Tu Zuochao Exhibition
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Tu Zuochao Exhibition Illustrations in Chronical Order, Part 9 涂作潮陈列室中英文解说,按时间顺序 第九部分
0019310200003 李翔梧牺牲于1935年.1951- 1952年间,涂向南昌方面求 助寻人,未果.1966年夏,涂要 外出串联的儿子想法到南昌 找救命恩人.1967年9月,涂 仰天长叹:“我干了一辈子共 产党都给打成这样.魏朝鹏当 年只知道救了我们两个国民 党军官.别人要知道了,一定会 打死他的.”涂在去世前口述 的《木匠的回忆》中,对魏仍 念念不忘。 TU tried in 1951-1952 & 1966 to find WEI but in vain. In Sept 1967 TU sighed “I’am so deadly beaten though I’ve been a communist all my life. WEI Chaopeng must be dead if others know he’d saved 2 KMT officers.” Till his death, TU missed WEI. TU Family continued the search for the savior. Entrusted by TU Family in 1995, WAN Linyan, her father and WEI Jiqiang found WEI Family in 1996. LI Xiangwu was killed in war back in 1935. 0019310200004 1995年起,中国人民大学哲 学系南昌籍学生万林艳和她 的父亲以及魏际强历时一年, 终于功德圆满.涂把城冈魏村 误记成城冈村,而城冈魏村又 早在50年代就改成邓坊村了. 在中办主任曾庆红亲自过问 下,1997年10月23日有了这 份见义勇为表彰通报和其后 的表彰大会.此后,魏家后人重 立墓碑时全文抄刻了谢恩匾。 In 1996-1997, ZENG Qing- hong, then the CPC Central Office Chief,investigated the WEI case after TU Family’d appealed. On 23 Oct 1997 there came this Nanchang Government Appraisal of Zealous Bravery For Right Things. After the Appraising Meeting, WEI Family re- erected tomb stone for WEI Chaopeng and engraved full text of Grateful Inscription presented by TU Family and LI Family. 0019310200005 + 0019310200006 义士魏朝鹏夫人应氏(1893- 1987)的坟墓(上). 2003年, 涂胜华代表涂家全体去南 昌祭扫.祭品左侧的镜框是 涂作潮陈列室内的魏朝鹏 牌位,右侧是关于魏朝鹏的 展板.下图是1998年前的 魏朝鹏墓.墓碑现存涂作潮 陈列室. Above is tomb for Mme Wei Chaopeng (1893-1987). In 2003 Tu Family Rep Shenghua paid respect at the tomb. Frames next to the offering were from Tu Zuochao Memorial. Below was Wei Chaopeng’s tomb that was removed in 2002. Original tomb stone for Wei is now at Tu Zuochao Memorial. 0019310200007 + 0019310200008 魏朝鹏没有留下照片.涂作潮家里的魏朝鹏牌位用了三子伯喻(信璠)的照片替代.2002年因开发区建设,魏朝鹏迁葬,尸骨火化后存放在村骨灰堂内. Wei Chaopeng left no photo or portrait. For memorial service, Tu Family uses this photo of Wei Boyu, Wei’s youngest son. In 2002, Wei Chaopeng tomb was leveled and his remains cremated so his ashes are kept at the Village Memorial House. 0019310200009 1998年后,子孙们给魏朝鹏立 了这块新的墓碑,上面刻录了 涂-李两家谢恩匾的全文.2002 年因迁葬,这块墓碑和老墓碑 一起存放在家里.2006年在河 北燕郊的涂作潮陈列室竣工 后,这两块墓碑由南昌运抵后 在此存放并展出. After 1998 when the Tu-Li Thank-you tablet was presented, youngers set up this new tomb stone for Wei Chaopeng with full content of the tablet. After 2002 when the Wei tomb was leveled, both old and new stones were kept at their home. Since 2006 when Tu Zuochao Memorial was constructed in Yanjiao, Hebei Province, both stones have been kept & presented herein. 0019310200010张辉瓒 + 0019310200011朱耀华 左,张辉瓒中将(1886-1931)长沙籍,追授上将.1938年韩国流亡领袖金九在张辉瓒墓庐隐蔽8月.右,张的内侄,原54旅旅长后18师师长朱耀华少将(1891-1951)1937年10月26日淞沪抗战大场失守自戕,未果,抗战首位自戕殉国将领.晋中将.伤愈继续抗战.1946年内战时隐居故里.1949年坚持不去台湾或美国.土改-镇反时遭处决。 Left,Lt General Zhang Huizan (1886 -1931) posthumous general. His tomb temple hid Korean exile leader Jin Jiu in 1938. Right,Zhu Yaohua (1891- 1951), Mrs Zhang’s nephew, 54th Brigadier later Div 18 commander. Suicided on 26 Oct 1937 when losing to Japs in Shanghai.Life saved. Went on war resisting Japs. Quit civil war. Refued to live in Taiwan or USA in 1949. Executed in Changsha in 1951. 0019310204001 中共中央同意国民党方面用现金、药品、军火甚至朱耀华54旅归降红军的条件来救赎张辉瓒后,共产国际代表盖利斯于1931年2月4日从上海给中央常委兼军事部书记周恩来的绝密信说:“某种交易…和…协议…飞向毛(泽东)(工作很重要)极好地说明了(军事部同志们愿意工作)这一点。” CCP ok to swap Lt General Zhang with cash, medicine, weaponry and surrender by KMT Brigade 54 headed by Zhu Yaohua. Commintern Rep Gailis stationed in Shanghai wrote to CCP Military Minister Zhou En- lai on Feb 4,1931:“a certain deal…agreement with... Flying to Mao...(important work) well shows the point (that Zhou and his fellows are willing to work).” 中共中央同意国民政府以现 金、药品、军火和朱耀华54 旅归降红军的条件来救赎张 辉瓒.