Tu Zuochao Exhibition
Tel+86 13901338382
Lt. General Zhu Yaohua, A Hero of Anti-Japanese War 抗战英烈朱耀华将军

Lt. General Zhu Yaohua, A Hero of Anti-Japanese War 
At the end of 1930, the central Red Army led by Zhu De and Mao Zedong captured Lt. General Zhang Huizan (1885-1931, from Dongxiang, Changsha, Hunan Province), former commander of the Nationalist 18th division and commander of the national army, in the first encirclement and suppression campaign. According to the secret agreement between the National government and the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China located in Shanghai, the conditions to redeem Zhang Huizan included the releasing of a number of Communists in prison. All the 54th Brigade under Zhang huizan's command, which had not been wiped out by the Red Army, would surrender to the Red Army, with the exception of officers. Yuan 200,000 in silver dollars. A number of loads of Western medicine and salt, also under the Nationalist blockade. Agnes Smedley recorded some of these conditions in her book entitled The Great Road—Chu Teh and His Time. On February 7, 1931, Tu Zuochao, the representative of the CCP Central Committee (from Dongxiang, Changsha, Hunan), Li Xiangwu, the representative of the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army, and Huang Xingyi, the representative of the Nationalist government, flew from Shanghai to Nanchang by a seaplane. But Zhang Huizan had been executed on January 28. Huang Xingyi designed to let Tu Zuoshao and Li Xiangwu off. Wei Chaopeng, a volunteer of Qing-Hong Gang, rescued and escorted Tu Zuochao and Li Xiangwu back to Shanghai in end February or beginning of March, 1931. Zhu Yaohua (1888-1952, from Dongxiang, Changsha, Hunan) was promoted to the post of commander of the 18th division. In October, 1937, in the battle of defending Dachang, Shanghai, there was no ammunition and food left. Lt. General Zhu decided to kill himself so to die for China. At the moment of his pulling the trigger, his guard rushed to his rescue. The bullet penetrated his right chest and also injured his right arm. Shanghai Paulun hospital was run by Germany, Japan's ally. The German hospital director exerted his utmost to have Lt. General Zhu saved. Lt. General Zhu continued the war of resistance against Japan. After the civil war broke out in 1946, he retired and lived in seclusion in his Dongxiang countryside. After the liberation of the whole country, Mr. Zhu declined to be a member of the CPPCC, saying that although one servant didn’t serve two masters, he would never oppose the people's government. In 1952, Zhu was executed for encircling and suppressing the Red Army in the 1930s. Up to now, Lt. General Zhu Yaohua has not been paid respect to at any Anti-Japanese War museums in China, except at Tu Zuochao Exhibition, nor at the Memorial Hall of Martyrs in Taiwan, which is also dedicated to General Zhang Zizhong, General Tong linge, Lt. General Dai Anlan and other martyrs of the Anti Japanese War. In the attached photo taken in Changsha in February 2014, the sight of Zhu Ningqi, daughter of this patriotic hero, was full of expectation, which one can’t bear to see.

1930年底,朱毛红军在第一次反围剿中俘虏了国军前敌总指挥、18师师长张辉瓒(1885-1931,湖南长沙东乡人)中将。国民政府和中共中央秘密协议,救赎张辉瓒的条件是:释放一批共产党人;未被红军歼灭的张辉瓒部54旅全体投降红军,军官除外,20万元现洋,西药若干担,咸盐若干担。 史沫特莱在《伟大的道路—朱德和他的时代》就此有所记叙。 中共中央代表涂作潮(湖南长沙东乡人),中国工农红军代表李翔梧,随国民政府代表黄性一1931年2月7日乘水上飞机从上海赶赴南昌,无奈张辉瓒1月28日已遭处决。黄性一设计放走了涂作潮和李翔梧。青红帮义士魏朝鹏搭救并护送涂作潮和李翔梧回到上海。 朱耀华(1888-1952,湖南长沙东乡人)后升任18师中将师长。1937年上海大场保卫战中,弹尽粮绝,朱师长自戕殉国,扣动扳机刹那,卫兵扑救,子弹洞穿右胸,伤残右臂。上海宝隆医院为日本的盟国德国人开设。德国院长感念朱师长英烈报国,尽全力救活。朱师长伤愈后继续抗战。内战爆发后他即退役,隐居乡里。全国解放后,朱师长婉拒出山担任政协委员,表示虽然一仆不司二主,但是绝不反对人民政府。1952年镇反中,朱师长因1930年代围剿过红军而遭处决。 截止目前尚未能祭奠在大陆抗战纪念馆的自戕未亡的朱耀华将军也无法进入供奉着张自忠、佟麟阁、戴安澜等抗战英烈的台湾忠烈祠。 涂作潮陈列室展出了朱将军的照片,以及拍摄在2014年拍摄于长沙的这张照片。爱国将领朱耀华的千金、八旬老人朱宁琦期许、盼望的眼光让人不忍直视。
nsung Heroes