓦改用7.5瓦发报机,与延安通报成功;3,利用中放再生,用普通收音机收报成功;4,帮助李白学习,全能电台工作人员成功…但在行文中,根本没有3,的内容.此后28年中,他给1958年的故事片做了假道具,就是为了掩盖中频再生的原理;无论在1967-1969年的酷刑中,还是在1980-1984年的掌声和鲜花中,他只重复中频再生的原理,却始终不说出真实的制作工艺或线路图。