共产国际代表盖利斯于 1931年2月4日从上海给中 央常委兼军事部书记周恩来 的绝密信说:“某种交易…和 …协议…飞向毛(泽东)(工作 很重要)极好地说明了(军事 部同志们愿意工作)这一点.” 0019310204002 在盖利斯“语气很严厉”地列举的“目前最主要”的13项任务中,“同苏区和红军建立可靠的联系”居首位.交通站要用“绝对可靠的人;”无线电通讯中“最重要的战斗任务”培训报务员.周恩来成绩斐然:此后5年中,上海-香港-汕头-永定-长汀-东固的地下交通线安然无恙;红军无线电人员亦逾千人。 Of 13 “main jobs now” Gailis listed, the 1st was “reliable liaison with Soviet Base Areas & Red Armies.” “Most reliable people” for liaison- traffic points while “top task to fight for is training radio men.” ZHOU hit record high scores. In coming 5 years Shanghai-HongKong-Shantou-Yong- ding-Changding-Donggu secret trafic line remained intact; Red Armies’ radio men counted well over 1,000. 0019310204003 第十卷46-47页 联共与中共档案 张辉瓒赎金的三万买电台 1931-2-4共产国际驻中国代表盖利斯致中共军事部书记周恩来4千字密信,在最主要任务的第一项“同苏区和红军建立可靠的联系”中指令“用同江西做交易所得的3万买三部新无线电台。” Zhang Ransom for Radio Commintern China Rep Gailis wrote to Zhou Enlai on 02-04-1931. In #1 of his 13 top tasks for CCP, i.e.telecom for red base areas, Gailias ordered “spend 30K from the Jiangxi deal for 3 new radios.” 0019310207077 龙华24烈士血祭张辉瓒? 张辉瓒拟8日16:00(实9日12:00)入殓前的7日夜,在涂-李出发的龙华机场附近,国民党处决了林育南-何孟雄-柔石-冯铿等24人.廿四是中国传统大礼;每年24节气.是否寓意全年大礼血祭“仅归先轸之元”者?待考.鸣谢:万林艳1931-2-10《民国日报》 Blood Sacrifice for Zhang? Zhang funeral set on 02-08-31.On 02-07-31 night KMT killed 24 CCP martyrs near Longhua airport where Tu-Li flew to Nanchang. 24 in Chinese zodiac is a most solemn ceremony. A Chinese year has 24 solar terms.Has yet to prove if that meant a constant blood sacrifice. 0019310204101 共产国际批准张辉瓒救赎 涂作潮和李翔梧飞九江,在南昌签约,在赣州交接张辉瓒后,进入中央苏区,涂任朱毛红军机务员,李负责投诚的54旅士兵工作等.1931-2-4共产国际驻中国代表盖利斯如是函告中共军事部书记周恩来:某种交易...和...协议...飞向毛…极好... Moscow OKed Zhang Huizan Redemption. Tu-Li to fly to Nanchang to sign agree- ment, to handover Zhang in Gan- zhou, to enter & work in Mao’s Red Army. Moscow rep in Shang- hai Gailis so wrote to Zhou Enlai 02-04-1931: A deal…and…agree- ment…flying to Mao… excellent… 0019310210001 CCP ordered Li and Tu to work for Mao Zedong in Jiangxi after release of Lt General Zhang. On Feb 10, 1931 Comminton Rep Gailis reported from Shanghai to Senior General Bierzin in Moscow: Military Ministry Secretary Li would fly and reach Mao’s Base Area 1 week later;both Li and radio engineer Tu had been sent to Mao for radio liaison with CCP Central in Shanghai. 中共中央指令涂-李在南昌签 约、吉安交换张辉瓒后进入 江西苏区.1931年2月10日, 共产国际代表盖利斯从上海 给莫斯科的别尔津大将写了 万余字的绝密报告:中共军事 部秘书李翔梧和机务员涂作 潮已出发去江西毛泽东那里; 李“正坐飞机去毛那里,”约一 周后抵达。 CPC ordered LI & TU to work for MAO Zedong in Jiangxi after release of KMT Lt General ZHANG Huizan. On 10 Feb 1931 Cominton Rep Gailis reported from Shanghai to Bierzin in Moscow: Military Ministry Secretary LI’d fly & reach MAO’s Base Area 1 week later;both LI & radio engineer TU’d been sent to MAO for radio li- aison with CPC Central in Shanghai. 0019310219001 1931年2月19日,上海,在同共产国际代表雷利斯基和中共总书记向忠发谈话时,中央常委周恩来(俄文名莫斯克文)提及为江西朱毛红军和湘西贺龙红军采购和运送电台、电台供电和通信距离等问题,更证明中国人民解放军通信兵开山鼻祖非周恩来莫属。 In his talk in Shanghai on 19 Feb 1931 with Comintern Rep Reliskii & CPC Chief XIANG Zhongfa, ZHOU Enlai (Moskvin in Russian) detailed purchase & shipment of radios for MAO Zedong in Jiangxi & HE Long in West Hunan,different power su- pplies and transmitting distance.This again proves ZHOU was also the founder of PLA Telecommunications. 1019310300102 黄性一给了涂-李撤离机会.他编篡的《张公石侯荣哀录》中有自己的挽联:生我者父母,知我者鲍叔.他为长沙文夕大火赋词多首.1949年8月长沙和平解放时系迎解联主席团成员,夫人彭韶箴做鞋慰问解放军.1931年3月长沙新闻记者联合会第2届执监委员会全体摄影中可有这位老报人?杳无音信的黄性一浮出水面,则历史完整。 Huang Xingyi let Tu and Li off. He compiled a memorial book for Zhang. Wrote poems for 1938 Changsha Fire. The Huang’s welcomed CPC take- over of Changsha in 1949. This photo in March 1931 for Changsha Mass Media Executives + Supervisors may include this lost man for 50+ years. Once Huang Xingyi is found, the Zhang Huizan story will be complete. 0019310320000 + 1019300000009 1931-3-20胡均鹤和涂作潮- 伍云甫-曾三一起抵达江西清 塘.原定涂作潮-宋廉-伍云甫 -曾三. 宋廉出发前脱逃。但 是四人行已是通知到了途径 各交通站的暗号. 如果改三, 则可能途中被误会为奸细而 遭错杀。胡均鹤,苏吴县 (1907-1993)1932年团中央书 记,以后投国民党,汪伪, 日 寇,国民党,共产党,苟全性 命于乱世,暮年有幸得善终。 Hu Junhe and team of Tu Zuochao, Wu Yunfu and Zeng San arrived at Qing- tang, Jiangxi 03-20-1931. The team’d have been Tu Zuochao, Song Lian, Wu Yunfu and Zeng San. Song escaped before the trip. The 4-man team was already a code for each liaison point in route. If 3 in stead of 4, any liaison point in route would most likely wipe out all the 3 as spies. Hu(1907-1993)was CY secretary general in 1932. He turned to KMT, Japs, KMT and back CCP in his life time. 左,胡均鹤,苏吴县(1907:1993-3) 1925年入党;六大代表;31年3月20日和涂作潮-伍云甫-曾三抵江西青塘;1932年团中央书记,后苟全性命于乱世,暮年有幸得善终.右,洪扬生,浙余姚(1898:1989-2-7)1924年入党;特科(总务)一科科长;据说参与顾顺章灭门案. Left, Hu Junhe (1907-1993) CPC 1925. CPC 6th Congress delegate. Arrived at Jiangxi Base Area 20 Mar., 1931 with Tu, Wu Yunfu & Zengsan. CY secretary general 1932. Later defected. Right, Hong Yangsheng (1898-1989) CPC 1924. Teke 1st (logistic) Section head. Said to be an assasin in killing most all Gu Shun- zhang family members in April 1931. 0019310320001 + 0019310320002 朱云卿,广东梅县(1907-1931)黄埔三 期,1925年入党,红一方面军参谋长,红 军电台的首任主管,5月22日逝(一说 被谋杀)于吉安.次任主管郭化若(右) 福州(1904-1995)黄埔四期,1925年 入党,1931年5月红一方面军代谋参 长,1955年中将,著《孙子译注》等。 Zhu Yunqing (1907-1931) CPC in 1925, General Chief of Staff of Red Army, 1st officer in charge of radio. Guo Huaruo (right, 1904-1995) Acting General Chief of Staff of Red Army in May 1931, next officer in charge of radio. Author of Transla- tion of & Notes to Sunzi Art of War. 0019310320003 1931年6月红军在征战中举办第二期无线电训练班,这是在江西吉安东故坳上的一个旧址。涂作潮任机务教员。约二十名学员是陈志东,邓国钧,李白(李侠),林辉士,林永桂,刘子玉,罗闽初,欧阳枫,郑执中,周天风,邹毕兆等。 In June 1931, Red Army ran 2nd Radio Training Course during fights. This is one of old premises at Aoshang, Donggu, Jiangxi. Tu lectured on radio engineering. About 20 trainees: Chen Zhidong, Deng Guojun, Li Bai (Li Xia), Lin Huishi, Lin Yonggui, Liu Ziyu, Luo Minchu, Ouyang Feng, Zheng Zhizhong, Zhou Tianfeng and Zou Bizhao, etc. 0019310320004 在江西瑞金坪山岗的红军通信学校旧址。校长刘光甫, 政委杨兰史、曾三。涂作潮兼任机务教员。照片来源:《华东战时交通通信史料汇编-中央苏区卷》 Old site of Red Army Telecomunication School, Gangshan- ping,Rui jin,Jiangxi. Tu concurrently taught radio engineering here. Photo is from Document Collection for Communication in War Time in East China (Central Base Area) ISBN 7- 115-05817-2/Z578. 0019310320004-1 左,校长刘光甫,浙江杭州(1904-1-2: 1981-2-28) 26路军电台骨干,1931年12月宁都起义,建国后广电总局高工.右,杨兰史,广东大埔(1907:1938-9- 17)早年留英,1926年团,1928年党,通校第一任政委,抗大政教科长,病逝后朱德主持追悼会,毛泽东到会并送挽联。 Left, Dean Liu Gaungfu (1904-1981) Shanghai Radio School graduate. Ningdu Upriser in 1931. PRC Braod- cast & TV Bureau senior engineer. Right, Yang Lanshi (1907-1938) CY 1926. CPC 1928. Red Army Radio School first political commissar. Anti-Jap Uni. Secion chief in Yan’an. Zhu De held his memorial. Mao Zedong presented his elegiac couplet. 0019310320004-2 瑞金,中国工农红军通信学 校旧址展示了教员来源:上 海党中央派来的技术人员如 涂作潮;中央苏区培养的通 信人员;起义部队的专业技 术人员如刘光甫校长,陈士吾; 白区招聘的通信技术人员.没 有展示的第五个来源是,俘虏 后留用的无线电人员。资料 提供人:北京刘伯宁先生。 Red Army Radio School Old Site in Ruijin, Jiangxi shows sources of faculties: 1, from Shanghai CPC Central e.g. Tu; 2, from own trainees; 3, professionals from uprising Nationalist troops e.g. Dean Liu Guangfu, Chen Shiwu; 4, professionals employed from Nationalist areas.The exhibition fails to quote No. 5 source:professionals from among POWs kept to work for Red Army. Mr. Liu Bo- ning in Beijing provided this photo. 0019310320005 江西瑞金叶坪的无线电总队旧址。涂作潮回忆:到1931年7月5日军事逮捕事件发生时,总队还没有队长。此后的队长一直是王诤,政委先后是冯文彬、涂作潮、宋裕和、伍云甫。 Red Army Radio Team premises at Yeping, Ruijin, Jiangxi. Tu recalled that by 5 July 1931 when he was arrested, there had been no team leader. After that time, Wang Zheng had remained team leader. Since Jan 1931 when the team was formed, political commissars had been Feng Wenbin, Tu Zuochao, Song Yuhe and Wu Yunfu in turn. 0019310320006 1931年6月红军在闽西建宁溪口青云村建立一方面军无线电总队.旧址照片来自《华东战时交通通信史料汇编》.7月5日,因为派卫兵的事,涂作潮和兼任队长的冯文彬政委对骂,遭军事逮捕.当晚毛委员亲自处理.冯辞职,涂接任.涂仍不满意,留下后患. In June 1931 Red Army set up Radio Team at Qingyun Village, Xikou, Jianning, Fujian. On 5 July as to Feng or Tu to arrange guards, they swore at each other. Tu was arrested. Mao Zedong settled this same day evening. Feng resigned. Tu replaced Feng. Tu remained unhappy thus a future trouble. Photo of team office is from ISBN7-115-05817-2/Z-578. 0019310320006-1 + 0019310320006-2 左,伍云甫,耒阳(1904-7-14:1969-7-25) 23年团,26年党,特科报务,红军无线电大队第四任政委,军委秘书长,救济总会会长,中组部副部长.右,曾三,益阳(1906-7-21:1990-11-28)24年团,25年党,特科报务,红军通校第二任政委,七大八大代表,档案局长,中办副主任. Left, WuYunfu (1904-1969) CY1923.CPC 1926.Red Army Radio Team leader after Song.Military Commi- ssion secretary general. CPC organi- zation deputy minister. R., Zeng San (1906-1990)CY 1924.CPC 1925. Red Army Radio School political commi- ssar after Yang. CPC 7-8th Congress delegates.PRC Archive Minister.CPC General Office deputy chief. 1019310320007 瑞金,马荠塘,中华苏维埃共和国的中央电话局旧址.留用的某俘虏兵仗着有技术,刁难几乎是文盲的红军电话兵,左权参谋长让涂作潮摆平了.涂作潮还向他的学生示范道:如果窃听电话,根本不用接线,只要把接收机的音频放大器贴近电话线就够了. Central Phone Bureau of China Soviet Republic in Ruijin. A POW good at phone who was kept for Rd Army fooled Red Army soldiers. General Staff Chief Zuo Quan asked Tu to settle down. Tu also demonstrated to his trainees: No need to physically connect, audio amplifier of any receiver, when close enough to phone line, would be able to bug. 1019310320008 中央军委通信联络局旧址,瑞金乌石垅。照片来源:《华东战时交通通信史料汇编-中央苏区卷》ISBN7-115-05817-2/Z-578 Old site of Central Military Commission Communication and Liaison Bureau at Wushilong, Ruijin, Jiangxi. Photo from Document Collection for Communication in War Time in East China (Central Base Area) ISBN7-115-05817-2/Z-578 0019310328001 + 0019310117001 同一展板 右:1931年1月17日共产国际执委东方书记处的绝密报告提请特别注意在苏联为中共培训无线电报务员、爆破手和手榴弹制造人员等。 左:当年3月28日共产国际远东局从上海向莫斯科报告朱毛红军1931年1月3日起已有(缴获张辉瓒部)收报机;电台人员不够; 1930年12月17日福利公司事件:我们的第一所学校垮了. Right: On 17 Jan 1931 Comintern Orient Secretariat in Moscow asked for special attention to training CPC radio men, dynamiters & hand grenade makers,etc at Soviet schools. Left: On 28 Mar 1931 Comintern Orient Bureau in Shanghai reported Red Army in Jiangxi had a receiver (captured from Lt General ZHANG’s 18th Division) since 3 Jan 1931; radio men were short;and “our first radio training class failed” referring to Fle Co arrestment in Shanghai on 17 Dec 1931. 1019310500006 1931年5月中共中央出版的 70页《中国苏维埃》,含这 份《目前全国苏维埃区域及 红军游击发展形势略图》,隐 于伪装书《民权初探》中.31 年8月中统特务缴获该书.31 年7月海南岛红军失利.32年 10月中统特务删除了左上角 的标题和海南岛的红旗后,把 该略图用于135页的《赤匪 概况》 鸣谢: 上海市档案局 及 2016年7月《档案春秋》 In May 1931 CCP published 70-page Soviet Base Areas in China including this map of All-China Soviet Base Areas Including Red Armies And Guerrillas.In Aug 1931 KMT captured the book. In July 1931 Hainan Red Army lost. In Oct KMT had deleted top left corner title and red flag in Hainan before they used same map in their 135-page Red Gangsters In General. Acknowledgement: Shanghai Archival House; Memories and Archives July 2016 issue 0019310500006-1 1931年5月中共中央出版的 70页《中国苏维埃》,含这 份《目前全国苏维埃区域及 红军游击发展形势略图》,隐 于伪装书《民权初探》中.31 年8月中统特务缴获该书.31 年7月海南岛红军失利.32年 10月中统特务删除了左上角 的标题和海南岛的红旗后,把 该略图用于135页的《赤匪 概况》 鸣谢: 上海市档案局 及 2016年7月《档案春秋》 In May 1931 CCP published 70-page Soviet Base Areas in China including this map of All-China Soviet Base Areas Including Red Armies And Guerrillas.In Aug 1931 KMT captured the book. In July 1931 Hainan Red Army lost. In Oct KMT had deleted top left corner title and red flag in Hainan before they used same map in their 135-page Red Gangsters In General. Acknowledgement: Shanghai Archival House; Memories and Archives July 2016 issue 0019310600001 + 0019310600002 中央红军参谋处长左权(左,湖南醴陵人,1903年3月15日-1942年5月25日)在1931年夏秋之际指令涂作潮查处俘虏后留用人员在技术上刁难电话队战士们的问题。1982年前后涂作潮在《木匠的回忆》32页中详细叙述了前因后果。 ZUO Quan, Red Army general chief of staff, asked TU to deal with a trouble caused by a capturee at the telephone team. TU gave 2 lessons to team members detailing telephone structure, working principle & trouble shooting, etc. The team work was back to normal soon. 1019310600003+ 1019310600004 1931年夏,毛齐华夫妇迁入 大连湾路(今大连路)华德 路 (今长阳路) 乾信坊某处: 何成英以三房客身份掩护; 楼下客堂,和邻居家相仿; 入乡随俗,大门敞开;楼上 秘密生产收发报机. 2008年 12月乾信坊一带已经改建, 部分为中国烟草博物馆, 另 一部分正在施工。 查访兼拍摄:谢 1 Map for 2 Foes CCP issued China Soviet in May ’31 incl tis Trend Map,quoted by Jul 2016 Memories and Archives KMT captured the CCP issuance in Aug 1931 & used the same Map for a 135-page Red Bandits Survey in Oct 1932,title changed and Hainan & North Fujian red flags deleted only. In 2011, Taiwan opened Survey 2个阵营同1地图 31年5月中共秘密出 版《中国苏维埃》含《 目前全国苏维埃红军发 展图》2016年7月上海 《档案春秋》发表该图. 31年8月中统缴获该 书;32年10月把该图改 名为《共匪为害区域现 状图》,载《赤匪概况》 2011台湾解密《概况》 Red Areas in White Terror Oct., 1932 The Survey affirmed, after its losses in Hai- nan & North Fujian, CCP still had its red areas in Jilin, Hebei, Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Henan, Hubei, Hu- nan,Sichuan,Guang- xi, Guangdong, Fu- jian & Jiangxi. Ack: Taiwan LawMinistry InvestigationBureau 白色恐怖中的红区 《现状图》表明在31 年5月到32年10月 间中共失去海南岛和 闽北根据地后,红色根 据地仍然遍及吉、冀、 鲁、苏、浙、徽、豫、 鄂、湘、川、桂、粤、 闵、赣。鸣谢:台湾 法务部调查局档案室 In summer 1931, the Mao Qihua’s moved to Qianxin- fang, Dalian and Ward (now Changyang) Roads. Ms He Chengying also moved in as a disguise.Their sitting room was arranged as their neighbors’. Their front door kept open as other homes. Radios were built in secret upstairs. Qianxinfang Area became China Tobacco Museum in 2005 and a contruction site in 2008. Photo by Mr Xie Huimin. 0019310630303 1931年独自完成中国人民解放军首次电子对抗硬件 6月30日二次反围剿前, 0019310705001 + 0019310705002 + 0019310705003 1931年7月5日无线电大队政委冯文彬捆绑涂作潮.当天毛泽东亲自处理.目击者曹丹辉日记见诸1957年《红旗飘飘》第三辑(左)是日冯文彬辞职.涂作潮接任.行政工作严重影响业务.一周后辞职.宋裕和接任.右为涂作潮1955-1956年间涉及此事的自传部分. 1958年6月 1980年6月 1995年 On 5 July 1931, political commissar Feng Wenbin tied Tu up.Mao Zedong personally coped with. Cao Danhui, a radio team member, published his diary in 1957 (left). Feng resigned & Tu succeeded same day. Administra- tive work affected Tu’s professional job.Tu resigned a week later.Song Yuhe succeeded. Tu recalled this in his 1955-1956 autobiography (right). 受监视的 不仅是俘虏兵 冯政委派政治战士李白 监听这三个湖南老乡.三 个月后李白向曾三哭诉. 1931-7-5冯-涂工作争执, 冯下令捆绑涂.当晚支部 会议,毛委员参加,冯政 委辞职,涂作潮继任.支 书记曹丹辉当天日记发 表于1958年后的各版 《红旗飘飘》 Not only POWs were Monitored Commissar Feng ordered Li Bai to monitor Tu, Wu & Zeng. Later,Li told on Zeng.In a work dispute, Feng tied Tu on a tree 07 -05-1931. Mao Zedong came in evening. Feng quit.Tu succeeded.Radio man Cao Danhui same day diary published in 1958 proved the date. “政治委员不好当” 每天工作20小时的涂自 叹“政治委员兼机务员这 叫做该死”一周后请辞. 毛委员派宋裕和接任.涂 “才重见青天”1956年涂 自传详述原委. 1981年 春,中办冯主任对涂说: “50年了,我一直想找机 会向你道歉…你有话对 我说,不要怪毛主席。” “Commissar was No Easy Job” Tu worked 20/24. Asked to quit next week. Mao Zedong sent successor Song Yuhe. Tu cursed commissar & radioman role in his 1956 memoir. CCP general officeChief Feng Wenbin said to Tu in 1981:I’ve sought a time for apology for 50 years...Please blame me but not Chairman Mao. 0019310705004 1937年原秋收起义,后中央红军部分领导在延安合影.其中,1931年7月总经理处杨立三处长(后左一)把一缸硫酸交无线电大队政委涂作潮保管.行军中破损流失.毛泽东总政治委员(后左三)批评涂作潮.1943年新四军参谋长赖传珠(前左一)力劝涂作潮留下.1944年山东军区政委罗荣桓批准涂作潮夫妇和三个孩子去延安。 Mao Zedong and his 1927 fellows in Yanan in 1937. Of them, logistic chief Yang Lisan(1st left, back) asked Tu to keep a jar of sulfuric acid in 1931. Lost during marching. Chief political commissar Mao (3rd left, back) criti- cised Tu. In 1943 New 4th Army chief of staff Lai Chuanzhu (1st left, front) tried to keep Tu at N4A.In 1944 Shan dong Commander Luo Ronghuan agreed Tu & family to go to Yanan. 1019310712011 涂作潮辞官后的继任 约于1931-7-12接任涂作潮的宋裕和(右一) (此后的政委是翁英,长征前夕去上海采购,携款潜逃,特科诛杀)和翁英后的政委伍云甫(左一)1937年12月在西安合影。中间:边章五;后面:宣侠父。 鸣谢:宋晓明,宋晓波 Tu’s Successors Song Yuhe (right) succeeded Tu on about 07-12-1931. Weng Ying succeeded Song. Wu Yunfu (left) succeeded Weng. Photo in Xi’an in Dec,1937.Mid front Bian Zhangwu. Mid back Xuan Xiafu. Ack. Song Xiaoming, Song Xiaobo 101931080000001首次密电通信旧址 + 0019140913001刘恋照片 左:1931年夏中央红军首次密电通信旧址--江西兴国古龙岗,自《华东战时交通通信史料汇编》ISBN7-115-05817-2/Z-578。右:刘恋(1914-9-13:2006-6-2)兴国籍,1930年参加红军,1932年5月学习电讯前某日奉命給正在洗衣服的涂作潮站岗,疑惑中,顿见密码显现于白衣。 Left: First code telegram from Gu- longgang,Xingguo,Jiangxi in summer, 1931. Right: Liu Lian (1914-2006) Red Army in 1930. Before his radio study in May 1932 Liu guarded when Tu washed clothe. To Liu’s surprise, white shirt showed secret codes. Liu retired from chief judge in Qiqihaer and was back to home village in 1965 1931年春任弼时到江西 刘恋,(原名刘在雄),兴国人,1913生,1930参加革命,哈尔滨中级法院院长 刘恋(1914-9-13:2006-6-2)兴国籍,1930年参加红军,后哈尔滨中级人民法院院长等职。1932年5月学习电讯前某日奉命給正在洗衣服的涂作潮站岗,疑惑中,顿见密码显现于白衣。 Liu Lian (1914-2006) Red Army in 1930. Before his radio study in May 1932 Liu guarded when Tu washed clothe. To Liu’s surprise, white shirt showed secret codes. Liu retired from chief judge in Qiqihaer and was back to home village in 1965 1931年春,中央政治局委员任弼时携密码到中央苏区.朱总司令身边的红军战士刘恋给“正在洗一件白衬衣”的涂作潮站岗,内心不满.稍许,白衬衣上显现字迹.1931年6月,涂作潮给所有电台增设了40-70米波段.1931年8-9月间,中央苏区和上海党中央通报.1932年5月,刘恋学习电信,顿悟白衬衣上的秘密.全家福中的刘恋(1914-2006)曾任哈尔滨中级人民法院院长等职 In spring 1931 politburo member Ren Bishi and radio code arrived in Jiangxi base area.Liu Lian, a soldier closer to Zhu De, stood guard for Tu. He was unhappy as he stood guard for Tu who was washing a white shirt only. He was amazed to see words appearing on the shirt. In June ’31, Tu added 40-70 M band for all radios. In Aug- Sep 1931, Red Army radioed Shanghai. In May 1932, once Liu Lian began his radio course, he realized the truth. Family photo of Liu Lian (1914-2006) Harbin Inter-medium chief judge. 0019310903001 + 0019310903002 + 19310903003 + 0019310903004 欧阳钦,湖南宁乡人,1900年8月3日-1978年5月15日,留法(当时照片)转留苏,1924年入党,苏区中央局秘书长和红一方面军组织部长,1931年9月3日报告说“俘虏生打电的有人监视,其中有一部分表现还好.”至此,伍云甫、曾三和涂作潮等司监管之责已半年。 OUYANG Qin, 3 Aug 1900 - 15 May 1978,studied in France & later USSR, CPC since 1924,Red Army Organiza- tion Chief, reported on 3 Sept 1931: “captured radio operators are still being monitored. Some of them are behaving OK.” Following their arrival on 20 Mar 1931, WU Yunfu, ZENG San & TU Zuochao carried out the monitoring mission ever since. 0019310903005 + 0019310903006 为防止留用人员通敌或技术破坏,涂作潮给电台上封条:“本机器正常.擅开后盖者按破坏红军电讯论处.”留用人员,原张辉瓒部电台见习生,建国后任四机部常务副部长的刘寅于1983年5月18日在通信兵史座谈会上列举红军时代违纪和破坏政策的事例时说:“涂作潮把收报机修好了,钉上一块板,写着“拆开者枪毙.”该讲话收录在电子部1995年出版的《刘寅文集》中。 In 1931 TU supervised & monitored capturees incl. LIU Yin, a radio trainee. TU kept them from touching the inside of radios, warning that the otherwise’d mean death.Since 1964 LIU was a leader above TU. On 18 May 1983 LIU recalled the TU job as a breach of Red Army discipline & CPC policy. LIU dared not complain against CPC but TU to relieve his historical anger. 0019310903007 + 0019310903008 欧阳湘仅因匿名信为父申辩,被打成反革命,1968年11月30日揪斗后不几天从三楼被推下.官方结论自杀.欧阳钦夫人黄葳,国务院科技干部局长,对晚年丧子的涂作潮同情有嘉,侠义相助,敢于拿四机部开刀,1981年恢复了涂作潮的三级(高级)工程师职称。 Ouyang Qin’s son Xiang was perse- cuted on 30 Nov 1968 for sending unsigned letter defending his father. They threw him from 3rd floor and announced his suicide. HUANG Wei, the saddest mother and State Council Sci-tech Cadres Bureau chief, helped TU restore his seinor engineer title in 1981 after her brave fights with 4th machine-building ministry. 0019311107001 列宁说“共产主义就是苏维埃加电气化.”1931年11月7日晚,中华苏维埃共和国在瑞金的这座祠堂前成立.涂作潮安装会场电灯.除几盏32伏较大一点的灯泡外,还装了好几串12伏的小灯泡.汽油发电机在会场下面的地窖里。《红军的耳目与神经》39页,ISBN7-80023-241-7K Lenin said “Communism is made of Soviet system plus electricity.” CCP found China Soviet Republic in Ruijin, Jiangxi on Nov 7,1931 evening when Tu installed some 32-Volt and many 12-Volt bulbs at the venue (photoed in 2000). The gasoline generator was in a cellar. Ack.: Red Army’s Ear, Eye and Nerve, Page39, ISBN 7-80023-241-7K265 列宁说“共产主义就是苏维埃加电气化.”1931年11月7日晚,中华苏维埃共和国在瑞金的这座祠堂前成立.涂作潮安装会场电灯.除几盏32伏较大一点的灯泡外,还装了好几串12伏的小灯泡.汽油发电机在会场下面的地窖里。《红军的耳目与神经》39页,ISBN7-80023-241-7K 都是小一 0019310600001 瑞金革命纪念馆2008年展示的红军通信材料处和通信材料厂。涂作潮自己的回忆是,1931年11月任材料处主任, 1932年5月任厂长,材料厂先后三任政委是杨升山,胡祥林和朱邦英。照片提供人:张克宁博士,联合国海底管理局副局长. Ruijin CPC Museum in 2008 shows Radio Material Section and later Radio Material Works. Tu said he was Section head in Nov 1931 and Works director since May 1932. The Works’ political commissars were Yang Shengshan, Hu Xianglin & Zhu Bangying.Photo by Dr Zhang Kening, UN Seabed Bureau deputy director. ?1019311100001 1931年11月到1932年春, 红军通讯材料厂在江西瑞 金叶坪的洋溪村.房东的童 养媳是胡招发.材料厂人员 在墙上画了中间是镰刀铁 锤的五角星,写了红军是工 农的军队和打倒帝国(主义) 的标语.1934年秋国军进村 前,房东覆盖了这些赤化宣 传.1999年胡招发的孙子在 屋里踢球,墙皮脱落…该标 语墙此后成为县文保对象. From Nov, 1931 to spring of 1932, Tu’Radio Works was at home of Hu Zhaofa, then a child daughter in law. Tu’s men drew a CCP star with sickle and hammer in center, wrote slogans of “Red Army Is A Troop for Workers and Peasants,” “Down With Imperialism.” In Autumn 1934, the owner covered the CCP slogans. 65 years later, the cover fell when Hu’s grandson kicked a ball indoor...The slogan wall has Become a relic protection at county level. 1019311100002 2002年1月21日,81岁的胡招发告诉瑞金党史办刘良:“我家楼下楼上各5间.很多红军拉东西过来.担子挑的,独轮车推的,还有马驮的.都是些铁壳,电线.门口摆了一大堆.然后一样样搬到楼上,很小心.平时听不到什么动静.他们很喜欢鸽子,养了很多,但是他们不吃鸽子.”假如鸽子的孤证成立,则涂厂长为电台全部丧失时准备的预案是信鸽.信鸽可能是李种鸽,源自上海李梅林医师 01-21-2002, 81-year-old Ms Hu Zhaofa told Liu Liang, Ruijin CCP History Office Chief: “Many Red Army men carried many iron boxes & wires here, by shoulder poles, by wheelbarrows, by horses.They moved them upstairs with care. They were usually quiet.They loved pigeons. They raised lots of them. But they never ate pigeons. The pigeon story suggests a possible standby arranged by Tu for radio loss, and a possible source of pigeons: Dr. Li in Shanghai. 1019311100003 胡招发家内景.1932年初在此建立军委通讯材料厂(中央无线电材料厂).1932年4月红军攻打漳州时缴获的部分电讯器材也在此装配成电台,由中革军委分派到各红军部队。 Inside HU Zhaofa’s home. Red Army Radio Material Works had also made here radios by parts captured during Red Army attack on Zhangzhou, Fujian in April 1932. 1019311100004 1931到1934年 间江西苏区时代 的手摇发电机.实 物现在瑞金收展. Hand-driven generator for Red Army in Jiangxi Base Area from 1931 to 1934. It is now exhibited in Ruijin where pro- totype of People’s Republic of China was founded. 1019311100005 瑞金,马荠塘,中华苏维埃共和国的中央电话局旧址。留用的某俘虏兵仗着有技术,刁难几乎是文盲的红军电话兵,左权参谋长让涂作潮摆平了。涂作潮还向他的学生示范道:如果窃听电话,根本不用接线,只要把接收机的音频放大器贴近电话线就够了。 Central Phone Bureau of China Soviet Republic in Ruijin. A POW good at phone who was kept for Red Army fooled Red Army soldiers. General Staff Chief Zuo Quan asked Tu to settle down. Tu also demons- trated to his trainees: No need to physically connect. Audio amplifier of any receiver, when close enough to phone line, would be able to bug. 1019311100006 1931年末涂作潮用地下党送来的零件为赣东北红军组装一部电台,宁都起义报务员余亚鲁前往履职.1935年赣东北根据地失陷.领导人方志敏(中,赣弋阳,1900-1935,1922团,1923党)刘畴西(左,湘长沙,1897-1935, 1920团, 1922党,黄埔一期),王如痴(湘祁东, 1903-1935, 1926党,就读中山大学和莫斯科陆军大学)8月6 日刑前照片. Tu made a radio by parts sent from CPC underground end 1931 for Northeast Jiangxi Base Area. Ningdu Uprise radioman Yu Yalu went there. In 1935 the base area lost. Leaders Fang Zhimin (mid, 1900-1935, CY 1922, CP 1923), Liu Chouxi (left, 1897-1935, CY 1920, CP 1922) and Wang Ruchi (1903-1935, CP 1926) photoed before execution on 6 Aug. 1019311100303 Gasoline generator main- tained by Tu and his fellows till Oct, 1934 when it was carried by Zhong Qihan and his fellows for Long March from Jiangxi base area to north Shaanxi. Exhibited at Military Museum, Beijing. 汽油发电机,1934年10月长征前涂作潮等维修过的,后由钟其汉等从江西一直扛到陕北,现展北京中国人民革命军事博物馆。 0019320114001 32年1月14日共产国际莱利报告: “30年到31年之间,黄平编制了两套密码并参与领导特四科;在上海,两部250瓦电台分别和江西与莫斯科联系;为减小目标,发射功率降到类似业余电台的50瓦.”涂在1930年建议:减少发射功率,用加强接收灵敏度来补偿. Comintern 14 Jan 1932 report:From 1930 to 31,Huang Ping made 2 code books & led Teke’s liaison work. In Shanghai CPC had a 250W radio for Jiangxi Red Army & another 250W for Moscow. To be much safer, 250W must be reduced to 50W similar to a ham radio output. Back in 1930 Tu’d suggested much lower output power & much higher receiving sensitivity. 0019320100001 1931年11月涂作潮任军委通讯材料处主任,后任军委通讯材料厂厂长.该厂1932年初在瑞金叶坪洋溪村:砖木结构四合院,座北朝南.南连民房,部分倒塌;西为村路,东连小祠堂,北面是水塘.该处离军委约千米,离马克思共产主义学校和无线电训练班各约百米. In early 1932 Red Army Radio Material Works was at Yangxi Village,Yeping Township,Ruijin. This brick-wood house joins other homes in south,with a pond in north. Village road is west and a small family shrine east. It was 1 Km from CPC Central Military Commission and 100 m from both Marx-Communism School and Radio Training School. 00193210 1928年2月,国民党中央组织部成立了党务调查科,陈立夫负责,中统由此开始。1932年10月中统汇编了135页的《赤匪概况》,涵盖所有红色根据地。这是第和第页登载的各根据地红军电台和兵工厂的情况。中统特务没有搞到的情报是,1931年11月,江西中央苏区已经建立了兼做手榴弹等的无线电材料厂;此前仅江西中央红军至少俘获了两部半电台。中统特务没搞清的是,宁都起义带过来的是8部,而非4部电台。 1019330000001 2002年1月10日86岁的谢 绍宣在瑞金坪山冈中央通讯 学校前和调查者刘良合影.谢 老当日回忆:“1933年割禾边 子时,这里建立了中央通讯学 校.很多教室不让我去.最东头 的大房间是个象搞实验的教 室.有十几个人在捣弄电线什 么的.后来与他们聊天,才知道 是专门学电台修理的.这年秋 天,我到了他们那里负责买菜, 做饭,时间有好几个月.” On 10 Jan 2002, XIE Shao- Xuan photoed with LIU Liang,investor,in front of Red Army or Central Telecommu- nication School.XIE was born in 1916. In 1933 he noticed classrooms were scattered and many of them wouldn’t let him in. He noticed the east most classroom was like a lab with wires. He later learnt some dozen people there were learning to repair radio. Since autumn 1933 XIE had been buying food & cooking for the School for a few months. 0019320300001 1932年春,军委通讯材料厂迁时名胜利县的于都县城北40公里的银坑镇平安寨(后年丰村老屋组)的卜尧祠。当年看祠堂的是寡妇钟氏带三个儿女。其中10岁的谢应员在1999年5月20日回忆:“天井里的机器,用麻绳缠在轮子上,使劲一拉就突突响起来。我不敢过去。母亲事先告诫过,不要靠前,那东西弄不好会咬人。”卜尧祠拍摄时仅存正厅。 In spring 1932, Radio Material Works moved to Buyaoci Shrine, Ping’an Vi- llage(now Laowu Group,Nianfeng Vi- llage),Yin- keng Township, 40 Km north of Victory(now Yudu)County.Photoed on 20 May 1999. Only front hall re- mained. That day, XIE Yingyuan, son of then shrine keeper, recalled taht a machine in shrine’d make noise after a pull of a rope:“Mother cautioned me not to be closer. It would bite if offended.” 0019320300002 材料厂的机械设备设在卜 尧祠天井.天线架在天井 房顶. 当年于北区政治保 卫特派员谢荣民在去世前 几天记得自己当年见过卜 尧祠天井内的小机床和发 动机.1932年夏,材料厂搬 回瑞金后,卜尧祠驻扎过 红军炮队和医院.本照片 亦由瑞金市党史办公室摄 于1999年5月20日. The Works’ placed ma- chines in Puyaoci Shrine countryyard and antenna on countryyard roof. Before he died few days after interview on 19 May 1999, XIE Rongmin re- called that he’d seen a small lathe and a motor in shrine countryyard. In summer 1932 when the Works moved back to Ruijin, Buyaoci Shrine facilitated Red Army artilery team & hospital. Photo also by Ruijin City CPC History Office on 20 May 1999. 0019320300003 通讯材料厂使用卜尧祠后竹篙山的大山洞。照片是洞口。中央军委后方办事处也在这个山洞里存放了大量的军用物资。毛泽东此前视察过该山洞,对当时于北区政治保卫特派员谢荣民说:“这个石洞很好。要保护好。” The Works used this big cave at Zhugao Hill behind the shrine. This is entrance. CPC Military Commi- ssion Logistic Office stored lots of materials in the cave. MAO Zedong inspected this cave and told XIE Rongmin, then a Yubei District Political Protection man, “This is a good cave. Take good care of it.” 0019320300004 洞内20米看洞口的情景.67年后,谢荣民还记得老涂:“精力充沛,湖南口音,有文化,能说会道,会写会画.说话时面色严肃,但是有水平,讲得出很多革命道理,比如苏俄革命,工农联合,列宁思想,世界帝国主义等。他空闲时还喜欢和周围群众拉呱,逗小孩玩。他住在祠堂右边的厢房里…桌上放一些书,有的还象是洋文书。我去过他的屋子里谈过工作。”